25 Best Dressage Podcasts
Dressage Podcasts
Here are 25 Best Dressage Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Dressage with Amelia
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These sessions are recordings from Amelia's LIVE Q&A sessions on Facebook. We cover a variety of Dressage topics - from basic Dressage concepts up to more advanced exercises. Amelia Newcomb is a USDF Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medalist, and a member of the prestigious USEF Dressage Development Program. She has trained and competed close to 50 horses in almost 500 competitions, and has trained several horses that she started as youngsters all the way up to the Grand Prix. Amelia hopes one day to compete internationally and to represent the United States at the Olympics.MORE Producer/Network Amelia Newcomb
Email ****@colorado.edu
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 43.3KTwitter 30Instagram 81.6K Avg Length 41 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Horse Training in Harmony
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Do you want to advance up the levels without sacrificing your horse's welfare and your relationship with him? Do you find it confusing trying to reconcile competitive training techniques with methods that prioritize partnership? Get ready for some fresh insights and a deeper understanding of how to progress with your horse.This podcast invites an evolution in your training and learning experience. Karen Rohlf will give you specific techniques and exercises, 'outside the box' concepts, and perspectives from top professionals...MORE Host Karen Rohlf
Producer/Network Karen Rohlf
Email ****@dressagenaturally.net
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 65.8KTwitter 219Instagram 7.7K Avg Length 42 min Get Email Contact
3. British Dressage
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If you are passionate about dressage, at whatever level, unaffiliated or affiliated, British Dressage is here to help further your enjoyment and ensure the sport continues to go from strength to strength. Whether you are already a competitor or just starting out, a regular spectator or keen to get involved in other ways, British Dressage has plenty to offer you from quality training, a packed schedule of competitions, and the latest news from our international teams.MORE Producer/Network BRITISH DRESSAGE / CRE8MEDIA LTD
Email ****@britishdressage.co.uk
Apple Rating 3.5/5Facebook 122KTwitter 57.6KInstagram 72.9K Avg Length 99 min Get Email Contact
4. Dressage Today Podcast
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Come along with us, the Dressage Today team, as we mix and mingle with the most inspiring members of our dressage community - from top riders to local legends. We talk all angles of our sport - sharing everything from training philosophies to stories of chasing dreams to horse-care tips.MORE Producer/Network Dressage Today Podcast
Email ****@cdsfulfillment.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 160.9KTwitter 16.7KInstagram 73.1K Avg Length 28 min Since Sep 2019 Get Email Contact
5. Dressage Life with JJ Tate
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Do you love dressage? Are you looking to inspire your ride? Do you long to learn the secrets of truly great riders? Yes? Then you are in the right place! Join classically trained, internationally competitive dressage rider JJ Tate as she brings inspired conversations, in depth discussions, and a healthy dose of humor to the world of dressage. Join JJ and her New Generation of Classical Riders in this adventure that we call Dressage Life!MORE Producer/Network JJ Tate
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 22.7K Avg Length 39 min Get Email Contact
6. The Horse & Hound Podcast
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Podcast by Horse & Hound
Host Pippa Roome
Producer/Network Horse & Hound
Email ****@futurenet.com
Facebook 582.9KTwitter 133.1KInstagram 117.7K Avg Length 28 min Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
7. The Horse Podcast
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Rebecca Ashton here. As an equestrian journalist, I get to interview people who are top of their game and have so many ideas and information to pass on. This often transcribes into quite long interviews, sometimes a few thousand words.While the interviews I do will still be transcribed and offered to you in written format (with great photos of course!), this is for those of you who want something interesting to listen to while you're getting the dinner ready or driving in your car or mucking out the stables so you don't miss out.MORE Host Rebecca Ashton
Producer/Network The Horse Podcast
Email ****@hotmail.com
Facebook 1.1KInstagram 1.3K Avg Length 44 min Since Mar 2018 Get Email Contact
8. Dressage Training TV
Follow Dressage Training TV provides instructional videos, articles, and live webinars. We cover subjects such as groundwork, rider biomechanics, and competing. It is an online membership site for equestrians. Our Courses and Certification Programmes bring Ride With Your Mind techniques to you in the comfort of your home.MORE Email ****@dressagetraining.tv
Facebook 3.8KTwitter 95 Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact
9. USDF Official Podcast
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The official podcast channel of the United States Dressage Federation.
