15 Best Lupus Podcasts
Lupus Podcasts
Here are 15 Best Lupus Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Mind Your Health Podcast with Dr. Connie Jeon
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The Mind Your Health Podcast formerly Health Made Easy Podcast exists to inspire and empower autoimmune patients to shift their mindset from victim to hero. As a Rebel for all things, Dr. Connie shares how she not only overcame the struggles with Lupus but how she used Lupus as a catalyst to become the healthiest version of herself. She believes sickness, disease, and symptoms are all rooted in our inability to manage our thoughts and emotions. With over 20 years in clinical practice, she's learned that there was a common thread in all her autoimmune patients.MORE Producer/Network Dr. Connie Cheung
Email ****@alkalinewellness.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 1.3KTwitter 676 Avg Length 34 min Since Dec 2018 Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Lupus: The Expert Series
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The Expert Series is an educational podcast series featuring empowering presentations from leading lupus experts with a focus on helping you live well with lupus. Presented by the Lupus Foundation of America, we touch on the daily issues that affect those with lupus: flares, health, medical care, exercise, managing doctor's appointments, diagnosis, and much more.MORE Producer/Network Lupus Foundation of America
Email ****@lupus.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 285.4KTwitter 45.3KInstagram 83K Avg Length 24 min Since Feb 2020 Get Email Contact
3. Lupus Speaks
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Lupus Speaks Podcast is a platform created to discuss topics relating to Lupus that goes beyond medicine. Your host Shedrica shares her personal experiences with Lupus and the tools she used to overcome some of the toughest battles in her lifetime. Shedrica takes the conversation about Lupus and what it means to live with Lupus to another level. Obtainable resources are provided to help guide you on your journey.MORE Producer/Network Shedrica Holmes
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 260Instagram 1.5K Avg Length 23 min Since Nov 2019 Get Email Contact
4. Your Story Our Fight by Lupus LA
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Lupus LA enters the fastest growing media market with the new Your Story Our Fight® podcast which will give a voice to lupus patients while continuing Lupus LA's mission to raise lupus awareness worldwide. Hosted by the Chairman of Lupus LA and lupus patient himself, Adam Selkowitz, patients from all walks of life will share stories about their unique lupus journeys. With a focus on inspiration and hope, Lupus LA's podcast will provide support and optimism to a patient community looking for assurance that they are not alone.MORE Producer/Network LupusLA
Email ****@lupusla.org
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 14.2KTwitter 8.1KInstagram 10.8K Avg Length 31 min Get Email Contact
5. Lupus Science and Medicine Podcast
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Lupus Science and Medicine is a global, peer reviewed, Open Access, online journal that provides a central point for publication of basic, clinical, translational, and epidemiological studies of all aspects of lupus. It is the first lupus-specific Open Access journal in the world and was developed in response to the need for a barrier-free forum for publication of groundbreaking studies in lupus.MORE Producer/Network BMJ Podcasts
Email ****@bmj.com
Apple Rating 3.8/5Facebook 2.5KTwitter 1.9KInstagram 19.7K Avg Length 20 min Get Email Contact
6. Susan Hendrix My Story Living With Lupus
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Susan Hendrix is a lupus survivor who has achieved a great deal while dealing with this chronic illness. She will take you through her lows and highs, but most importantly she will bring further awareness to this chronic illness and allow others to know you can still live your life to the fullest. Susan Hendrix is educated in the field of Health and Science, at the age of 29 she became an entrepreneur and established her own Durable Medical Equipment Company along with a Medical Consulting Firm.MORE Host Susan Hendrix
Producer/Network Susan Hendrix My Story Living
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 2.8/5Twitter 44Instagram 3.1K Avg Length 24 min Since Aug 2018 Get Email Contact
7. The Light, lupus and I
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The Light and Lupus is a podcast about Jesus Christ the 'Light' of the world and me your host Salathiel DeLoach 'diagnosed with Lupus' hence the name 'The Light, lupus, and I'. This podcast was birthed upon the realization that God has given me light out of one of the darkest spaces of my life. He allowed and is still yet allowing me to shine my light as I travel on this journey as someone who has been diagnosed with Lupus. This podcast is a platform to share my story, encourage others on their journey, maybe a few guests, and also as an ask and answer platform if you the listeners so desi.MORE Host Salathiel Deloach
Producer/Network Salathiel
Email ****@hotmail.com
Avg Length 28 min Since Feb 2020 Get Email Contact
8. Conversations with Lupus
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Discover how you can redefine living with Lupus. Hetlena Johnson is a highly recognized author, speaker and trainer devoted to helping others face the trials of life with an open mind and energy. A cheerleader for handling life's challenges with laughter and spirited resilience, she believes in living your best life while living with lupus.MORE Producer/Network Hetlena Johnson, The Lupus Liar
Email ****@thelupusliar.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 6.6KTwitter 2.5K Avg Length 17 min Since Sep 2016 Get Email Contact
9. Lupus In Color
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Lupus In Color podcast to educate, inspire, encourage, and empower lupus warriors.
