15 Best Canada Nonprofit Podcasts
Canada Nonprofit Podcasts
Here are 15 Best Canada Nonprofit Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. The Small Nonprofit
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You are going to change the world. We can help. Running a small nonprofit is not for the faint of heart. With limited resources and fueled by a combination of caffeine and passion, small charity leaders are unsung heroes. The Small Nonprofit podcast, by The Good Partnership, gives you down-to-earth, practical and actionable expert guidance on how to run a small nonprofit. From leadership and law to fundraising and finance, we've got you covered.MORE Producer/Network Further Together
Email ****@thegoodpartnership.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 867Twitter 760 Avg Length 32 min Since Sep 2018 Video Podcast YouTube
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2. CharityVillage Connects
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Welcome to CharityVillage Connects a 12 episode series that highlights topics vital to the nonprofit sector in Canada. CharityVillage is a resource to over 170,000 charitable and nonprofit organizations in Canada. This series, hosted by President Mary Barroll, will provide in-depth conversations with experts in the nonprofit sector. We'll examine diversity, equity and inclusion, innovations in fundraising, the gap in female representation in leadership and many other subjects crucial to the growth and development of charities throughout Canada.MORE Producer/Network CharityVillage
Email ****@charityvillage.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 10.8KTwitter 36.5KInstagram 4.9K Avg Length 38 min Get Email Contact
3. The Pulse
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The Pulse is a podcast discussing issues impacting the disability community across Canada on AMI-audio. Host Joeita Gupta, who is blind, also works full-time at a nonprofit in Toronto, specializing in housing/tenant rights.MORE Host Joeita Gupta
Producer/Network Accessible Media Inc.
Email ****@ami.ca
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 41KTwitter 12.8KInstagram 7.7K Avg Length 29 min Get Email Contact
4. Five Good Ideas Podcast
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The Five Good Ideas podcast airs some of the best sessions of Maytree's popular lunch-and-learn program.For each session of Five Good Ideas, an expert from the non-profit or corporate sector shares five practical ideas on a key management issue facing non-profit organizations today.MORE Producer/Network Maytree Foundation
Email ****@maytree.com
Facebook 1.9KTwitter 15.9K Avg Length 45 min Since Jan 2019 Get Email Contact
5. Charity Coffee Chats
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Crystal Zens and Tim Bennett have both spent most of their careers working in the nonprofit sector in Canada. While the Rocky Mountains may separate them they have found every opportunity to collaborate and now want to sit down every couple of weeks to talk about the highs and lows of living the NonProfitLife. Over a cup of coffee Crystal and Tim will share their thoughts, ideas and suggestions and will seek out other non profit professionals to join the conversation!MORE Hosts Tim Bennett, Crystal Zens
Producer/Network Tim Bennett
Email ****@gmail.com
Instagram 75 Avg Length 37 min Get Email Contact
6. Let's Imagine
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'Let's Imagine' is a podcast series that invites listeners to explore topics and issues that matter to those who care about the nonprofit sector. Listen in as we explore a diverse range of topics such as policy priorities, decent work, social finance, the rise of trust-based philanthropy and more. Join us, and together, Let's Imagine a stronger future.MORE Host Bruce MacDonald
Producer/Network Imagine Canada
Email ****@imaginecanada.ca
Avg Length 30 min Get Email Contact
7. BrainTrust Philanthropy Podcast
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Welcome to BrainTrust Philanthropy Powered by ViTreo! Bringing you free flowing conversations with top leaders in fundraising, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector so that you can become a bolder leader, build better relationships, and raise more money for your organization. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as we share ideas that will transform your nonprofit.MORE Producer/Network ViTreo
Email ****@vitreogroup.ca
Apple Rating 3.5/5Facebook 298Twitter 917 Avg Length 57 min Get Email Contact
8. Pollinating Purpose
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Pollinating Purpose is a show from Pillar Nonprofit Network all about supporting organizations who seek to create social impact through their work. Whether nonprofit, for-profit, or grassroots organizations, listeners will learn key considerations to building or growing their own social purpose businesses in a long-term and sustainable way. Alongside this learning, they will have the opportunity to listen to guests share stories of doing similar work in their own communities; the sticky spots, the highlights.MORE Producer/Network Pillar Nonprofit Network, Mariam Waliji
Email ****@pillarnonprofit.ca
Facebook 4.2KTwitter 9.3K Avg Length 35 min Get Email Contact
9. Alopecia's Audacity Podcast
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The podcast is hosted by the Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation (CANAAF), a nonprofit that aims to raise awareness and provide support to individuals who are affected by alopecia by sharing stories, experiences, and information from experts in the field. Join co-hosts and alopecia advocates, Christal Malcolm, Lauryn Harrison, and Sara Teskey as they delve into the complexities of living with hair loss and explore what it means to defy the audacity of alopecia.MORE Hosts Lauryn Harrison, Christal Malcolm, Sara Teskey
Producer/Network Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation (CANAAF)
Email ****@yourbaldbestie.com
Facebook 45Instagram 284 Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
10. Inter-Council Network (ICN) | Le Réseau de coordination des conseils (RCC)
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A podcast series by the Inter Council Network that explores the sustainable development goals through those on the ground. Stories and analysis from content and context experts will inspire and inform listeners. You will hear from nonprofits, civil societies, academics, and community leaders.MORE Producer/Network Inter-Council Network | Le Réseau de coordination des conseils (RCC)
Email ****@icn-rcc.ca
Facebook 866Twitter 845 Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
11. IGR's The Third Half presented by Gilbert Rugby Canada
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A new source for discussions and news about inclusive & gay rugby from the world's largest rugby nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of and participation in rugby union for international 2SLGBTQ communityMORE Producer/Network David Cameron Donnachie
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Canada Nonprofit shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | |
Joeita Gupta | Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pulse/id1289703145 | 1 | @joeitagupta | |
Tim Bennett | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/charitycoffeechats | 4 | ||
Crystal Zens | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/charitycoffeechats | 4 | ||
Bruce MacDonald | Host | sites.libsyn.com/457431 | 3 | @macdjb | |
Lauryn Harrison | Co Host | rss.com/podcasts/alopecias-audacity | 1 | ||
Christal Malcolm | Co Host | rss.com/podcasts/alopecias-audacity | 1 | ||
Sara Teskey | Co Host | rss.com/podcasts/alopecias-audacity | 1 | ||
The Good Partnership | buzzsprout.com/208666 | 43 | @goodpartnersinc | ||
Further Together | buzzsprout.com/208666 | 42 | @goodpartnersinc | ||
Maytree Foundation | five-good-ideas-podcast.castos.com | 4 | @maytree_canada | ||
Charity Village | charityvillage.com/learning-centre/podcasts | 1 | @charityvillage |