25 Best First Responders Podcasts
First Responders Podcasts
Here are 25 Best First Responders Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
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Cyndi Doyle is the author of Hold the Line: The Essential Guide to Protecting Your Law Enforcement Relationship, psychotherapist, and a law enforcement spouse working to educate officers and spouse on the impact of law enforcement on their relationship for them to counter the impact and create connected and resilient relationships. She is the author and creator of Hold the Line products including a train the trainer program for departments.Contact Cyndi for speaking, training for your organization or department, or bulk orders of books at info@code4couples.comMORE Host Cyndi Doyle
Producer/Network Cyndi Doyle, LPCS, NCC
Email ****@code4couples.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 2.1K Frequency 5 ep/quarter Avg Length 47 min Video Podcast YouTube
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2. First Responders Wealth Network
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Dave Knight is a full-time Police Officer who outside the workplace has been able to grow a multi-million dollar rental income portfolio. The podcast was created to help ALL First Responders become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone. Top millionaire investors, industry-leading professionals, and success stories from other First Responder investors throughout Canada & United States are showcased weekly to share their journey and lessons learned.MORE Producer/Network Dave Knight
Email ****@911wealthnetwork.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Frequency 4 ep/quarter Avg Length 36 min Since Sep 2018 Get Email Contact
3. First Responder Friday Podcast
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First Responder Friday is a live interactive podcast show featuring interviews with first responder leaders from around the country. We talk about mental health, wellness, peer support, PTSD, PTSI, and other related issues first responders face.MORE Producer/Network Conrad Weaver
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 12.3KTwitter 228Instagram 2K Frequency 1 ep/week Avg Length 40 min Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
4. The Sheepdog Wife
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The life of law enforcement officers, other first responders, and their families. Through a lens of Faith in God and with a Good Sense of Humor.
Producer/Network Sheepdog Wife
Email ****@yahoo.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 70Instagram 244 Frequency 2 ep/quarter Avg Length 33 min Get Email Contact
5. The First Responder Fitness Podcast
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Marc Hildebrand is a current police officer who struggled with losing weight while working our crazy and unpredictable careers. Since then, he has lost over 100 pounds and now has made it his mission to share his tips/tricks/strategies to live a healthier life as a First Responder. The support continues as Marc shares how he was able to create a successful online fitness business by making other people's health-related goals a priority.MORE Producer/Network Marc & Teresa Hildebrand
Email ****@firstresponderfitness.us
Facebook 21.5K Frequency 4 ep/month Avg Length 18 min Since May 2016 Get Email Contact
6. The Lifegiver Podcast
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Lifegiver aims to be a positive place where military (and first responder) couples can experience positive clinical advice on topics that are unique to their culture as well as high quality uplifting interviews from others who have brought purpose out of their circumstances. Are you a military spouse? A police officer? Firefighter? Service member? The Lifegiver Podcast aims to bring hope into your home.MORE Producer/Network Corie Weathers, LPC
Email ****@corieweathers.com
Facebook 3.7KTwitter 1.2KInstagram 1.4K Frequency 4 ep/year Avg Length 50 min Since Aug 2015 Get Email Contact
7. The Guns & Yoga Podcast
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A career in law enforcement is one of the most rewarding, challenging, and selfless professions out there. The Guns and Yoga podcast explores the intersection between the impact a first responder career can have on those on the job, their families, and the importance of adopting and maintaining a holistic lifestyle.Wendy Hummell is a seasoned law enforcement officer in the Midwest with close to 25 years experience. She is a LEO spouse, mother, and wellness enthusiast. She knows first-hand the difficulties this line of work can bring. For the past decade,MORE Email ****@bluelineyoga.com
Instagram 979 Frequency 1 ep/month Avg Length 47 min Get Email Contact
8. EMT Life
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Personal stories of what I have encountered in the emergency medical field. Plus new innovations in medical care and an insight as to what medical first responders see and do on a daily basis.MORE Producer/Network Emt-life
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.5/5Instagram 694 Since Oct 2019 Get Email Contact
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Dr. Rachelle is married to a firefighter and Dr. Alma is married to a police officer, they are both child and family psychologists, and here to discuss relatable and important information relevant to navigating your first responder marriage, parenting, and wellness. This is a podcast for first responder spouses by first responder spouses, and they discuss the research and realities related to the first responder family life while also sharing their own stories of navigating this lifestyle.MORE Producer/Network Rachelle Zemlok & Alma Garcia
Email ****@firstresponderfamilypsychology.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 251Twitter 143 Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
10. First Responder Psychological Support
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First Responder Psychological Support discusses a wide variety of counseling and self-care education topics for firefighters, law enforcement, dispatchers, and emergency room professionals. Sarah is a licensed clinical professional counselor in the State of Illinois & a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida. She specializes in treating first responders.MORE Producer/Network Sarah Gura
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 518 Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
11. Answering the Call
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Genesis House and the Friends in Recovery Podcast are proud to bring you 'Answering the Call - The First Responder Podcast.' Join your hosts 'Mike the Podfather' and 'Jersey Ed' as they address the real issues in health & wellness for First Responders.MORE Producer/Network answeringthecall
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 679 Since Sep 2019 Get Email Contact
12. First Response Fishing
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Fishing discussions based in the midwest by first responders and veterans.
