25 Best Domestic Violence Podcasts
Domestic Violence Podcasts
Here are 25 Best Domestic Violence Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Narcissist Apocalypse
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Narcissist Apocalypse is an empowering and informative storytelling podcast that amplifies the voices of those who have experienced narcissistic abuse, coercive control, emotional abuse, domestic violence, family relationship abuse, and relationship trauma. Narcissist Apocalypse validates, educates, supports, and helps abuse survivors discover themselves. Through listening to Narcissist Apocalypse, you will gain valuable insights and understanding on topics ranging from 'Why do abuse victims stay?' to 'What is narcissism?' to 'How do I heal from abuse and relationship trauma?'...MORE Host Brandon Chadwick
Producer/Network Abuse Survivor Network
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 10.6KTwitter 2.1KInstagram 19K Avg Length 80 min Video Podcast YouTube
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2. Genesis The Podcast
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Genesis Podcast is a platform that connects listeners with Genesis Women's Shelter and Support, a Dallas-based organization that provides safety, shelter, and support to women who have experienced domestic violence. The podcast offers fresh content, connections with professionals, exclusive events, and training opportunities. It also encourages individuals in abusive relationships to take action against domestic violence. Genesis Women's Shelter & Support raises awareness about the cause, prevalence, and impact of domestic violence, ensuring a safe space for women in abusive relationships.MORE Producer/Network Genesis Women's Shelter & Support
Email ****@genesisshelter.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 16.2KTwitter 4KInstagram 13.4K Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
3. IPV and Me
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I am a survivor of Intimate Partner Violence. Here I share my story with you, as well as give advice on everything I've learned over my recovery; how to spot an abuser, how to leave safely, how to get help and how to live life as a survivor of abuse. I have learned so much during my own experience and also as a spokesperson for domestic abuse with the Allstate Foundation.MORE Host Amanda Goggin
Producer/Network Amanda Goggin
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 72 min Get Email Contact
4. Partnered with a Survivor
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These podcasts are a reflection of Ruth & David's on-going conversations which are both intimate and professional and touch on complex topics like how systems fail victims and children, how victims experience those systems, and how children are impacted by those failures. Their discussions delve into how society views masculinity and violence, and how intersectionalities such as cultural beliefs, religious beliefs, and unique vulnerabilities impact how we respond to abuse and violence.MORE Hosts David Mandel, Ruth Reymundo Mandel
Producer/Network Ruth Reymundo Mandel & David Mandel
Email ****@safeandtogetherinstitute.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5 Avg Length 55 min Get Email Contact
5. Root For Each Other
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Root For Each Other: A Branches Podcast is a collaborative project of Branches Domestic Violence Shelter that is designed to shed light on issues of domestic violence that continue to oppress victims daily these conversations will educate and empower listeners to recognize the insidious footprint of domestic violence in our communities as well as best practices for effective advocacy.MORE Producer/Network Branches Domestic Violence Shelter
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 43 min Get Email Contact
6. Domestic Abuse Recovery Journal
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A show dedicated to those who think they may be living in or are recovering from domestic abuse /narcissistic/ antisocial abuse. A soft approach that teaches the importance of self worth. Domestic abuse is defined as any pattern of behavior in a relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is psychological, physical, sexual, and sometimes financial. Behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, or wound are abusive.More supportive content @rn_jenm on Instagram.MORE Host Jennifer Mixon
Producer/Network Jennifer Mixon
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 30 min Get Email Contact
7. Domestic Abuse:The Cutting Edge
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My podcast follows my survivor story and those of other brave survivors. The podcast will also feature guest speakers who have knowledge and experience working in the field as well as guests who are survivors, domestic abuse champions, and ambassadors.MORE Producer/Network Maz
Twitter 109 Avg Length 42 min Get Email Contact
8. She Is Your Neighbour
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A podcast that explores the realities and complexities of domestic violence. You will hear real, raw stories from people from all walks of life. Each week, we address hard topics like the connection between addiction and abuse, how violence impacts South Asian communities, learning from domestic homicides, and more.MORE Host Jenna Mayne
Producer/Network Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region
Email ****@wcswr.org
Instagram 1.7K Avg Length 38 min Get Email Contact
9. Domestic Abuse
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What is Domestic Violence/Abuse; Types of Domestic Abuse; How Do I Know I am in an Abusive Relationship; Is someone showing signs of Domestic Violence in the workplace, What causes Domestic Violence Abuse?MORE Host Dr Louisa
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 17 min Get Email Contact
10. Targeted True Crime Podcast
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Targeted True Crime Podcast investigates cases of family violence each season, using academic research to interpret the events so we can become better advocates.
Producer/Network Mo Blackwell
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Twitter 992 Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
11. en(gender)ed
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en(gender)ed features stories that explore the systems, practices, and policies that enable gender-based violence and oppression and the solutions to end it. We teach feminism and decolonize hearts and minds, one story at a time.MORE Host Teri Yuan
Producer/Network Teri Yuan
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 670Twitter 1.4KInstagram 1.9K Avg Length 52 min Get Email Contact
12. I'm a Survivor
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It's about a young girl overcoming Domestic violence and other life issues.
