10 Best New Hampshire Political Podcasts
New Hampshire Political Podcasts
Here are 10 Best New Hampshire Political Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Civics 101
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How do landmark Supreme Court decisions affect our lives? What does the 2nd Amendment really say? Why does the Senate have so much power? Civics 101 is the podcast about how our democracy works…or is supposed to work, anyway.MORE Hosts Hannah McCarthy, Nick Capodice
Email ****@nhpr.org
Apple Rating 4.2/5Facebook 1.4KTwitter 3KInstagram 2.3K Avg Length 32 min Since Jan 2017 Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. The Radical Centrist
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Welcome to the Radical Centrist Podcast where we explore a politics that steps outside of the realm of the poisonous partisanship that has infected our country in recent years and seek ways to place the American voice - and the American idea - above tribalism, partisan politics and blind allegiance to ideology. to challenge ourselves to ask question and seek answers that can bridge the divides between people, parties and ideologies.MORE Host Wayne King
Producer/Network Wayne King
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 235Twitter 116Instagram 331 Avg Length 75 min Get Email Contact
3. New Hampshire Today
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A discussion of the topics that our listeners want and need to know more about. Talking politics from a conservative point of view unlike other talk shows.
Host Chris Ryan
Email ****@iheartmedia.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 2.3KTwitter 581 Avg Length 12 min Get Email Contact
4. Attitude with Arnie Arnesen
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Recovering politician Arnie Arnesen's daily pubic affairs interview show from WNHN Radio in Concord, New Hampshire and the Pacifica Radio Network. Arnie hosts progressive voices from politics, journalism, industry, and academia. She talks electric cars with Barry Woods, she talks Texas with Scott Braddock, she talks Congress with Rho Khanna, she talks gun culture, she talks limericks, she talks campaigns ...MORE Email ****@wnhnfm.org
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 1.5KTwitter 2K Avg Length 56 min Get Email Contact
5. The Party Line with Ray Buckley
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The Party Line podcast offers unprecedented access and never-before-heard stories and context from guests at the highest levels of New Hampshire politics. Listeners will hear conversations on the biggest decisions impacting the Granite State today, and updates from work happening within NHDP and the latest ways to get involved, hosted by New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley.MORE Email ****@nhdp.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 15.9KTwitter 19.2KInstagram 3.4K Avg Length 41 min Get Email Contact
6. Capitol Closeup
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Former Congressman Paul Hodes gets the inside scoop on what's happening in New Hampshire with the most experienced reporters and leaders in the state. Broadcast on WKXL as part of the 'Beyond Politics' radio show.MORE Host Matt Robison
Producer/Network Paul Hodes
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 42 min Get Email Contact
7. Stranglehold
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How one small state got its hands around picking our presidents - and why it won't let go. An investigation into the power and people behind the New Hampshire Primary, and a political story unlike any you've heard before.MORE Producer/Network NHPR
Email ****@nhpr.org
Apple Rating 4.5/5Twitter 504 Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact
8. Conservative View from New Hampshire
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Conservative opinion on events impacting all of us nationally and around the world. Ray Cardello is a News Contributor with the Daily Caller. Ray is a Political Opinion Journalist on his own site, Conservative View From New Hampshire, The Liberty Loft, Conservative Daily News, USSA News, and the Granite Grok. His articles have been seen on over 70 sites and has also been featured on The Righting.MORE Host Ray Cardello
Producer/Network Ray Cardello
Email ****@comcast.net
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 38Twitter 73 Avg Length 6 min Get Email Contact
9. Into The Tussle
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Hi! My name is Quinn and I am a 15-year-old political commentator from New Hampshire. I have attended over 80 presidential rallies since the age of 10, have met several presidents, and have asked numerous questions, which have given me a unique perspective into the world of politics. My podcast is all about giving one an unbiased view of my perspective into the presidential process in how the candidate performed, the content of a speech, differentiation from the field, hypocritical aspects, retail political skills, turnout, energy, how they handled mine or an other's questions, and much more.MORE Host Quinn Mitchell
Producer/Network Quinn Mitchell
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Twitter 2.3K Avg Length 14 min Get Email Contact
New Hampshire Political shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Hannah McCarthy | Co Host | civics-101.simplecast.com | 39 | @hmccarthynhpr | 468 | |
Nick Capodice | Co Host | civics-101.simplecast.com | 39 | |||
Wayne King | Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-radical-centrist/id1448723412 | 51 | |||
Chris Ryan | Host | iheart.com/podcast/398-new-hampshire-today-27984874 | 136 | @chrisryan603 | 2.4K | |
Matt Robison | Host, Writer and Radio | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/matt-robison4 | @mattlrobison | 3.8K | ||
Ray Cardello | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/conservative-view-from-nh | ||||
Quinn Mitchell | Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-tussle/id1702274206 | 11 | @intothetussle | ||
Arnie Arnesen | podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238/episodes/2024-08-15T08_57_39-07_00 | 60 | @pchowder | 2K | ||
Nhpr | stitcher.com | 44 | @strangleholdpod | 504 | ||
New Hampshire Democratic Party | buzzsprout.com/2144124/12969361-hon-joshua-query.mp3 | 25 | @nhdems | 19.2K | ||
Jack Heath | spreaker.com/episode/episode-7-neil-levesque-of-the-nhiop--53667607 | 20 | ||||
New Hampshire Public Radio | stitcher.com | 18 | @strangleholdpod | 504 | ||
Jack Rodolico | stitcher.com | 1 | @strangleholdpod | 504 |