10 Best Archetypes Podcasts
Archetypes Podcasts
Here are 10 Best Archetypes Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Drafting Archetypes
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Drafting Archetypes was created to find the most efficient way to help players improve at limited. Sam Black strives to provide concise, actionable suggestions for your next draft, grounded in clearly explained principles to help grow your theoretical foundations for limited.MORE Producer/Network Drafting Archetypes
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 509Twitter 1.2K Frequency 4 ep/month Avg Length 35 min Video Podcast YouTube
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2. Goddess Archetype Code
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You are listening to the Goddess Archetype Code. with me, your host, Erica Randolph. an intuitive guide and licensed trauma therapist who uses myth, music, and meditation to support your emotional healing. In this podcast, we uncover truths about emotional healing and life struggles through metaphors and teachings from myths, stories, and fairy tales. We take deep dives into Shadow work and explore the Heroine's Journey. We uncover what has purpose and meaning for you through archetypes.MORE Host Erica Randolph
Producer/Network ericarandolph
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Frequency 1 ep/quarter Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact
3. The Archetypal Tarot Podcast
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The Archetypal Tarot Podcast explores the universal human patterns of the archetypes of the Tarot uncovering provacative mythology for the 21st century
Hosts Cyndera Quakenbush, Julienne Givot
Producer/Network Julienne Givot and Cyndera Quakenbush
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 423Twitter 766Instagram 705 Frequency 2 ep/quarter Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
4. Archetypal Mosaic with Mikhail Tank
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Award-winning radio host, Mikhail Tank (KPFK) invites you to enjoy provocative conversations on the subjects of Culture, the Arts, Psychology, and altogether deep conversations. Previous guests have included royalty, Grammy-nominated singers, top-selling and helpful psychologists, television stars, top-tier astrologers, religious and spiritual leaders, authors, and artists.MORE Producer/Network Mikhail Tank
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter 6.3KInstagram 2.8K Frequency 2 ep/quarter Avg Length 20 min Get Email Contact
5. The Daily Archetype
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The Daily Archetype value sharing community, is a group focused on transformative thinking. We share the quest of life to uncover what motivates us, and what we might not realize holds us back. Isaac J. Miller will discuss philosophy, psychology, and deeper ideas of why we do what we do, and explore paths to improve our thinking.MORE Producer/Network Isaac J. Miller
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 231Instagram 492 Frequency 1 ep/year Avg Length 104 min Get Email Contact
6. Walking with the Archetypes
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Join Reclaim your Inner Throne founder Eivind F. Skjellum on his walks in nature, where he takes you into a world of myth, current world events, and masculinity. An authority on the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover archetypes, Eivind takes esoteric ideas and translates them for you to grounded daily Lessons on Life, Love & Leadership.MORE Producer/Network Eivind Figenschau Skjellum
Email ****@inner-throne.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Get Email Contact
7. Brand Archetypes
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Website Apple
Do you watch your competitors crush their marketing and wonder how they're doing it? Do you feel like you're always chasing them and are never the leader? Discover how to kick your competitors to the curb through the innovative concept of Brand Archetypes.MORE Producer/Network Kevin Skarritt & Amy Zander
Email ****@flockmarketing.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 168Twitter 4 Get Email Contact
Archetypes shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Erica Randolph | goddessarchetypecode.podbean.com | 1 | |||
Cyndera Quakenbush | archetypaltarot.podbean.com | 1 | |||
Julienne Givot | archetypaltarot.podbean.com | 1 | |||
Drafting Archetypes | constructedcriticism.com/podcasts/drafting-archetypes-episode-158-graveyard-decks | 55 | @CCMTG | ||
Mikhail Tank | mikhailtank.libsyn.com/a-change-of-seats-interview-depth-psychologist-and-astrologer-mary-ann-bencivengo-interviews-mikhail-tank-via-tanks-archetypal-mosaic-we-discuss-the-depth-of-art-creativity-and-psyche | 28 | @@mikhailtank | 6.3K | |
Eivind Figenschau Skjellum | share.transistor.fm/s/626c7643 | 20 | |||
Kevin Skarritt & Amy Zander | brandarchetypes.com/episode-65-marketing-the-artist-archetype/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=episode-65-marketing-the-artist-archetype | 12 | @brandarchetypes | 4 | |
Isaac J. Miller | buzzsprout.com/1231739/9059234-the-story-of-isaac-miller-seeking-simple-wisdom-in-complexity.mp3 | 7 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Adrian Courage | buzzsprout.com/1231739/10966408-76-dualism-of-adrian-courage-part-2-tree-of-life-and-death-miniature-by-berthold-furtmeyer.mp3 | 3 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Robert A. Johnson | buzzsprout.com/1231739/9758785-we-understanding-the-psychology-of-romantic-love-by-the-great-robert-a-johnson-bonus-release.mp3 | 3 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Dr. Ronald Cicurel | buzzsprout.com/1231739/9925814-72-dr-ronald-cicurel-reality-is-unique-to-man-an-introduction-to-brain-centric-how-the-mental-space-builds-our-realities.mp3 | 2 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Connor Derting | buzzsprout.com/1231739/10651411-74-connor-e-derting-kiroh-and-the-creative-process-does-the-creative-force-get-us-or-we-get-it.mp3 | 2 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Josh Barrow / Goncalo Cartaxana / Isaac J Miller | buzzsprout.com/1231739/10476399-73-discussion-of-sapiens-part-3-the-unification-of-humankind-with-josh-barrow-and-goncalo-cartaxana.mp3 | 2 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Mccall Jones | buzzsprout.com/1231739/11329660-77-mccall-jones-and-the-ongoing-ideological-battle.mp3 | 2 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Matt Laslo | pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/1231739/8149762-51-matt-laslo-helps-untangle-what-is-conservatism-and-liberalism.mp3 | 1 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Boonn Hem | pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/1231739/7570453-43-the-trumpian-shadow-with-boonn-hem.mp3 | 1 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Dr. Eric Cheung | pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/1231739/6102037-22-dr-eric-cheung-on-how-to-not-go-crazy-in-crazy-times.mp3 | 1 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Adrian Courage | pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/1231739/5814559-adrian-courage-discusses-herd-immunity-denial-of-individual-reality-the-age-of-collective-denial-episode-18.mp3 | 1 | @dailyarchetype | 231 | |
Isaac J. Miller / Josh Barrow | buzzsprout.com/1231739/9053849-65-baryogenesis-with-experimental-particle-physicist-josh-barrow-on-clubhouse-quantum-photonics.mp3 | 1 | @dailyarchetype | 231 |