15 Best Catechism Podcasts

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Catechism Podcasts

Here are 15 Best Catechism Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.

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1. Christ United Reformed Church

Christ United Reformed Church Follow
Website Apple
Host Rev. Chuck Tedrick
Producer/Network Christ United Reformed Church
Email ****@wscal.edu
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 2.3K Avg Length 35 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com Copy email. We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.

2. Cowford Catechism

Cowford Catechism Follow
Website Apple Spotify
Hosts Kenny Roberts, Nate O'Brien, Travis Bennett
Producer/Network Kenny Roberts, Nate O'Brien, & Travis Bennett
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 257 Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact

3. Ave Maria Radio

Ave Maria Radio Follow
Website Apple YouTube
Instruction on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other topics critical to those seeking answers to life's greatest questions..
Producer/Network Fr. John Riccardo - Host
Email ****@wdeo.net
Apple Rating 4.8/5Twitter 5.7KInstagram 11.7K Avg Length 56 min Get Email Contact

4. St. Elias Melkite Church, Catechism

St. Elias Melkite Church, Catechism Follow
Website Apple Spotify
Producer/Network Chrysostom Media
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 70 min Get Email Contact

5. Catechism in a Year with Bear Woznick

Catechism in a Year with Bear Woznick Follow
Website Apple Spotify YouTube
Bear engages you with an inspiring, engaging and deep walk through the whole Catechism in Three Yearly Cycles
Producer/Network Bear Woznick
Email ****@deepadventure.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 2.9KTwitter 1.4KInstagram 1.5K Avg Length 13 min Get Email Contact

6. Studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church Follow
Website Apple Spotify YouTube
Working through the entire Catechism from cover-to-cover one week at a time to better understand what the Catholic church teaches.
Producer/Network Tito Danes
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 119 Avg Length 21 min Get Email Contact

7. Catechism Class: What Catholics Believe and Why

Catechism Class: What Catholics Believe and Why Follow
Website Apple YouTube
Producer/Network Greg and Jennifer Willits
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 5.4K Avg Length 34 min Get Email Contact

8. The Catechism Guy Podcast

The Catechism Guy Podcast Follow
Email ****@thecatechismguy.com
Twitter 7 Avg Length 49 min Get Email Contact

9. Catechism of the Catholic Church by Paragraphs

Catechism of the Catholic Church by Paragraphs Follow
Website Apple Spotify
Go through the Catechism of the Catholic Church with me about 50 paragraphs at a time! I recommend putting the setting from oldest to newest to make going in order easier!
Producer/Network Tarkan Martin
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact

10. Examining Our Faith

Examining Our Faith Follow
Website Spotify
Facebook 239Twitter 88 Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact

11. Judson Baptist Catechism Class

Judson Baptist Catechism Class Follow
Website Apple
This podcast is a week-by-week study of Spurgeon's Catechism - a Baptist variation of the Westminster Shorter. Stay tuned to listen to the latest updates.
Producer/Network Rev. Zachary Bartels
Email ****@churchlansing.com
Facebook 580Twitter 73 Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact

12. Ten Minute Catechism with J.A. Brown

Ten Minute Catechism with J.A. Brown Follow
Website Apple Spotify
Producer/Network Dr. James Alden Brown
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter 136 Avg Length 8 min Get Email Contact

13. Living Bread Radio

Living Bread Radio Follow Email ****@livingbreadradio.com
Facebook 2.6KTwitter 638 Get Email Contact

Show 14 to 100

Catechism shows hosts and producers

Export full list with direct email contacts in a spreadsheet or csv file. Get Spreadsheet
Podcaster Name Email Podcast Link Total Episodes Twitter Handle Twitter Followers
Rev. Chuck Tedrick christurc.org/adult-catechism 1
Kenny Roberts cowfordcatechism.buzzsprout.com 4
Nate O'Brien cowfordcatechism.buzzsprout.com 4
Travis Bennett cowfordcatechism.buzzsprout.com 4
Faith Lutheran Church podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/flc-small-catechism/episodes/Catechism-LIVE-Jesus-Is-God--Apostles-Creed-Article-2-e1bj0ub 40 @FaithMoorpark
James Brown podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/james-brown375/episodes/Question-87-What-is-repentance-unto-life-e2d0tto 34 @dr_jamesabrown 136
Bear Woznick podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catechisminayear/episodes/Catechism-in-a-Year--Paragraph655-Where-did-Jesus-get-his-clothes-after-his-resurrection-e18ffr7 28 @bearwoznick 1.4K
Webfeller livingbreadradio.com/2020/12/simple-holiday-fare-brings-serenity 25 @lbradionetwork 638
Ernesto Cividanes podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/llm/episodes/ep-e1lp0k6 24
St. Elias Melkite Church spreaker.com/user/steliasmelkite/1-light-for-life-1-the-mystery-believed-_1 20 @StEliasMelkite
Fr. John Riccardo - Host audio.avemariaradio.net/2019/08/cia_20190826.mp3 20 @avemariaradio 5.7K
Rev. Zachary Bartels churchlansing.com/audio/catechism/11212021.html 19 @ChurchLansing
Tarkan Martin anchor.fm/tarkan-martin123/episodes/Ep--12-CCC-551---600-e1ht3c5 13
Taylor Engel buzzsprout.com/1103291/4479713-has-god-revealed-himself.mp3 6 @thecatechismguy 7
Dr. James Alden Brown podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/james-brown375/episodes/Question-103-What-do-we-pray-for-in-the-third-petition-e2ibnaa 4 @dr_jamesabrown 136
Zachary Bartels pilgrimsprogress.podbean.com 1 @ChurchLansing
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