20 Best Film Studies Podcasts
Film Studies Podcasts
Here are 20 Best Film Studies Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. The Film Majors
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Three former cinema studies students navigate working in the industry, continuing their cinematic education, and bickering with one another about the movies. Popcorn is their ammunition, the couch is their foxhole, and the cinema is their place of worship. Welcome to the party, pal.MORE Producer/Network The Film Majors
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Instagram 208 Avg Length 110 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Writers on Film
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The only podcast to focus on film books and to talk to the best authors working in the area of cinema. From Making ofs to biographies, studies to novelisations, I'm fascinated by where the written word intersects with the world of the big screen.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 118Twitter 11.9K Avg Length 75 min Get Email Contact
3. Drive-In Double Feature Podcast
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Join Ryan and Nathan, two knowledgeable Film Studies majors, as they dive deep into the world of cinema, discussing not only the most obscure and underrated films, but also the trashiest and sleaziest titles that often get overlooked by mainstream audiences. Their podcast is a delightful blend of humor and insight, making it a must-listen for anyone with a taste for the weird and unexpected.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.3/5Twitter 14 Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
4. Film Study: An All American Podcast
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What's up! I'm Lexi and I am obsessed with the show All American if you're listening to this that means you are to which is dope because we can be friends. Welcome to Film Study: An All American Podcast. Join me every week as I'll be reviewing episodes, breaking down characters, and discussing theories aka trashing on Coop and talking about Spencer is always ANGRY he's ANGRY.MORE Host Lexi Redmond
Producer/Network Lexi Redmond
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 891Instagram 209 Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact
5. You Made Me Watch That?!
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'You Made Me Watch That?!' is a podcast where two film studies professors, Colleen Kennedy-Karpat and Wickham Catesby Flannagan, aim to expand each other's cinematic knowledge, one recommendation at a time. Produced by Taylan at Bilkent COMD studios, in collaboration with Bilkent Cinema Society.MORE Producer/Network You Made Me Watch That?!
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4/5Instagram 384 Avg Length 66 min Get Email Contact
6. Lonely PhDs
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Two good friends who just happen to also be two professors of film studies discuss new films each episode.
Hosts Jeffrey Hayes, Joey Watson
Producer/Network Jeffrey Hayes
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 58 min Get Email Contact
7. Fantasy/Animation
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Christopher Holliday researches animation history and digital media at King's College London (UK). Alexander Sergeant is a Lecturer in Film and Media Studies at University of Portsmouth (UK), specialising in the history and theory of fantasy cinema. Each episode, they look in detail at a film or television show, taking listeners on a journey through the intersection between fantasy cinema and the medium of animation.MORE Hosts Christopher Holliday, Alex Sergeant
Producer/Network Fantasy/Animation
Email ****@kcl.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4/5Facebook 462Twitter 943Instagram 301 Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
8. Farrand On Film
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A film education/appreciation podcast from Film Studies teacher Adam Farrand & some very special guests.
Email ****@gmail.com
Instagram 183 Avg Length 31 min Get Email Contact
9. Showbiz
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We've been told these are important movies. Integral movies. The movies that you NEED to see in order to understand what film is all about. We've been told that to know sh*t about film, you need to know these movies. Join Biz and Kirsty, two amateur film enthusiasts, as they watch, critique, and discuss films from The Criterion Collection to decide if, in our humble opinion, these films are hot sh*t or hot garbage.MORE Producer/Network Biz and Kirsty
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
10. Classroom Critics Film Studies Podcast
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A film studies podcast by teachers who wish they had majored in film.
