15 Best Philippines Law Podcasts
Philippines Law Podcasts
Here are 15 Best Philippines Law Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. The Introverted Law Student
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The Introverted Law Student is made and tailored for aspiring law students. Each episode caters to the curiosity and will provide knowledge to the listener - law, education, and life lessons combined. Hosted by a law student himself, who has first-hand experience of what Philippine law school is like at present. Inspiring, moving, and at times humorous - this podcast will tell you stories of what it is like to be a law student in the Philippines.MORE Email ****@rae-r.com
Facebook 223Twitter 8 Frequency 1 ep/week Avg Length 16 min Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Adobogado
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Adobogado is a legal series aimed at making the intricacies of Philippine law more approachable and easy to access for everyday Filipinos, just like Adobo!
Hosts Dominic Paul Genson, Bryan Genson
Producer/Network Dominic Paul Genson
Since Jan 2021 Get Email Contact
3. Philippine Law Channel
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A podcast on Philippine Law.
Producer/Network Philippine Law Channel
Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
4. Maverick Philippine Law Codal
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The primary purpose of this podcast is to provide Philippine Audio Codals for Filipino Law aspirants who want to review while resting, driving, commuting, or multi-tasking in general. Codals are books of codified law arranged in a specific order which is used by law students and law practitioners as reference.MORE Producer/Network Chi Coronado
Since Jun 2020 Get Email Contact
5. Morris Filoteo Podcast
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Talk centered around lawyers, the law practice and anything law-related, in the Philippine setting. Occasionally tackles side topics like basketball, movies, music and everything on God's green earth.MORE Producer/Network Morris John Filoteo
Facebook 215Twitter 195 Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
6. Law for the Common Tao
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Welcome to the Law for the Common Tao podcast. This podcast is a combination of reading of the text of the Philippine Constitution and other Philippine laws. There are discussions and explanations of principles of Philippine law based on existing jurisprudence with referral to commentaries from prominent commentators of Philippine law and law in general.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Since Mar 2020 Get Email Contact
7. Constitutional Law Review At UNC School Of Law
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Podcast for students of law for the subject Constitutional Law Review (Philippine Constitution).
Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
8. The Law Requisites Ph
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This podcast aims to help students of law, bar reviewers, and practicing lawyers in the Philippines.
Producer/Network The Law Requisites Ph
Since Nov 2020 Get Email Contact
9. MNB Law School Podcast
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Hi there! I am Ms. Nota Bene, JD. This podcast is currently divided into 2 categories: Law School and Motivational. Through this podcast, I wish to review together with you; I will likely share my journey as a law student and Bar reviewee, and I will share some of my Filipino motivational audios too. I hope this (Filipino podcast) will be of help on your journey of becoming a lawyer!MORE Host Ms Nota Bene
Producer/Network Ms Nota Bene
Facebook 233Twitter 567Instagram 269 Frequency 1 ep/quarter Avg Length 9 min Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
10. DENR-EMB Calabarzon Podcast
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If you want to know more about environmental laws in the Philippines, subscribe and listen up. We got that covered!
Producer/Network EMB CALABARZON
Email ****@emb.gov.ph
Twitter 9K Since Jan 2020 Get Email Contact
11. Law of Duterte Land With Lian Buan
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Let's unpack the pressing legal issues in Rodrigo Duterte's Philippines. Hosted by justice reporter Lian Buan.
Producer/Network Rappler
Email ****@rappler.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 53.7K Since Mar 2020 Get Email Contact
Philippines Law shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Dominic Paul Genson | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dominic-paul-genson | 2 | |||
Bryan Genson | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dominic-paul-genson | 2 | |||
Ms Nota Bene | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ms-nota-bene | @ms_notabene | 558 | ||
Rappler | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lawofduterteland/episodes/Episode-27-Investigating-Dutertes-drug-war-using-hard-data-erlaa9 | 40 | @lianbuan | 53.7K | |
The Law Requisites Ph | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-law-requisites-ph/episodes/Who-is-battered-woman-in-the-Philippines--All-you-need-to-know--Law-Requisites-PH-e16jh76 | 40 | |||
Emb Calabarzon | anchor.fm/emb-calabarzon/episodes/EPISODE-14-part-1-PAB-on-Pleading--practice-and-procedure-in-pollution-cases-e16hq9t | 38 | @denr_emb | 9K | |
Rae-r | anchor.fm/introvertedlaw/episodes/05-Pandemic-and-Remote-Learning-ej839m | 31 | @introvertedlaw | 8 | |
Angel Iii Ojastro | anchor.fm/angel-iii-ojastro/episodes/RA-8550--the-Fisheries-Code-ejgfl1 | 31 | |||
Chi Coronado | anchor.fm/maverickfilipinox/episodes/1987-Philippine-Constitution--Article-XII-National-Economy-and-Patrimony--Audio-Codal-egckpv | 20 | |||
Morris John Filoteo | anchor.fm/morfilly/episodes/ep-ekauvf | 16 | @morfilly | 195 | |
Miller E. Quintin, Jr. | s3.castbox.fm/d4/a9/0c/e946234edba205daa16e1e00d8.wav | 11 | |||
Philippine Law Channel | anchor.fm/philippine-law-channel/episodes/Revised-Penal-Code-Title-1-egb5t1 | 4 |