20 Best Lutheran Podcasts
Lutheran Podcasts
Here are 20 Best Lutheran Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
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Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Hosts Kurt Buchholz, Jeff Craig-Meyer
Producer/Network Lutheran Hour Ministries
Email ****@lhm.org
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2. Just and Sinner Podcast
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A weekly discussion of theology from a Lutheran perspective. Jordan Cooper is an ordained Lutheran pastor, an adjunct professor of Systematic Theology, and a Ministry Fellow with Christian Union at Cornell University. He has authored several books, as well as theological articles in a variety of publications.MORE Producer/Network Jordan B Cooper
Email ****@yahoo.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 2.3K Since Sep 2012 Get Email Contact
3. The Lutheran Witness Podcast
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The Lutheran Witness provides readings of all the articles posted on LW website, witness.lcms.org. The Lutheran Witness is an official periodical of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Producer/Network KFUO Radio - LCMS
Email ****@kfuo.org
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 15.5KTwitter 3.8K Get Email Contact
4. Being Lutheran Podcast
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The Being Lutheran Podcast co-hosted by pastors Jason Gudim and Brett Boe. It is a walk through the Lutheran Book of Concord, episode by episode and article by article. This podcast started off as the adult Sunday School class at Faith Free Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN, taught by Jason. Brett brings an outsiders' perspective to the material and keeps Jason mostly on task. The podcast is produced by Pastor Brian Ricke.MORE Producer/Network Pastor Jason Gudim
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5 Since Nov 2016 Get Email Contact
5. Your Faith Journey
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All of us are on a journey of faith in our lives. At Faith Lutheran Church in Okemos, Michigan we bring people one a journey of faith each week and share that journey with the world.
Producer/Network Faith Lutheran Church, Okemos, MI
Email ****@faithlutheranokemos.org
Apple Rating 4/5Facebook 550 Since Feb 2016 Get Email Contact
6. Holy Words from Holy Cross
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The sermon podcast of Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. There have been more good (and bad) resources produced to help you learn the facts about the person of Jesus Nazareth than we can possibly do credit to here.MORE Host Pastor Brett Jenkins
Producer/Network Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church
Email ****@holycrossnazareth.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 545 Get Email Contact
7. St. Paul's Sydney Podcast
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St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sydney, Australia.A regular podcast from Pastor Richard Schwedes and guests at St Paul's Sydney Lutheran Church, Australia.
Producer/Network Pastor Richard Schwedes
Email ****@stpaulssydney.org
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8. First Lutheran Podcast
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Now you can listen to First Lutheran anytime, from anywhere! First Lutheran Podcast is your simple, free way to hear the latest sermons, discussions, classes, and more!
Producer/Network First Lutheran Church; Sioux Falls, SD
Email ****@flcsf.org
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9. Campus Lutheran Church
Follow Campus Lutheran Church is a Biblical and confessional congregation designed for college students, faculty, and staff from our local universities and colleges, as well as for families and individuals.MORE Email ****@campuslutheran.org
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10. The Church Basement
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Pour a cup of coffee or tea and join us in this virtual Church Basement for conversations about faith and life. Central Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation in Northeast Portland, Oregon.
Producer/Network Central Lutheran Church
Email ****@centralportland.org
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11. As Lutheran As It Gets
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As Lutheran As It Gets delves deep into the deep tracks, B-sides, and basement tapes of our Lutheran fathers. This podcast is hosted by Rev. Donavon Riley with Rev. Christopher Gillespie interrupting the monologue and producing.MORE Email ****@higherthings.org
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12. Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Podcast
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The official page for news from Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, an organization of camp and retreat center professionals from across the United States. To know more on this, subscribe with us.
Producer/Network Don Johnson
Email ****@lomnetwork.org
Facebook 1.7KTwitter 9 Since May 2017 Get Email Contact
13. PLC Church
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Prairie Lutheran Church is a vibrant congregation made up of people with diverse beliefs. At our core, what holds us together is Jesus Christ. As a congregation that leans towards a Lutheran core we emphasize grace, forgiveness, and the cross. We also emphasize the evangelical nature of the Gospel. We have a passion for talking about Jesus as real, who is in the world and transforms lives. We embrace both historic Lutheran theology and modern evangelical passion.MORE Email ****@plcchurch.org
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14. Trinity Lutheran
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Our beliefs come directly from the Bible and are organized around the principles of 'Grace Alone,' 'Faith Alone,' and 'Scripture Alone.' This means we believe our salvation from the punishment of our sin is not based on anything we do, but solely on God's grace. We believe that it is only through the faith that God creates in us that we are saved and not by any work. We believe that Scripture (the Old and New Testaments of the Bible) is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine.MORE Email ****@trinitylutherannorfolk.org
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15. Saint Matthew Lutheran Church
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We're an ELCA congregation (elca.org) and worship is the heart of our congregational life. We've been told frequently by visitors that we're friendly.
Email ****@verizon.net
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16. Our Savior Lutheran Church & School
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We invite our members, family and friends to post your comments and keep in touch. We are a church, Christian grade school, and preschool (3K & 4K) family growing together in faith and proclaiming Jesus Christ as our risen Savior.MORE Email ****@wi.rr.com
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Lutheran shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | |
Kurt Buchholz | lhm.org/podcasts | 233 | @kurtbuchholzlhm | |
Jeff Craig-Meyer | lhm.org/podcasts | 233 | ||
Pastor Brett Jenkins | holycrossnazareth.org/sermons | 5 | ||
Faith Lutheran Church | faithlutheran.libsyn.com/podcast | 65 | ||
Pastor Richard Schwedes | buzzsprout.com/681242 | 32 | ||
Pastor Jason Gudim | beinglutheran.com/podcast | 27 | ||
Jordan B Cooper | justandsinner.libsyn.com | 26 | @@justandsinner | |
Don Johnson | emmauscollective.com/podcasts/lutheran-outdoor-ministries-podcast | 24 | @lomnetwork | |
D. Miller | centralportland.org/the-church-basement | 9 | @centrallutheran | |
KFUO Radio | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-lutheran-witness-podcast/id1521527462 | 8 | @lutheranwitness | |
Pastor Jason Burggraff | flcsf.org/podcast | 7 | ||
Preacher: Pastor Tom Stadem | flcsf.org/podcast | 3 | ||
Pastor Robert O'Connor | flcsf.org/podcast | 2 | ||
Dr. Christ Croghan | flcsf.org/podcast | 1 | ||
Preacher: Pastor Jason Burggaff | flcsf.org/podcast | 1 | ||
Pastor Sarah Stenson | flcsf.org/podcast | 1 | ||
Katie McGuire | flcsf.org/podcast | 1 | ||
Rev. David Sprang | faithlutheran.libsyn.com/podcast | 1 | ||
Deb Borton | faithlutheran.libsyn.com/podcast | 1 | ||
Chris Lewis | faithlutheran.libsyn.com/podcast | 1 | ||
Dawn Miller | centralportland.org/the-church-basement | 1 | @centrallutheran |
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