Producer/Network Racquel Dozier
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 37.2KTwitter 7.9K Avg Length 6 min Since Oct 2019 Get Email Contact
10. Lively Living With Lupus
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Hi! Welcome to the Lively Living With Lupus podcast. I'm Lydia Romero Johnson, RN & holistic health coach. I teach women with lupus how to regain their energy, thrive without pain, and create the life of their dreams. My intention here is to help you realize that while you have lupus, you also have many tools, strategies, and resources available to live YOUR happiest and healthiest life. I've struggled with lupus, and now I thrive. I want to create a ripple effect of women using natural solutions to thrive with their diagnosis.MORE Producer/Network Lydia Romero Johnson
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 527Twitter 593Instagram 1.1K Avg Length 13 min Since Sep 2019 Get Email Contact
11. LupusCorner Podcast
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LupusCorner presents the LupusCorner podcast, a new way for Lupus Warriors to stay informed on research updates, symptom insights, guest interviews, and much more! Follow us on any of the following podcast channels, and stay up-to-date on the latest in lupus news!MORE Producer/Network LupusCorner
Email ****@lupuscorner.com
Facebook 40.5KTwitter 660 Avg Length 13 min Get Email Contact
12. kNOw Lupus
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kNOw Lupus is a podcast brought by The Lupus Foundation of Kenya to bring Lupus and other autoimmune diseases into the limelight in an effort to remove the stigma around Lupus.
Producer/Network lupuskenya
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 1.8KTwitter 217 Avg Length 8 min Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
13. Lupus Uncensored
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The Lupus Trainer - Lupus Advocate - Lupie Warriors
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 677Twitter 76 Since Jan 2019 Get Email Contact
14. The Lupus Living Podcast
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The Lupus Life Podcast will inspire you to keep going through the challenges of living with lupus. Gwen Alexander, your host, was diagnosed with lupus after several emergency room visits and hospital stays. She has had to make many changes to her life since her diagnosis. She has been on a journey of making changes to her life that will help her still live a full life with lupus. Follow the podcast to learn how to navigate the flare-ups of living with lupus.MORE Producer/Network The Gwen Alexander, Inc.
Email ****@thegwenalexander.com
Facebook 222Twitter 318 Avg Length 15 min Since Nov 2018 Get Email Contact
Lupus shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Susan Hendrix | mystorylivingwithlupus.com/podcast | 3 | |||
Salathiel Deloach | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/TheLightlupusandI | 2 | |||
Racquel Dozier | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lupusincolor/episodes/LOL-Episode-5-Support-e269082 | 69 | @lupusincolor | 7.9K | |
Lupusla | buzzsprout.com/1607458/11416054-season-2-episode-12-with-high-school-student-and-lupus-patient-lexi-hamburger.mp3 | 34 | @lupusla | 8.1K | |
Dr. Connie Cheung | alkaline.libsyn.com/hormones-hunger-how-your-emotions-affect-weight-loss | 30 | @drconniejeon | ||
Lydia Romero Johnson, Rn, Chc | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/livelylivingwlupus/episodes/Happy-Healthy-Holistic-New-Year-e1cmmn9 | 24 | @Tweetyleely | ||
Lupus Foundation Of America | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lupus-org/episodes/The-Expert-Series-S4E12-Winter-Wellness-e1blu52 | 23 | @LupusOrg | ||
Shedrica Holmes | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lupusspeaks/episodes/Things-I-realized-I-needed-to-STOP-Doing-e2bcfhs | 22 | |||
Connie Cheung | alkaline.libsyn.com/spark-passion-in-your-relationship-through-self-love-trust-and-honesty | 19 | @drconniejeon | ||
Lupuscorner | anchor.fm/lupuscorner/episodes/Renal-Failure--Mindfulness-eg3bs1 | 18 | @lupuscorner | 660 | |
Gwen Alexander | lupuslivingpodcast.libsyn.com/12-laughing-with-lupus | 17 | @thegwen1685 | 318 | |
Shedrica | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lupusspeaks/episodes/Health-Coach-Cheryl-Howe-Reducing-Inflammation-and-Gut-Health-e88a9r | 16 | |||
Nichole And Angel | anchor.fm/lupustalks/episodes/Lupus-Talks--Meet-Us-egsftt | 10 | |||
2022|hetlena Johnson, The Lupus Liar | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/conversationswithlupus/episodes/CWL01_Am-I-Dead-Yet---The-Beginning-of-A-Lupus-Liar-e2qcgf | 10 | @TheLupusLiar | ||
Hetlena Johnson, The Lupus Lia | anchor.fm/conversationswithlupus/episodes/CWL04_-Annetta-Talks-About-Her-Battle-with-Lupus-e2qcgc | 9 | @TheLupusLiar | ||
Lupuskenya | lupuskenya.podbean.com/e/introduction-episode-1600675757 | 6 | @Lupus_Kenya | ||
@thelupustrainer | buzzsprout.com/246154/930719 | 2 | @thelupustrainer | 76 | |
Sara Esidore | buzzsprout.com/246154/921906 | 2 | @thelupustrainer | 76 | |
The Gwen Alexander, Inc. | lupuslivingpodcast.libsyn.com/64-lupus-and-accomplishing-your-goals | 2 | @thegwen1685 | 318 | |
Hetlena Johnson, The Lupus Liar | anchor.fm/conversationswithlupus/episodes/CWL09_My-Lupus-and-My-Hair-e1eshmr | 1 | @TheLupusLiar | ||
Sara | buzzsprout.com/246154/3329206-lupus-uncensored-season-2-ep1-part-2-pandemic-coping-fight-flight-or-freeze.mp3?blob_id=12007009 | 1 | @thelupustrainer | 76 | |
Gwen S. Alexander | lupuslivingpodcast.libsyn.com/60-lupus-and-getting-back-on-track | 1 | @thegwen1685 | 318 |