Producer/Network United States Dressage Federation
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 68.9KTwitter 12.2KInstagram 27.9K Avg Length 56 min Get Email Contact
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Welcome to the Olivia Towers Podcast! This podcast brings you the whole package as I speak about many areas of my own personal journey and much more. We cover different topics ranging from interviews with top equestrian athletes where we hear their highs and lows and how they navigated them. Advice on building a resilient mindset in all areas of life. Practical tips to help you with your riding and journey in the equestrian world and also my own personal 'storytime' where I share honest and raw experiences from my own life and how I have overcome certain hurdles.MORE Producer/Network Olivia Towers
Email ****@oliviatowersdressage.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 92.5KTwitter 740Instagram 61.5K Avg Length 51 min Since Nov 2020 Get Email Contact
11. The Your Riding Success Podcast
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Grand Prix Dressage Rider, author and leading online trainer of horse riders around the world Natasha Althoff brings you stories of inspiration, ideas and strategies of how to make progress in your riding, how to train your horse for dressage, troubleshooting when things go wrong and what strategies you can use to overcome these challenges, real actionable advice on overcoming riding fear and anxiety, and how you can take you riding to the next level and be the rider you dream to be.MORE Producer/Network Natasha Althoff
Email ****@yourridingsuccess.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 98.3KTwitter 331 Avg Length 41 min Since May 2020 Get Email Contact
12. Dressage Conversations
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Dressage Conversations is brought to you by the South Florida Dressage Association. In dressage Conversations the podcast, we talk about all things surrounding the wonderful sport of dressage and how we can become better riders for ourselves and of course for the beautiful horses we ride. We hope each episode brings you a little bit closer to your riding dreams!MORE Hosts Stephanie, Tammi Jordan, South Florida Dressage Association
Producer/Network Dressage Conversations
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 1.2KInstagram 159 Avg Length 33 min Get Email Contact
13. How To Dressage Podcast
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We are an information podcast breaking down the How To's of dressage. All of our episodes are put together by British Dressage judges to help you train your horse correctly, get higher scores and win your next dressage competition.MORE Producer/Network How To Dressage
Email ****@howtodressage.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 19.6KTwitter 2.4KInstagram 5.1K Avg Length 24 min Since Jul 2019 Get Email Contact
14. Core Skills for Dressage Riders
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The details matter! If you are a rider and struggle with making the changes in your position that improve how you follow your horse's movement and your communication with your horse, my Feldenkrais movement education, along with years of teaching and training will help you achieve your goals.MORE Host Suzanne DeStefano
Producer/Network Suzanne DeStefano
Email ****@hotmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 3.1KInstagram 117 Avg Length 16 min Get Email Contact
15. Dressage Rider Training
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Dressage Rider Training helps you improve your core strength, balance & flexibility for riding and also unlock your true potential as a dressage athlete. This podcast covers topics on Stability, Suppleness, Stamina, & Mindset. All to help you improve your connection with your horse, and become the best rider you can be.MORE Producer/Network Nicola Smith
Email ****@dressageridertraining.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 113.4KInstagram 39.6K Since Aug 2019 Get Email Contact
16. The Dressage Connection
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Welcome to The Dressage Connection, where we are demystifying dressage training so your connection with your horse can flourish & you can start making sustainable momentum in your riding. Beth Carter is an Australian Dressage Trainer, Coach & the human behind BC Performance Horses with a passion for making correct dressage training understandable & accessible for every horse & rider.MORE Producer/Network Beth Carter | BC Performance Horses
Email ****@bcperformancehorses.com.au
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 1.1KInstagram 2.3K Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact
17. De-complicating Dressage
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I am Jessica Gale, an international dressage rider and now a trainer and coach. I love teaching and coaching and sharing the knowledge I have gained through training my horses up through the levels to the International and European Championships. All the podcasts include theory first and then how to actually apply it into your own training. From how to start warming your horse up to how to get the best position.MORE Producer/Network Jessica Gale
Email ****@hotmail.co.uk
Facebook 6.3KTwitter 622 Avg Length 29 min Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact
18. The Collectives
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Deep conversations with everyday riders in dressage and other equestrian sports. Presented by Performance Riders.
Producer/Network Nat Foxon | Performance Riders
Email ****@performanceriders.com
Facebook 21.6KInstagram 1.3K Avg Length 39 min Get Email Contact
19. The Pony Podcast
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Educating, informing and entertaining One ridiculous episode at a time. interviews with professionals across all equestrian disciplines, The Non-Horsey Parent Podcast and episodes keeping you up to date with best practices for all aspects of horse care.MORE Producer/Network The Pony Podcast
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 672Instagram 1.7K Avg Length 42 min Since Jan 2019 Get Email Contact
20. Denbeigh North Dressage
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In this podcast, the host, discusses a wide variety of things from equestrian tips, talking about different experiences and how to overcome certain issues, as well as different aspects of life and how to pushed forward in these areas. I'll be being really honest in these episodes and am hoping that doing so I can help you and inspire you in your own journey! I hope you enjoy!MORE Producer/Network Denbeigh North
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 551Twitter 32Instagram 511 Since May 2019 Get Email Contact
21. The Para Dressage Podcast
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The Para Dressage Podcast is a fortnightly pod featuring interviews with Para Dressage riders, coaches, judges and others who make this the sport we love.
Producer/Network Robert Howell
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 25 min Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact
Dressage shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | |
Karen Rohlf | Host | dressagenaturally.net/podcast | 12 | @karenrohlf | |
Pippa Roome | Co Host | soundcloud.com/horseandhound | 14 | @pipparoome | |
Rebecca Ashton | Host | soundcloud.com/user-977830679 | 3 | ||
Stephanie | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dressageconversations | 3 | ||
Tammi Jordan | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dressageconversations | 3 | ||
South Florida Dressage Association | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dressageconversations | 3 | ||
Suzanne DeStefano | Host | buzzsprout.com/1802687 | |||
Olivia Towers | buzzsprout.com/2229095 | 56 | @oliviatowers432 | ||
Amelia Newcomb | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dressage-with-amelia/id1600487841 | 37 | @ameliandressage | ||
Kirstin | dressagetraining.tv/mary-wanless-podcast | 20 | @TrainDressageTV | ||
JJ Tate | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dressagelife-jjtate | 18 | |||
Beth Carter | BC Performance Horses | bcperformancehorses.com/podcasts/the-dressage-connection | 6 | |||
Jessica Gale | decomplicatingdressage.com/podcast | 5 | @jessgale_rider | ||
Robert Howell | theparadressagepodcast.libsyn.com/website | 4 | @para_podcast | ||
Mary Wanless BHSI BSc | dressagetraining.tv/mary-wanless-podcast | 1 | @TrainDressageTV | ||
Rob Howell | theparadressagepodcast.libsyn.com/website | 1 | @para_podcast |