10 Best Canadian Science Podcasts
Canadian Science Podcasts
Here are 10 Best Canadian Science Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. AsapSCIENCE
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Mitch and Greg of AsapSCIENCE chat about controversial subjects. Then they research and splice in all the mind-blowing science throughout so you are entertained while simultaneously learning. Each week, they dive into a new controversial topic to learn more about themselves and the world around them.MORE Hosts Mitchell Moffit, Gregory Brown
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 2.7MTwitter 678.2KInstagram 611K Avg Length 53 min Since May 2018 Video Podcast YouTube
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2. Quirks and Quarks
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CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks covers the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom... and everything in between.
Host Bob McDonald
Producer/Network CBC Discover & Learn
Email ****@cbc.ca
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 15.3KTwitter 66.7KInstagram 617K Avg Length 55 min Get Email Contact
3. Rebelliously Curious
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UFOs/UAPs, new scientific theories and discoveries, astronomy, space exploration, artificial intelligence, along with future technology and trends are discussed with top experts and scientists. From the scientific mysteries of today, to the innovations and technologies that will set the pace for the world of tomorrow, Rebelliously Curious is a podcast that explores science, technology, and the unexplained in rich, colorful conversations tailored for the passionately inquisitive mind.MORE Host Chrissy Newton
Producer/Network Chrissy Newton
Email ****@thedebrief.org
Apple Rating 4.7/5 Avg Length 58 min Get Email Contact
4. Canada Foundation for Innovation
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Since 1997, the Canada Foundation for Innovation has invested in infrastructure that researchers need to think big, innovate and push the boundaries of knowledge. State-of-the-art research facilities and equipment increase the capability of Canada's universities, colleges, research hospitals and non-profit research organizations to carry out high-quality research. This, in turn, helps them to attract and retain the world's top talent, train the next generation of researchers and support world-class research that strengthens the economy and improves the quality of life for all Canadians.MORE Producer/Network Canada Foundation for Innovation
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 3.4KTwitter 18.9K Avg Length 22 min Get Email Contact
5. Science for the People
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Science for the People is a long-format interview podcast that explores the connections between science, popular culture, history, and public policy, to help listeners understand the evidence and arguments behind what's in the news and on the shelves. Our hosts sit down with science researchers, writers, authors, journalists, and experts to discuss science from the past, the science that affects our lives today, and how science might change our future.MORE Producer/Network Rachelle Saunders, Bethany Brookshire, and Carolyn Wilke
Email ****@scienceforthepeople.ca
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 4.3KTwitter 6K Avg Length 60 min Get Email Contact
6. Behind the Breakthrough
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A podcast about the people behind world-leading research at University Health Network, Canada's largest research hospital.
Host Christian Cote
Producer/Network University Health Network
Email ****@uhn.ca
Apple Rating 4/5Facebook 17KTwitter 51.3KInstagram 6.5K Avg Length 41 min Get Email Contact
7. Let's Gut Real
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Making nutrition science accessible and easy to digest. Andrea Hardy, Canada's Gut Health Dietitian, is on a mission to connect people to credible, up-to-date nutrition information about gut health and digestive disorders. Let's Get Real is all about taking the fear out of nutrition messaging, cultivating critical thinking, and helping you understand nutrition science. Andrea talks with guests about digestive health, the gut microbiome, hot nutrition topics, and nutrition misinformation, sharing messages that are easy to consume and that inspire sustainable action.MORE Producer/Network Andrea Hardy
Email ****@ignitenutrition.ca
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 1.1KInstagram 36.3K Avg Length 34 min Get Email Contact
8. Science 360
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Science Teacher Tim Stephenson, 2018 recipient of the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence, brings you discussions and interviews on all kinds of scientific concepts. It is ideal listening for anyone interested in learning more, from students to adults. And since Tim is an Astronomy Teacher, there will be a lot of space talk!MORE Producer/Network Tim Stephenson
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 133Twitter 1.2K Avg Length 57 min Since Mar 2020 Get Email Contact
9. Marine Mammal Science
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Marine Mammal Science is a podcast hosted by Dr. Chris Parsons who covers some of the latest scientific research on marine mammals including whales and dolphins, polar bears, seals, and sea lions, manatees and dugongs, and sea otters. The podcast is produced by Speak Up For Blue Media on behalf of the Society for Marine Mammalogy and the journal Marine Mammal Science.MORE Host Dr. Ashley Scarlett
Producer/Network The Society for Marine Mammalogy
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5 Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
10. Simply Science
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Simply Science is a collection of podcasts produced by Natural Resources Canada. From green technology to renewable energy from advancements in forestry to geological exploration and mapping we explore topical subjects linked to the development of our natural resources.MORE Producer/Network Natural Resources Canada
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 727Twitter 1.1KInstagram 8.6K Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
Canadian Science shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Mitchell Moffit | Co Host | shows.acast.com/sidenote | @mitchellmoffit | 26.6K | ||
Gregory Brown | Co Host | shows.acast.com/sidenote | @whalewatchmeplz | |||
Bob McDonald | Host | cbc.ca/radio/quirks | 28 | |||
Chrissy Newton | Host | sites.libsyn.com/431562 | 62 | @chrissynewton | ||
Christian Cote | Host | uhn.ca/corporate/News/UHN_Podcasts/Behind_the_Breakthrough | 1 | @christiancote7 | 463 | |
Dr. Ashley Scarlett | Host | marinemammalscience.libsyn.com | 12 | @drscarlettsmash | ||
Tim Stephenson | spreaker.com/episode/ep-41-can-t-live-without-oil--47132072 | 47 | @astrostephenson | 1.2K | ||
Science For The People | podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/podcasts.scienceforthepeople.ca/episodes/Science_for_the_People_618_The_Music_of_Humanity.mp3 | 29 | @sci4thepeople | 6K | ||
Natural Resources Canada | soundcloud.com/nrcan/women-fuelling-the-future-of-science | 23 | @NRCanScience | |||
Andrea Hardy | lets-gut-real-andrea-hardy-rd.libsyn.com/dairy-misinformation-and-gut-health-with-rd-lauren-twigge | 20 | ||||
Cfi | Fci | innovation.ca/projects-results/research-stories/guillaume-st-onge-marine-geology | 1 | @innovationca | 18.9K |