20 Best Muslim Podcasts
Muslim Podcasts
Here are 20 Best Muslim Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Diffused Congruence
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A podcast celebrating the many facets of the American Muslim experience. The goal of the show is to highlight and focus on unique and interesting personalities from both within and without the American Muslim community, and engage them in a traditional long form, engaging conversation not only for the guests, but also for listeners.MORE Hosts Parvez Ahmed, Omar Ansari
Producer/Network Parvez Ahmed & Omar Ansari
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2. Mommying While Muslim
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Meet Zaiba Hasan and Uzma Jafri. Two American-Muslim mothers who were born and raised in the U.S. They have a combined eight children and 25-years of parenting experience to share. You will learn about how they are raising their American-Muslim children in an American Culture.MORE Producer/Network Zaiba Hasan & Uzma Jafri
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 2.6KTwitter 57Instagram 18.7K Since Jul 2019 Video Podcast YouTube
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3. ibn abee omar
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Conversations, khutbahs, and reflections focused on faith-based professional development for individuals and organizations.
Producer/Network ibn abee omar
Email ****@ibnabeeomar.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 16K Since Feb 2019 Get Email Contact
4. The Mad Mamluks
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A Muslim podcast featuring new episodes every week
Producer/Network SIM
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5. Coffee with Karim
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Seeking light of the deen with some caffeine. Frozen in Massachusetts. Melted in California.Karim Serageldin is an American human scientist, relationship coach and educator. Founder of Noor Human Consulting. Karim enjoys absurd hilarious moments, music, the sun, coffee and sugary things. Tune in for unique content on psychology, relationships and spirituality.MORE Producer/Network Karim Serageldin
Email ****@coffeewithkarim.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 9.3KTwitter 90Instagram 953 Video Podcast YouTube
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6. Once Upon A Crescent
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Once Upon a Crescent is a collection of Islamic bedtime stories for children. Written and produced by a Muslim elementary school teacher, these stories aim to impart Islamic morals to kids through light-hearted storytelling. Not only are stories a great way to settle into a bedtime routine, but they also provide rich opportunities for meaningful dialogue between parent and child.MORE Host Hashimi
Producer/Network Mrs. Hashimi
Email ****@mrshashimi.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5 Video Podcast YouTube
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7. Muslim Footprints
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An opportunity to deep-dive into Islam and Muslim civilisations, history and spirituality through the ages, accompanied by some of the best experts and academics in their field.Join us as we discover how Muslim societies and individuals have lived, thought about, and expressed their faith in their own ways as a pathway to the divine. We explore the far-flung lands that Muslims have lived in, the traditions scientific, artistic, religious and cultural they've contributed to, and the revelation itself, the Qur'an.MORE Host Ayesha Daya
Producer/Network The Ismaili & Kalima Communications
Email ****@kalimacommunications.com
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8. Mohamed Ghilan Podcast
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This podcast gives a commentary on religion, philosophy, science, society and culture and the like.
Host Mohamed Ghilan
Producer/Network Mohamed Ghilan
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 97.3KTwitter 23.8K Since Mar 2016 Video Podcast YouTube
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9. #Good Muslim Bad Muslim Podcast
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A monthly podcast featuring Tanzila 'Taz' Ahmed and Zahra Noorbakhsh about the good and the bad of the American Muslim female experience. But you know, satirically & disturbingly hilarious. #GoodMuslimBadMuslimMORE Hosts Taz, Zahra
Producer/Network Taz & Zahra
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5 Get Email Contact
10. American Muslim Project
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American Muslim Project is a weekly podcast featuring the Muslims shaping America. For more than 500 years, Muslims have had a presence in North America and have made lasting contributions to American life, culture, and history. In each episode, our podcast elevates unique Muslim voices and explores how they are currently influencing the American experience.MORE Host Asad Butt
Producer/Network Rifelion Media
Email ****@rifelion.com
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11. King of the World
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A seven-part podcast series about a Pakistani American Muslim teenager who comes of age post-9/11 and, twenty years later, tries to figure out what the hell happened to him and to us. Hosted by Shahjehan Khan. King of the World is Shahjehan's journey through addiction, identity, creativity, and what it means to belong as a Muslim in America in the 20 years after 9/11.MORE Producer/Network Rifelion Media
Email ****@rifelion.com
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12. Nikah & Chill
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The 1st and only muslim podcast covering all things relationships - the love, the hate, the halal & down right haram!