Producer/Network William Ivers
Email ****@icloud.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5 Avg Length 59 min Get Email Contact
11. BEST BOYS: A film podcast
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An amateur film study podcast for the average joe, the buffest buffs, & the cringest bingers. Hosted bybrothers, JP an aging hipster artist from Pittsburgh & Cory, professional Hollywood videographer, who's worked on shows like HBO's Euphoria, and music videos for major label artists.MORE Producer/Network BEST BOYS
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 279 Avg Length 77 min Get Email Contact
12. UMassterclass
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The official, award-winning podcast of the Film Studies program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst! Your go-to show for students, filmmakers, and film faculty getting educated, together, on all things film, television, and screen media. UMassterclass is written and produced by students in the Film Studies program at UMass Amherst. Hosts Rianna Jakson and Kiefer Callewaert. Production crew Gabby Mosher, Ryan Gies, Mariana Carmo, Ved Shankavaram, and Kaliska Wiley.MORE Hosts Rianna Jakson, Kiefer Callewaert
Producer/Network Students in the Film Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Email ****@umass.edu
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 1Twitter 3Instagram 124 Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact
13. Filmscape
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Filmscape is a movie reviewing podcast hosted by Deanna and Ben, two people in Massachusetts who grew up loving movies. Deanna and Ben met in a film studies class at college (university) and have been together ever since. They bonded over their love of movies, especially those by Quentin Tarantino. Ben has been reviewing films since he was seven years old and Deanna has seemingly watched every movie ever made and grew up debriefing movies with loved ones. This podcast started as a result of wanting to record their discussions about movies and connect with others.MORE Producer/Network Filmscape
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 7Instagram 83 Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
14. JHU Film and Media Studies
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Student podcasts and sound art from the Program in Film and Media Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
Producer/Network jhufilmandmedia
Email ****@jhu.edu
Facebook 980Twitter 241.5KInstagram 1K Avg Length 10 min Since May 2019 Get Email Contact
15. The Date Night Drive In
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Welcome to The Date Night Drive In! Am, Will, and their special guests watch their way through the top 100 films on IMDB. With plenty of film-history, an abundance of pop-culture references, and a masochistic love of cinema.Am Chisholm is an embarrassingly enthusiastic cinephile, and holds an undergraduate and master's degree in film studies. When she's not at the drive in, you can find her on A Rendezvous with Destiny, or Deck of Many Aces, playing TTRPG.MORE Hosts Amelia Chisholm, Will Byford
Producer/Network Mount Pleasant Productions
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter 15 Avg Length 50 min Get Email Contact
16. The MediaMag
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THE podcast for students of Film and Media Studies. A limited podcast series, linked to Media Magazine, where we try and untangle some of the trickiest concepts in Media Studies.
Producer/Network Giles Gough
Email ****@hotmail.com
Avg Length 26 min Get Email Contact
17. Masterful Visions
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Join me on this journey as I discuss celebrated film directors and their works. I will be diving into the background of each director and using my film studies knowledge to review each of the director's films. Moving forward, each director will be the focus of a series of episodes.MORE Producer/Network Zebadiah Barrett
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 12 min Get Email Contact
Film Studies shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Lexi Redmond | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/filmstudyallamerican | 30 | @lexi_redmond | 869 | |
Jeffrey Hayes | Co Host | jldprod2002.podbean.com | 8 | |||
Joey Watson | Co Host | jldprod2002.podbean.com | 8 | |||
Christopher Holliday | Host | fantasy-animation.org/all-episodes | 23 | @chrisholliday7 | 1.6K | |
Alex Sergeant | Host | fantasy-animation.org/all-episodes | 23 | @freudisfunny | 1.3K | |
Rianna Jakson | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/umassterclass | 1 | |||
Kiefer Callewaert | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/umassterclass | 1 | |||
Amelia Chisholm | Co Host | shows.acast.com/the-date-night-drive-in | 2 | @am_chisholm | 301 | |
Will Byford | Co Host | shows.acast.com/the-date-night-drive-in | 2 | @will_byford | 118 | |
The Film Majors | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thefilmmajors/episodes/The-Purgecast-Ep--8---The-Purge-Season-1-2018-Part-Two-e2hpuio | 42 | @filmmajorspod | |||
Drive-in Double Feature | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nathaniel-combs/episodes/Hello-Mary-Lou-Prom-Night-II-1987---Drive-In-Double-Feature-Episode-264-e2j7bs4 | 40 | @didfpod | 14 | ||
Adam Farrand | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/farrandonfilm/episodes/GCSE-Film-Studies-Revision---Key-Areas-e2jeo38 | 40 | ||||
John Bleasdale | shows.acast.com/writers-on-film/episodes/paul-duncan-on-dr-no | 40 | @drjonty | 11.9K | ||
Biz And Kirsty | shows.acast.com/showbiz/episodes/62-dead-inside-possession | 28 | ||||
Jhufilmandmedia | jhufilmandmedia.podbean.com/e/a-not-so-classified-college-collage | 20 | @johnshopkins | 241.5K | ||
Best Boys | rss.com/podcasts/bestboys/487949 | 20 | ||||
Filmscape | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/filmscapepodcast/episodes/28--The-Night-House-e16o1rn | 20 | @filmscapethepod | 7 | ||
William Ivers | classroomcritics.podbean.com/e/the-magnificent-ambersons | 20 | ||||
Zebadiah Barrett | sites.libsyn.com/466389/mv-intro-1 | 8 | ||||
Giles Gough | mediamag.podbean.com/e/what-is-postmodernism-1633037342 | 5 |