4 Best PMO Podcasts (Project Management Office)
PMO Podcasts
Here are 4 Best PMO Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. PMO Strategies
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Elevating the PMO to Deliver Your Strategy.Helping you earn your PMO a seat at the table.
Host Laura Barnard
Producer/Network Laura Barnard, Chief IMPACT Driver
Email ****@pmostrategies.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 396Twitter 1.2K Avg Length 37 min Video Podcast YouTube
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2. The Project Management Podcast
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Welcome to the top-rated project management podcast. Expert interviews, good practices and new developments in the field of project management, all tied together by our goal to give you the skills you need to stay in demand as a project manager.Your host, Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, interviews project management practitioners from around the world to learn what makes them and their projects successful. Each podcast episode includes actionable tips and advice for beginners and experts to help you apply good practices and the latest thinking to your projects right now.MORE Host Cornelius Fichtner
Producer/Network Cornelius Fichtner
Email ****@pm-podcast.com
Apple Rating 4.2/5Facebook 9.7KTwitter 12.5KInstagram 1.3K Since Sep 2016 Get Email Contact
3. Great Practices
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It's hard to say when something is a 'Best Practice'. It's much easier to know when something is a 'Great Practice' and that's what this Podcast is all about. Interviews with PMO and Project Management Leaders, who, through years of trial and error, have discovered their own Great Practices and are now sharing their insights with you!MORE Host Chris Kopp
Producer/Network Chris Kopp
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 30 min Get Email Contact
4. Project Management Office Hours
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Project Management Office Hours assembles leading project managers to talk current trends, topics and lessons learned on the job. Hosted by Joe Pusz, also known as PMO Joe, the podcast serves three functions: educate, elevate and executeMORE Host Joe Pusz
Producer/Network Joe Pusz
Email ****@thepmosquad.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 3.3KTwitter 3.4KInstagram 2.6K Avg Length 58 min Since Feb 2018 Get Email Contact