30 Best Berlin Podcasts
Berlin Podcasts
Here are 30 Best Berlin Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Im Visier Verbrecherjagd in Berlin und Brandenburg
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Verbrechen, die Jahre später noch Fragen offenlassen: Uwe Madel nimmt sich im rbb-Crime-Podcast 'Im Visier' Kriminalfälle aus Berlin und Brandenburg vor, die heute noch unter die Haut gehen.MORE Hosts Teresa Sicket, Be a Madel
Producer/Network rbb 24 (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg)
Email ****@rbb-online.de
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 164.4KTwitter 158KInstagram 269.4K Frequency 11 ep/year Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Tatort Berlin
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Katja Füchsel und Sebastian Leber vom Tagesspiegel verraten euch in ihrem True-Crime-Podcast die spannendsten Geheimnisse hinter den wahren Krimis der Berliner Justiz.
Host Katja Füchsel
Producer/Network Tagesspiegel
Email ****@tagesspiegel.de
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 209.4KTwitter 517.5KInstagram 209.1K Frequency 11 ep/year Avg Length 36 min Get Email Contact
3. Radio Spaetkauf Berlin
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Radio Spaetkauf is Berlin's English-language podcast, keeping international residents informed about local politics, public transport, urban development, culture, bicycles, and bars.
Hosts Izzy Choksey, Jöran Mandik, Joel Dullroy, Daniel Stern
Producer/Network Radio Spaetkauf Berlin
Email ****@radiospaetkauf.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 1.8KTwitter 1.3KInstagram 842 Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 65 min Video Podcast YouTube
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4. Lucidflow.de - The Lucid Podcast
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Deep electronic music from Berlin
Hosts Nadja Lind, Helmut Ebritsch
Producer/Network Lucidflow-Records.com - Lucidflow Radio
Email ****@lucidflow.de
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 11.2K Frequency 2 ep/month Avg Length 64 min Get Email Contact
5. Eine Runde Berlin der Ringbahn-Podcast
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27 Stationen, ein prominenter Gast, eine Runde Ringbahn: Jeden Monat interviewt Ann-Kathrin Hipp vom Tagesspiegel Checkpoint Berliner Persönlichkeiten in der S-Bahn, dem Mikrokosmos auf Schienen.MORE Host Ann-Kathrin Hipp
Producer/Network Tagesspiegel
Email ****@tagesspiegel.de
Apple Rating 3.7/5Facebook 209.4KTwitter 8.7KInstagram 15.3K Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 59 min Get Email Contact
6. Kunst in Berlin
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In unserem Podcast Kunst in Berlin spricht Thomas Köhler, Direktor der Berlinischen Galerie, mit Künstlerinnen und Kuratorinnen, die in Berlin leben und arbeiten. Wir widmen uns zeitgenössischen künstlerischen Positionen in Architektur, Bildender Kunst, Fotografie oder Grafik, und sprechen über das Leben und Arbeiten als Künstler in in der Kunststadt Berlin und die Arbeit in einem Museum.MORE Host Thomas Köhler
Producer/Network Berlinische Galerie
Email ****@berlinischegalerie.de
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 34.8KTwitter 3.5KInstagram 93K Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 29 min Get Email Contact
7. GAY OVER Mein schwules Tagebuch aus Berlin
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Jeden Sonntag 18 Uhr Mein schwules Tagebuch aus Berlin über die Suche nach der Liebe mit 44 Jahren und das Älterwerden in der Regenbogen-Bubble. 100% uncut. Feat. #Pärchengeflüster und #Gaytroffen. Aufrichtig, ehrlich und geradeaus. Mehr ECHT geht nicht! Schon jetzt mehr als 84.000 Wiedergaben! Hören wir uns gleich? Einen dicken Knutscher aus der Hauptstadt, Grey YoungMORE Host Grey Young
Producer/Network Grey Young
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 242 Frequency 3 ep/month Avg Length 71 min Get Email Contact
8. Kultur
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Der Wegweiser durch die weite Kulturlandschaft von Berlin und Brandenburg: Premieren- und Konzertkritiken, Film- und Musiktipps, Rundgänge durch aktuelle Ausstellungen.
