10 Best Colorado Fitness Podcasts
Colorado Fitness Podcasts
Here are 10 Best Colorado Fitness Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Holistic Motion
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Welcome to Pride Fitness and Movement, the podcast hosted by Andrew Briggs, a seasoned personal trainer, massage therapist, content creator, and nutrition coach. Join us as we delve into the fascinating intersection of fitness and social issues, challenging the status quo and providing a platform for thought-provoking discussions.Andrew's passion for starting this podcast stemmed from a growing concern over the prevalence of generic answers and incomplete information in the fitness industry.MORE Host Andrew Briggs
Producer/Network Andrew Briggs
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Instagram 552 Avg Length 45 min Video Podcast YouTube
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2. Fit Chicks & Hormones
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Hey there, my name is Angie Marone and I am the owner of a Women's Only Fitness Studio in Colorado. I have worked with 100's of women since 2008 and the average age of my clientele are women in their mid 30's to mid-'50s, RIGHT when HORMONAL CHAOS starts to begin!My goal is the help these women learn how to take care of themselves and find ways to help ease that hormonal chaos going on in their lives so that they can live a healthy, happy, energized life again!MORE Host Angie Marone
Producer/Network Angie Marone
Email ****@gmail.com
Instagram 678 Avg Length 24 min Get Email Contact
3. Talking Brain Injury with Brain Injury Alliance Colorado
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This is TBI: Talking Brain Injury, a monthly health and wellness podcast from Brain Injury Alliance Colorado. Host Phil Lindeman talks with TBI survivors and their supporters from across the state, sharing stories of recovery, adversity and life with the invisible injury.MORE Host Phil Lindeman
Producer/Network Phil Lindeman
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 3.8KTwitter 3.1KInstagram 1.8K Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact
4. Colorado Health Coach
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Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I am a Certified Health and Life Coach located in Southern Colorado! I run my own business 'Eliza King Coaching' and I specialize in Weight-loss for individuals who struggle with their body image. On this podcast, I'd like to talk about everything health and wellness related. From nutrition to mental health and my personal journey so far as a Coach!MORE Host Elizabeth King
Producer/Network Elizabeth King
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 361 Avg Length 21 min Get Email Contact
5. Fitness in Theory
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Fitness in Theory is about the real trials and tribulations of getting fit. Nothing is ever cut and dried when it comes to losing weight or building muscle mass. Everyone is unique in their needs, wants, and expectations. Join us as we delve into what drives us to live a healthier lifestyle and how we deal with the speedbumps along the way.MORE Host Michael Brockbank
Email ****@crossingcolorado.com
Facebook 25 Avg Length 70 min Get Email Contact
6. Faith Family Fitness
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Faith-Family-Fitness is a ministry of Full Armour Sports Teams of Colorado Springs and its founder-owner Jason Lupo. Join program host, and National Championship coach, Jason Lupo to learn the fundamentals, and their application to becoming and staying fit. Fitness is for the whole family and faith is a solid foundation for succeeding. Faith, Family, Fitness covers everything from what is going on locally, tips for parents and families and Biblical foundation for you and your family...MORE Host Jason Lupo
Producer/Network Jason Lupo, Full Armour Sports Teams
Email ****@fullarmoursportsteams.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 471Instagram 85 Avg Length 24 min Get Email Contact
7. Regional Health Update
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The Regional Health Update helps our communities learn about their health from the experts they trust, and keeps our communities in the know about services at Montrose Regional Health. From Montrose Regional Health in Montrose, Colorado.MORE Producer/Network Montrose Regional Health
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 3.9KInstagram 1.2K Avg Length 11 min Get Email Contact