Producer/Network Marlon Kendall
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
13. EmergencyFD Storyline
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EmergencyFD Storyline's focus is to tell the stories of those in the fire service and to highlight what matters to our first responders. Whether you are a first responder or a person interested in the world of firefighting, emergency medical services, or first responders, EmergencyFD Storyline's goal is to educate, inform, and inspire you with the work of our modern-day heroes. Hear the stories from fire service leaders to the rank-n-file. EmergencyFD creator Tom Mann talks with real people sharing real-world stories and perspectives on the job.MORE Producer/Network Tom Mann
Email ****@emergencyfd.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 531Twitter 18 Frequency 1 ep/year Avg Length 42 min Since Apr 2020 Get Email Contact
14. Wellness for you
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Wellness for you is about helping First Responders with daily, mindful, stress management tips. I have been a police officer for 23 years and I know how stress affects us. Stress can pile up and cause some serious issues. That is the reason I decided to make stress relieving for first responders my passion. I share tips, meditations, breathing techniques and more.MORE Producer/Network Toni Gonzalez
Email ****@itsmetoni.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 381Instagram 875 Frequency 2 ep/quarter Avg Length 7 min Since Nov 2018 Get Email Contact
15. The Wait What Podcast
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I wanted to create this podcast as an outlet for first responders of all types to be able to laugh about the very things that can put us in a funk. If anyone can relate to experiences shared on the pod and feel comforted knowing they are not the only ones, then I will have accomplished what I set out to do. Secondly, I want this to be a good resource for people trying to get into a career as a first responder.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
16. The Navigators
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The Navigators is a Discipleship focused Christian ministry. The Navigator's First Responder Ministry strives to carry out the Great Commission in the First Responder Culture.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 80.7KTwitter 10.8KInstagram 15.8K Since Jun 2020 Get Email Contact
17. Books Behind The Badge
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Books Behind the Badge is a podcast dedicated to bridging the gap between first responders, service members, and veterans. You will hear stories from people in law enforcement, emt/ems, firefighter, and military career fields as well as interviews with authors and other worthy people who have stories or topics to share. It is important to stay physically fit in this modern world of convenience, on the other hand, it is important to stay mentally fit. Mental fitness is the void I will be attempting to fill with the Books Behind the Badge movement. Be Better.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 57Instagram 4.5K Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
18. The S.O.S. Show
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The Striped Onion Show (or SOS Show) is a show highlighting the stories and events of real First Responders and their loved ones related to their involvement in Critical and/or Traumatic Events whether on-duty or off-duty. The goal is to provide anyone in or around the First Responder Community with some level of support and education through the lives of the very First Responders who have already walked those paths.MORE Facebook 322Instagram 53 Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
19. Between the Lines
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She's a police officer. He's a firefighter. They've been First Responders for the better part of 20 years. They've made a family together and now, they want to talk about it! We hope you enjoy it! Hosted by Marcia McDermott and John McDermott.MORE Email ****@BTLRadio.ca
Since Mar 2020 Get Email Contact
20. First Responders Award
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Interviews from PYX 106 Community Resource First Responder of the Month.
Facebook 21.8KTwitter 2.8K Since Mar 2019 Get Email Contact
21. First Responder Friday
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Honoring Tulsa's Finest the first Friday of every month. Why? Because they deserve it!
Email ****@cmg.com
Facebook 64.6KTwitter 4.1KInstagram 3.5K Since Feb 2017 Get Email Contact
22. Responder Resilience
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Responder Resilience with David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly Responder Resilience show is dedicated to improving the mental and physical well-being of police, fire, EMS, and dispatch personnel. Hosted by Lt. David Dachinger (Ret.), Dr. Stacy Raymond, Psy.D., and Bonnie C. Rumilly, LCSW/EMT-B, these broadcasts feature expert guests sharing vital information about wellness topics for first responders.MORE Producer/Network Lt. David Dachinger (Ret.), Dr. Stacy Raymond, Bonnie Rumilly, LCSW/EMT
Email ****@respondertv.com
Facebook 289Instagram 816 Frequency 30 ep/year Avg Length 2 min Get Email Contact
23. Our First Responders
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The purpose of the Our First Responders project is to pay tribute and give voice to the many people who risked their lives and livelihoods to protect the Albury Wodonga community from this bushfire season.MORE Producer/Network Aimee Chan
Since Apr 2020 Get Email Contact