Producer/Network ARD Audiothek Highlights
Email ****@rbb-online.de
Twitter 54.1K Frequency 3 ep/day Avg Length 5 min Get Email Contact
9. Berlin Security Beat
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Want to listen to the scientists? Here's your chance! The 'Berlin Security Beat' features top political scientists unpacking international security issues that made the news. Each episode a 'guest scholar' breaks down their research for a fresh perspective on current events.MORE Producer/Network David Backovsky, Centre for International Security at the Hertie School
Email ****@hertie-school.org
Apple Rating 5/5 Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 30 min Get Email Contact
10. Grobmann und Pieper
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Grobmann und Pieper ist eine Krimiserie. Jeder Fall ist zwischen 90 und 120 Minuten lang. Die Berliner Kommissare ermitteln gemeinsam mit der Gerichtsmedizinerin Dr. Nagel in besonders brisanten Mordfällen. Dabei geraten sie immer wieder in ihnen fremde Milieus. Diese Subkulturen sind zwar Teil der Stadt, Grobmann und Pieper aber unbekannt. Von ihren Ermittlungen, ihren Entdeckungen und ihren Problemen erzählen die Kriminalberichte.MORE Hosts Sascha Friesike, Joel El-Qalqili
Producer/Network Joel El-Qalqili und Sascha Friesike
Email ****@hiig.de
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 139 Video Podcast YouTube
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11. Checkpoint
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Der Podcast für Berlin-Kenner und alle, die es werden wollen. Jeden Freitag sprechen Ann-Kathrin Hipp, Lorenz Maroldt und Anke Myrrhe vom Tagesspiegel im Checkpoint („Berliner & Pfannkuchen') über ein Thema, das die Hauptstadt gerade politisch bewegt.MORE Hosts Ann-Kathrin Hipp, Lorenz Maroldt, Anke Myrrhe
Producer/Network Tagesspiegel
Email ****@tagesspiegel.de
Facebook 209.4KTwitter 8.7KInstagram 15.3K Frequency 2 ep/week Avg Length 32 min Get Email Contact
12. Everyone Is Moving To Berlin
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If you're looking to move to Berlin (or just moved here), then this podcast is for you. We're here to provide personal insight on everything you need to know in order to move to Germany's pulsating capital. Through each episode, we tackle topics that will help you make your journey to Berlin easy and enjoyable. Already living in Berlin? Then you might appreciate hearing the tips, advice and personal stories of others who've decided to call Berlin their new home.MORE Hosts Manuel Salmann, Jae (Justin) Staten
Producer/Network Manuel Salmann & Jae Staten
Email ****@gmail.com
Frequency 2 ep/month Avg Length 41 min Get Email Contact
13. Jenseits der Unterhaltung
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Kunst, Liebe und Solidaritaet ist das Beste!
Producer/Network info@artdisc.org (Redaktion)
Email ****@artdisc.org
Frequency 2 ep/month Get Email Contact
14. Berlin Briefing
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We curate local news stories from Berlin (mostly reported in German) every weekday morning and report them back in a succinct five to ten minute summary. In English.
Producer/Network Abby Ross Menacher, Albert Menacher
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 863Twitter 2.5K Frequency 3 ep/week Avg Length 7 min Get Email Contact
15. Charlotte In Berlin
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Welcome to Charlotte in Berlin, where girl (Charlotte Thiel) meets world (Berlin). Allow me to guide you through Berlin while I reflect on the culture, navigate the infamous Quarter-Life Crisis, learn more about a new city and, above all, reaffirm that we do, in fact, live in a society.Cover art by Charlie Rogers, edited by Charlotte ThielMORE Apple Rating 4.7/5 Frequency 3 ep/month Avg Length 59 min Get Email Contact
16. Adults ONLY Comedy Berlin
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Comedian Anna Beros talks all things 'adults only' with comedians in Berlin. Famous for debauchery and not yet famous for continental Europe's biggest English language standup scene, Berlin has a lot of sex and a lot of comedy. Subscribe to hear sex positive and brutally honest chats with funny people.MORE Producer/Network Anna Beros
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Frequency 3 ep/month Avg Length 59 min Get Email Contact
17. What's The Mate?
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What's The Mate is a completely improvised show where a rotating cast of improvisers turns the wacky Berlin tales into long-form hilarity! Join Julia Joubert and her incredibly funny guests for an improv experience unlike any other - it's so BerlinMORE Producer/Network Bear Radio
Email ****@bearradio.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 627Instagram 982 Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 48 min Get Email Contact
18. Inspired In Berlin
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Inspired in Berlin is a podcast, a community, and a platform where we invite inspiring people to share their ideas and stories. We are inspired by a growth mindset used creatively to make life better for the people and the planet. Although the hosts were originally inspired in Berlin, this podcast is for everyone, everywhere! Hope it is as inspiring for you, as it has been for us!MORE Email ****@inspiredinberlin.com
Frequency 2 ep/month Avg Length 80 min Get Email Contact
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Dear listeners, the story my friends and I will tell is not just about a city, it is about all things one story, one city changed the world.
