10 Best Quit Smoking Podcasts
Quit Smoking Podcasts
Here are 10 Best Quit Smoking Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Quit Smoking Today Podcast
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My name is Sebastian and I'm excited to share the best ways how to stop smoking naturally with you. The tips I share with you are based on science, my experience as a coach, and my experience as a certified hypnotist. In my episodes, I proudly recommend supplements that can help you to experience less stress and to recover your lungs while you are learning how to quit smoking cold turkey. EveryNowthen I might also recommend a book that can help you to stop smoking cigarettes.MORE Producer/Network Certified Hypnotist & Cognitive Behavioral Coach Helps You to Quit Smoking
Email ****@gmail.com
Frequency 2 ep/week Avg Length 11 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Quit Smoking With Me
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Website Apple Spotify
You don't have to quit smoking alone, we have created this podcast to give smokers an opportunity to quit smoking with a buddy, on YOUR time! Start off with our Prep-isodes where we go into deep detail on how to prepare yourself mentally and physically for putting down the habit on YOUR decided quit date. This is a community-based podcast where listeners can call in and contribute their input.MORE Producer/Network QR Clothing Brand
Email ****@quitrich.com
Apple Rating 4.4/5Facebook 19Twitter 9Instagram 44 Frequency 2 ep/month Avg Length 8 min Since Jan 2019 Get Email Contact
3. Quit Smoking. My Humble Thoughts
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Hi, I'm in the process of quitting smoking and these are some of my thoughts each day. Beginning at Day 2. One persons perspective. #quitsmoking
Producer/Network Parker Moses
Apple Rating 5/5 Frequency 3 ep/day Avg Length 8 min Since Aug 2020 Get Email Contact
4. Quit Smoking with Ravi Singh
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Website Apple Spotify
Quitting Smoking is quite easier than you think! The benefits of smoking are the worst-kept secrets of myths and lies. However, I won't tell you this by rhetoric but would rather marinate you with common sense, research, and scientific data.MORE Producer/Network Ravi Singh
Email ****@askravisingh.com
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 2.9KInstagram 27 Frequency 2 ep/week Avg Length 6 min Since May 2020 Get Email Contact
5. Quitting smoking
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Website Apple Spotify
A podcast about quitting the cigs. This will be my journey on going cold turkey, no easy task for heavy, long time smoker. But if I succeed and it helps even one person to quit too, the long journey will be worth it!MORE Producer/Network Dave
Apple Rating 3.7/5 Frequency 1 ep/week Avg Length 8 min Since Dec 2019 Get Email Contact
6. Diogo Quits Smoking
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Website Apple Spotify
Hi, I'm Diogo and I'm saying out loud that I'm quitting smoking.Using a well known strategy of 'tell as much people as you can that you are quitting', I've extrapolated that into a weekly Sunday podcast in which 'how difficult', 'what bothers' and 'what's worse' in quitting smoking are some of the topics approached, keeping an eye (and an opinion) on what's going on in the world.Learn about how as this experience been treating me and place your bets on if I can do it or not.MORE Producer/Network Diogo Quits Smoking - The Podcast
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter 2 Frequency 3 ep/week Avg Length 24 min Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
7. Quit Smoking Now Podcast with Dr. Daniel Seidman
Follow Welcome to this series of carefully prepared mini-sessions for smokers who want expert help quitting. Quitting smoking is a journey and your guide for the 7 different parts of this podcast is Dr. Daniel Seidman. Each different part is targeted, so listeners quickly find what they need.MORE Host Daniel F Seidman
Producer/Network Dr. Daniel Seidman
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8. Quit Smoking Podcast
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Joe Bianco, a longtime addict to anything mind and body altering found the secret that had eluded him and many others for far too long. After 26 years of smoking he finally found the way Joe Bianco, a longtime addict to anything mind and body altering found the secret that had eluded him and many others for far too long. After 26 years of smoking he finally found the way. You too can have the freedom that escaping this challenge can give you, you just have to want it more than you want to smoke. He is living proof that quitting smoking is totally doable.MORE Email ****@comcast.net
Frequency 4 ep/week Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact