10 Best Glee Podcasts
Glee Podcasts
Here are 10 Best Glee Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Recovering Gleek: A Glee Podcast
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A podcast about two friends coming to terms with their complicated relationship with the TV show Glee
Hosts Ian Allred, Lena Conatser
Producer/Network Ian Allred & Lena Conatser
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Twitter 2.1KInstagram 4K Avg Length 109 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Gleek of the Week - A Glee Podcast
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Andrew and Allison are rewatching every performance from Glee to crown the ultimate performance from the series. Each episode, they're joined by a different Gleek to discuss the show and move a few lucky songs forward on the Glacket - the Glee Bracket. Listen along to find out where your favorite performances end up!MORE Host Andrew McGuire
Producer/Network Authentic
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Twitter 679Instagram 5.9K Avg Length 149 min Get Email Contact
3. Glee on the Rocks
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Become a Subscriber and gain access to bonus content, including our bonus episodes and 'That's My Ship' mini series.an unofficial retrospective about Glee, the fandom, and its effects on all our livesevery episode we break down the highs and lows of the writing, the music, and the cultural impact of a network TV show that only ran 6 seasons and ended 7 years agoMORE Producer/Network Fandom on the Rocks
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 841Twitter 643 Avg Length 72 min Get Email Contact
4. Glee Aggressive
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Ian, a theatre professional, has never seen Glee. Corrina, a pop culture maven, has seen it multiple times. They discuss.From the creators of PodCats!
Producer/Network Corrina Stokes, Ian Brodsky
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 7Twitter 24Instagram 147 Avg Length 61 min Get Email Contact
5. The Glee Version
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Resident gays and grade-A boyfriends Nick Bailey and Zach Maynard are breaking down the network television enigma that was Ryan Murphy's 'GLEE' - episode by episode! Recaps, best and worst musical performances, Will Schuester's cringiest moments, MVPs and LVPs, and more are all on the table in a show that's sure to make Lea Michele want to verbally assault at least one of us!MORE Hosts Nick Bailey, Zach Maynard
Producer/Network Nick and Zach
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.2/5 Avg Length 51 min Get Email Contact
6. The Choir Room: A Glee Podcast
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Taking a break from the world of reality television, Glee superfans Matt and Aman embark on a journey back inside the halls of William McKinley High School to relive the series' highs (Adele mashups) and lows (all Will Schuester raps).MORE Hosts Matt Liguori, Aman Adwin
Producer/Network The Choir Room
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Twitter 842 Avg Length 93 min Since Apr 2020 Get Email Contact
7. Into the Murphyverse
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Ryan Murphy is one of our age's most prolific creators for TV. Yikes, that sounded pretentious. If you've ever seen an episode of Glee, American Horror Story, Pose, Scream Queens, Hollywood, the list goes on and on this podcast is for you. So join us as we dive into what makes Ryan Murphy's TV so undeniably iconic.MORE Producer/Network edepastino
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 94Instagram 616 Avg Length 40 min Get Email Contact
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Website Apple Spotify YouTube
Welcome to GLEEP, The Glee Project Recap Project the Podcast! Join Megan & Eddie as they revisit one of their FAVORITE reality shows of all time... THE GLEE PROJECT! It's time to unite GLEEPS!MORE Producer/Network Megan Patsel and Eddie Estrada
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 64 min Get Email Contact
9. The GleeWatch
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Were you a Gleek back in 2010, but now you have a growing suspicion that it was bad for reasons you can't fully remember? Did you hate Glee back in 2010, but you've forgotten the specifics of why? Did you not watch Glee in 2010, and you want to have an airtight argument about why that was the right call? Lucky for you, Sam and Hannah are rewatching Ryan Murphy's musical sensation and cataloging all the stupid stuff about it so you don't have to!MORE Producer/Network The GleeWatch
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Twitter 62 Avg Length 93 min Get Email Contact
10. That's What You Missed
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Welcome to 'That's What You Missed' where hosts Anna and Erin talk all things Glee (2009). Join us as we dive into everything from Artie's weird sweaters, Klaine v. Blurt, and shooting students out of canons to answer the ultimate question: What does Glee tell us about being gay in America?MORE Producer/Network Erin Budrow, Anna Anderson
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 40 min Get Email Contact
Glee shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | |
Ian Allred | Co Host | spreaker.com/podcast/recovering-gleek-a-glee-podcast--5302210 | 68 | ||
Lena Conatser | Co Host | spreaker.com/podcast/recovering-gleek-a-glee-podcast--5302210 | 68 | ||
Andrew McGuire | Host | cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ADL9849576645 | 9 | ||
Nick Bailey | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegleeversion | 19 | ||
Zach Maynard | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegleeversion | 19 | ||
Matt Liguori | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thechoirroom | @mattliguori | ||
Aman Adwin | Co Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thechoirroom | @amanadwin | ||
Corrina Stokes, Ian Brodsky | shows.acast.com/gleeagressive/episodes/512-100 | 51 | @gleeaggressive | ||
Fandom On The Rocks | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fandomontherocks/episodes/S1E9-Pack-Dynamics-A-Teen-Wolf-Podcast-e2ehvts | 33 | @gleeontherocks | ||
The Gleewatch | thegleewatch.libsyn.com/205-wanky | 20 | @thegleewatch | ||
Edepastino | edepastino.podbean.com/e/e03-beanie-baby | 6 | @elliedepastino | ||
Erin Budrow, Anna Anderson | rss.com/podcasts/thatswhatyoumissedpod/513202 | 5 | |||
Megan Patsel And Eddie Estrada | rss.com/podcasts/gleeprojectpod/461931 | 4 |