Host Misty
Producer/Network Misty
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 376Twitter 565 Avg Length 31 min Get Email Contact
13. Sierra Unraveled
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I am a single mom who decided to leave an abusive relationship with an alcoholic two years ago. It was one of the hardest decisions I've made in my life. I never wanted to raise a child alone, but here I am. I share my life stories and experiences on how I ended up right where I am today. I hope my story inspires and encourages other women to never settle when they're not happy even when it gets hard. You'll never unravel me, because only I can unravel myself.MORE Producer/Network sierraunraveled
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5 Avg Length 29 min Get Email Contact
14. Domestic Violence & How I Survived
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For those looking for answers when it seems like you are drowning in abuse. I survived a 27-year relationship of abuse. I was verbally, sexually, emotionally, and physically abused and victimized by my husband throughout our marriage. This is my journey from victim to survivor.MORE Producer/Network Bridget Jackson
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.2/5 Avg Length 29 min Get Email Contact
15. I Miss Her…stories of Domestic Violence & Coercive Control
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A podcast about finding yourself after an abusive or toxic relationship. About speaking your truth & loving yourself through the healing process.
Host Stephanie Thorn Harris
Producer/Network Stephanie Thorn Harris
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.5/5Instagram 63 Avg Length 17 min Get Email Contact
16. Survivors Strong
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Just a woman trying to bring back the battered women's movement break the stigma and raise awareness surrounding domestic violence.
Producer/Network Danielle Crosby
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 2.5K Avg Length 9 min Get Email Contact
17. Beyond Closed Doors
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Welcome to Beyond Closed Doors - a Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) podcast. Each month, we will examine a piece of media that exemplifies a type of abuse and follow up with a more in-depth discussion of the topic with an advocate or legal professional.MORE Producer/Network Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Email ****@pcadv.org
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 6.2KTwitter 2.7KInstagram 2.1K Avg Length 65 min Get Email Contact
18. Domestic Violence; Healing Thru Words
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Edify, inspire, and speak life to those who experienced domestic violence and abuse; through the power of spoken words.
Producer/Network Sandra Dimery
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 3/5Instagram 71 Avg Length 13 min Get Email Contact
19. Rachel Horman
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Rachel Horman is a Solicitor and Head of Domestic Violence & Forced Marriage Department at Watson Ramsbottom Solicitors. She is regularly invited to speak at conferences and provide training throughout the England and Wales in relation to the new Coercive Control legislation, Domestic Abuse law and practice, Children Law and Domestic Violence, Stalking - the criminal and civil law, Forced Marriage and FGM Protection orders.MORE Host Rachel Horman
Producer/Network Rachel Horman
Email ****@watsonramsbottom.com
Facebook 612Twitter 8.3K Avg Length 14 min Get Email Contact
20. When does it end...
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I am a survivor of domestic violence. I got out believing that I was now free. What I didn't realize was that because I had procreated with my abuser my life was still under his control. This is my story of the abuse I survived, the abuse that continued after I left, how broken our judicial and family court system is, and how all of it has led me to decisions I never thought I would have to make.MORE Producer/Network I am a Survivor
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 2.3/5 Avg Length 17 min Get Email Contact
21. Healing With Hope Faith Love
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This podcast is dedicated to helping people heal from domestic violence. For more updates on this, follow us.
Host ELizabeth Baker
Producer/Network ELizabeth Baker
Avg Length 14 min Since Apr 2018 Get Email Contact
22. Strategically Flawed
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Shine KC host Tina Johnson is dedicated to domestic violence education and awareness using her voice as a domestic violence survivor! Shine KC host Tina Johnson will use the Shine KC platform for the occasional business chat. Let's talk shop!MORE Producer/Network Tina Johnson
Email ****@shinekc.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 1.1K Avg Length 15 min Get Email Contact
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Hey, welcome to my Domestic violence podcast. in this podcast, I will be talking about domestic violence, what you need to know and how to void them.
Avg Length 5 min Get Email Contact
Domestic Violence shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | |
Brandon Chadwick | Host | narcissistapocalypse.com/category/emotional-psychological-abuse-podcast | 19 | ||
Amanda Goggin | Host | rss.com/podcasts/ipvandme | 7 | @mandgoggs | |
David Mandel | Co Host | buzzsprout.com/799610 | 6 | @davidgmandel | |
Ruth Reymundo Mandel | Co Host | buzzsprout.com/799610 | 6 | ||
Jennifer Mixon | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jennifer-mixon | 5 | ||
Jenna Mayne | Host | sheisyourneighbour.podbean.com | 6 | @jennafree16 | |
Dr Louisa | Co Host | blogtalkradio.com/drlouisa | 27 | ||
Teri Yuan | Host | engendered.us | |||
Misty | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hmisty387gmailcom | 3 | ||
Stephanie Thorn Harris | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/imissher | 1 | ||
Rachel Horman | Host | rachelhorman.co.uk/audio | @rachelhorman | ||
ELizabeth Baker | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/healingwithhopefaithlove | 35 | ||
Bridget Jackson | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/domesticviolence | 21 | |||
Genesis Women's Shelter | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1831684 | 15 | @genesisshelter | ||
Sandra Dimery | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sandra-dimery | 5 |
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