Producer/Network Nikah & Chill
Email ****@gmail.com
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13. Feminine & Fulfilled with Shazia Imam
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Feminine & Fulfilled believes in a world where women support each other. Celebrate each other. Have fun together. Do purposeful work. Make a difference. Because collectively, women WILL change the world for the positive.MORE Host Shazia Imam
Producer/Network Powerful Women join Shazia Imam to share their raw stories, Unscripted
Email ****@thelifeengineer.com
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14. Hijabi Diaries
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The Hijabi Diaries is a radio podcast that invites ordinary Muslim women to talk about their lives, their work, their families, their dreams, why they wear the hijab, and what it's like to be a Muslim woman in America at this moment in time - when Islamophobic prejudice is on the rise in the USA.MORE Producer/Network Hijabi Diaries
Email ****@gmail.com
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15. Dangerous Saracen Magic
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This is a podcast by some Muslims, currently living in the 'West,' awaiting the end of our 'Islamic Dark Age.' Our primary goal is to challenge the status-quo, to help revive our civilization.MORE Producer/Network Mohsin, Nabeel, Yaser
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Video Podcast YouTube
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16. reMAStered
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reMAStered is a series of conversations dedicated to spiritual growth and guidance. We focus on topics that help cultivate better understanding of the greater community around us, as well as challenges that arise, all under a lens of faith.MORE Host Mounira Madison
Producer/Network reMAStered
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17. The Halal Gap
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An open discussion with creative individuals highlighting the wealth of talent and diverse voices of Muslims from around the world. Previous guests include Ramy Youssef, spoken word poet Amir Sulaiman, podcasting giant Misha Euceph, WWE wrestler Mustafa Ali, and many more.MORE Producer/Network Mosquers Film Festival
Email ****@themosquers.com
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18. Brit-ish Muslim Girl Diaries
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Listen in to Amal and Zara, 2 Brit-ish Muslims in their early 30's, who share their experiences of growing up in the UK and moving abroad as single Muslims. As friends for over a decade...they cover it all...from A to Z!MORE Producer/Network Brit-ish Muslim Girl Diaries
Email ****@gmail.com
Since Mar 2021 Get Email Contact
19. Identity Politics
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Identity Politics is a podcast that features new stories and perspectives about race, gender and Muslim life in America. From pop culture to politics, each episode co-hosts Ikhlas Saleem and Makkah Ali invite guests to talk about issues impacting their lives as Muslims at the intersection of multiple identities.MORE Producer/Network Ikhlas Saleem and Makkah Ali
Email ****@gmail.com
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20. The Billion Dollar Muslim Podcast
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The Billion Dollar Muslim Podcast is a series of live audio recordings by Khuram Malik. Here, you get to hear Khuram's perspective of entrepreneurship through the lenses of Islamic beliefs and values makes this a unique presentation that is motivating, uplifting, and refreshing.MORE Producer/Network Khuram Malik
Email ****@stratagem.io
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Muslim shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Parvez Ahmed | Co Host | diffusedcongruence.podbean.com | 11 | @parvezfahmed | 452 | |
Omar Ansari | Co Host | diffusedcongruence.podbean.com | 11 | |||
Hashimi | Host | mrshashimi.com | 118 | @mrshashimi_ | 4 | |
Ayesha Daya | Host | footprints.podcast.ismaili | 8 | |||
Mohamed Ghilan | Host | sites.libsyn.com/452988 | 18 | @mohamedghilan | 23.8K | |
Taz | Host | goodmuslimbadmuslim.com/contact | @tazzystar | 14.2K | ||
Zahra | Host | goodmuslimbadmuslim.com/contact | ||||
Asad Butt | Host | cms.megaphone.fm/channel/americanmuslimproject | 1 | |||
Shazia Imam | Host | thelifeengineer.com/podcast | 1 | |||
Mounira Madison | Host | remastered.podbean.com | 10 | |||
Zaiba Hasan & Uzma Jafri | mommyingwhilemuslim.com/podcast | 28 | @mwmpodcasting | 57 | ||
Farooq | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1032526 | 26 | @muslimpodcasts | |||
SIM | themadmamluks.com/category/podcast | 25 | @themadmamluks | 7.8K | ||
Ayana Fakhir | ayanaexplainsitall.com/episodes | 6 | ||||
Karim Serageldin | coffeewithkarim.com/podcast | 3 | @coffeewkarim | 90 | ||
Mosquers Film Festival | themosquers.com/the-halal-gap | 2 | @themosquers | 545 | ||
Farooq / Ramiz Ibrahim | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1032526 | 1 | @muslimpodcasts | |||
Nikah & Chill | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-muslim-mate-podcast | 1 | ||||
Amal Fayad | mommyingwhilemuslim.com/podcast | 1 | @mwmpodcasting | 57 | ||
Dr. Maytha AlHassen | mommyingwhilemuslim.com/podcast | 1 | @mwmpodcasting | 57 | ||
Naseem | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1032526 | 1 | @muslimpodcasts | |||
Fidaa Elaydi | mommyingwhilemuslim.com/podcast | 1 | @mwmpodcasting | 57 | ||
Farooq / Omer Aziz | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1032526 | 1 | @muslimpodcasts | |||
Episode 174 | Patience During Hardships | Mindset | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1032526 | 1 | @muslimpodcasts |
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