10 Best South Africa Movies Podcasts
South Africa Movies Podcasts
Here are 10 Best South Africa Movies Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. African Couch Potato: The Mash-up
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African Couch Potato: The Mash-up is a South African perspective on all things film and television. Hosted by award-winning TV producer, Gino Shelile, it mashes up the Top 5 titles to check out each week, a current film or series review, and a look at old movies that are worth rewatching.MORE Host Gino Shelile
Producer/Network Gino Shelile
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2. Politics, although, I call it politricks
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Podcast about the politics in movies
Producer/Network PAICIP Podcast
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3. The Movie Show
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Sound effects, acting, storyline, scriptwriting, directing, trailers, cinematography, color grading, and basically anything to do with cinemas and filmmaking our movie presenters are there. Sash, Ryan, and Timothy share hilarious movie facts, incredible behind-the-scenes moments and so much more! Do they rate the movie as worth watching?Find out now!MORE Producer/Network Active FM
Email ****@activemi.co.za
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4. Plugged In Movie Review
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Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live. Through our reviews, we hope to spark intellectual thought, spiritual growth, and a desire to follow the command of Colossians 2:8: 'See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.'MORE Email ****@fotf.co.za
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5. Iron Heart podcast
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Welcome to Iron Heart.Lungile, knows and loves movies. For 12 years, the South African indie filmmaker has produced short films,web series,music videos, ads and tv promos in the jhb film, TV and advertising industry. Join Lungile as he shares stories about the industry, in Iron Heart podcast.MORE Host Lungile mayindi
Producer/Network Lungile mayindi
Email ****@yahoo.com
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6. Talking Movies with Spling
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Spling reviews film on Talking Movies, a programme broadcast on Fine Music Radio on Friday and Saturday mornings.
Email ****@spling.co.za
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