Host Joselyn Palma
Producer/Network Joselyn Palma
Apple Rating 2/5 Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact
20. Expat Horror Stories
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The Expat Horror Stories podcast, hosted by Cat Rickman, explores what it's really like to uproot your life and move to a new country. In the podcast's first season, Cat interviews expats currently living in Berlin, Germany, about the language flubs, cultural faux pas, and bureaucratic hellscapes that they have experienced in their adopted country. Along the way, they showcase the resilience of immigrants, our inspirational potential for growth and cultural exchange, and the ability to have a sense of humor about some of the most challenging elements of the expat experience.MORE Host Cat Rickman
Email ****@gmail.com
Instagram 94 Frequency 11 ep/year Avg Length 50 min Get Email Contact
21. Fluctua Records
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Fluctua Records is an independent record label from Berlin (Germany). In this podcast, we are going to share interviews with people from the music industry, artists, and musicians from Berlin and around the world. We will try to learn more about the business side of music as well as the creative side. Join our podcast if you want to know more about this topic!MORE Email ****@fluctuarecords.com
Facebook 193Twitter 37Instagram 1.1K Frequency 2 ep/month Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact
22. The Bright Magic Podcast
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The Bright Magic Podcast is the official companion series to the new album Bright Magic from Public Service Broadcasting. Across six episodes, released weekly from 5 October, J Wilgoose Esq and writer Rory MacLean take us on a journey through Berlin, the city that inspired the album, touching upon its history, its inhabitants, and the artworks created there.MORE Producer/Network Public Service Broadcasting
Email ****@publicservicebroadcasting.net
Facebook 81.5KInstagram 26.5K Frequency 2 ep/week Avg Length 41 min Get Email Contact
23. Berlin Wall
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We will address the History of The Berlin Wall, If you want to know more about it, you should listen to this podcast.
Producer/Network Cinthya
Apple Rating 1/5 Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact
24. Queer As Berlin
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Queer as Berlin ist der Diversity Podcast aus der Hauptstadt, der interessante Gäste und Themen präsentiert. (Sub-) Kultur, Politik, Unterhaltung, Musik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft alles aus der Diversity Perspektive kann hier Thema sein. In Deutschland leben ca. 8-10 Millionen schwule, lesben und diverse Menschen (LGBT), davon allein 400 000 in Berlin. Dabei soll es durchaus auch um Themen gehen, die über den BerlinerTellerrand hinaus interessant sind.MORE Producer/Network © Michael Meyer - PODCAST EINS
Email ****@podcast-eins.de
Instagram 3K Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 44 min Get Email Contact
25. URSA
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URSA is a monthly audio storytelling magazine, created and edited by our brilliant team of international journalists. Produced in the gritty capital of Berlin, each installment features food and culture experts who will give you the lowdown on what's hot and happening in the city. Using this cultural hub as our core we expand to the greater European continent and feature news and remarkable editorials that will inspire intrigue and connect us to each other.Our constellation of URSA stories brings Berlin to Europe and Europe to Berlin.MORE Producer/Network Bear Radio
Email ****@bearradio.org
Frequency 2 ep/week Avg Length 34 min Get Email Contact
26. Gesundheit im Dialog
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Die QPK als Organisationseinheit für Qualitätssicherung, Planung und Koordinierung der Abteilung Soziales und Gesundheit des Bezirksamtes Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf informiert regeläßig die Öffentlichkeit und interessierte Fachkräfte über alle Themen des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes.MORE Host Petra Dietel
Frequency 11 ep/year Avg Length 24 min Get Email Contact
27. KopfGeld
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KopfGeld ist ein Podcast der Berliner Sparkasse. Bei uns hörst Du Geldgeschichten von jungen Berlinern, Finanzprofis und Insidern mit Ideen und Fakten zum Thema Finanzen im Alltag. Dabei teilen sie mit uns ihre Erfahrungen und Tricks in Sachen Finanzen bei der Wohnungssuche, Jobentscheidung, erstes Gehalt oder die Studienfinanzierung.MORE Producer/Network Berliner Sparkasse, Audio4Future
Email ****@berliner-sparkasse.de
Frequency 8 ep/year Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
28. Stories in Berlin
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Stories in Berlin is a storytelling podcast that delves into the cobbled streets of Berlin and explores the city's history through anecdotes, personal tales, and experiences of Berliners, old and new. Created by Christina Kyriazidi, the founder of the Story For Food initiative, this podcast tours Berlin to audio collects stories that otherwise would be lost. It includes true stories, in the form of a monologue or staged as radio drama, featuring Berlin-based writers, activists, artists and bands, poetry, and songs.MORE Producer/Network Christina Kyriazidi
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 258Twitter 7Instagram 116 Frequency 2 ep/month Avg Length 10 min Since Apr 2019 Get Email Contact
Berlin shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Teresa Sicket | Co Host | rbb24.de/panorama/thema/podcast/imvisier | ||||
Be a Madel | Co Host | rbb24.de/panorama/thema/podcast/imvisier | ||||
Katja Füchsel | Host | tagesspiegel.de/berlin/themen/tatort-berlin | @dieparagraefin | 2K | ||
Izzy Choksey | Co Host | radiospaetkauf.com/category/podcasts | 8 | |||
Jöran Mandik | Co Host | radiospaetkauf.com/category/podcasts | 8 | @joeranman | 55 | |
Joel Dullroy | Co Host | radiospaetkauf.com/category/podcasts | 8 | @joeldullroy | 878 | |
Daniel Stern | Co Host | radiospaetkauf.com/category/podcasts | 8 | @danielandstern | 529 | |
Nadja Lind | Co Host | lucidflow-records.com/category/podcast | 10 | @nadjalind | 577 | |
Helmut Ebritsch | Co Host | lucidflow-records.com/category/podcast | 10 | |||
Ann-Kathrin Hipp | Host | tagesspiegel.de/podcasts/eine-runde-berlin | @ak_hipp | 16.5K | ||
Thomas Köhler | Host | berlinischegalerie.de/podcast/kunst-in-berlin | ||||
Grey Young | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gay-over | ||||
Sascha Friesike | Co Host | grobmannundpieper.de/grobmann-und-pieper-podcast | @friesike | 732 | ||
Joel El-Qalqili | Co Host | grobmannundpieper.de/grobmann-und-pieper-podcast | ||||
Ann-Kathrin Hipp | Co Host | tagesspiegel.de/berlin/themen/checkpoint-podcast | @ak_hipp | 16.5K | ||
Lorenz Maroldt | Co Host | tagesspiegel.de/berlin/themen/checkpoint-podcast | @lorenzmaroldt | 36.1K | ||
Anke Myrrhe | Co Host | tagesspiegel.de/berlin/themen/checkpoint-podcast | @ankeschoen | 4.7K | ||
Manuel Salmann | Co Host | everyone.berlin | 4 | |||
Jae (Justin) Staten | Co Host | everyone.berlin | 4 | |||
Joselyn Palma | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/joselyn-palma | ||||
Cat Rickman | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cat-rickman | ||||
Petra Dietel | Host | g.podigee.io | ||||
Bear Radio | spreaker.com/user/bearradio/wtm-live-podfest-berlin | 72 | ||||
Anna Beros | afberos.podbean.com/e/136is-kink-overcompensation-with-luana-matei | 38 | ||||
Balach Hussain | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/inspiredinberlin/episodes/e11-Trust--Responsibility--Behavior-Change--and-Positive-Psychology-with-Claus-Hoefele-e1fmdqt | 37 | ||||
© Michael Meyer - Podcast Eins | shows.acast.com/queerasberlin/episodes/episode26-zugastdiesprachwissenschaftlerinlannhornscheidt | 20 | ||||
Christina Kyriazidi | storiesinberlin.podbean.com/e/29-the-man-without-a-face-and-his-romeo-spies-trailer | 20 | @StoriesinBerli1 | |||
Eiliyas | anchor.fm/mixtapemenage/episodes/Mixtape-Menage-Colloboh-e1rl3a6 | 20 | @mixtapemenage | 93 | ||
Abby Ross Menacher, Albert Menacher | berlinbriefing.podigee.io/2288-30-05-2023 | 20 | @berlinbriefing | 2.5K | ||
Berliner Sparkasse, Audio4future | kopfgeld.podigee.io/2-wohnungssuche-wg-leben-und-finanzplan | 18 | ||||
Charlotte Thiel | charlotteinberlin.podbean.com/e/the-start-of-something-new | 18 | ||||
Fluctua Records | anchor.fm/fluctua-records/episodes/0---Trailer-e1eo8a7 | 8 | @fluctuarecords | 37 | ||
Public Service Broadcasting | audioboom.com/posts/7951164 | 7 | ||||
Cinthya | anchor.fm/cinthya164/episodes/Berlin-Wall-ehdtku | 2 | ||||
Kopfgeld | kopfgeld.podigee.io/15-ultimative-spartipps-so-fuhlt-sich-sparen-gut-an | 2 |