40 Best Sweden Podcasts
Sweden Podcasts
Here are 40 Best Sweden Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Swedenborg and Life
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Swedenborg & Life is a weekly webcast that explores a broad range of spiritual topics in the context of Swedish scientist and seer Emanuel Swedenborg's experiences of this life and the next. This audio-only podcast is an adaptation of a video-based show, and there will be times when there are references to the visuals in the original episode. To get the full video experience (absolutely free!) check out our YouTube channel, Off The Left Eye.MORE Host Curtis Childs
Producer/Network Off The Left Eye
Email ****@swedenborg.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 392.4KTwitter 856Instagram 2.6K Avg Length 90 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Sweden in Focus
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A weekly, behind-the-scenes look at the biggest news stories in Sweden with the journalists who know them best. Every Saturday with The Local Sweden.
Hosts Paul O’Mahony, James Savage, Emma Löfgren, Richard Orange, Becky Waterton
Producer/Network The Local
Email ****@thelocal.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 168.8KTwitter 60.9KInstagram 16.2K Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
3. Learn Swedish
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Learn Swedish with Free Podcasts. Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible.MORE Producer/Network SwedishPod101.com
Email ****@swedishpod101.com
Apple Rating 4.1/5Facebook 21.2KTwitter 1.7K Avg Length 7 min Since Oct 2014 Get Email Contact
4. Politikrummet
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Expressens nyhetspodd om svensk politik, med Viktor Barth-Kron och Tomas Nordenskiöld. Nytt avsnitt varje tisdag.
Hosts Filippa Rogvall, Tomas Nordenskiöld, Anette Holmqvist, Daniel Ingmo, Viktor Barth-Kron
Producer/Network Expressen
Email ****@expressen.se
Apple Rating 3.5/5 Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
5. Sanny & Svensson
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En podd från Expressen om SHL och Hockeyallsvenskan. Och om svensk hockey i allmänhet. Med Sanny Lindström och Johan 'MrMadhawk' Svensson. Nytt avsnitt släpps varje måndag.
Producer/Network Expressen
Email ****@bonniernews.se
Apple Rating 3.7/5 Avg Length 63 min Get Email Contact
6. Aftonbladet Story
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Här samlar vi Sveriges starkaste historier på ett och samma ställe. Grävande journalistik och aktuella dokumentärer från vår redaktion samt fängslande dokument ur Aftonbladets arkiv.
Host Patrick Syk
Producer/Network Aftonbladet
Email ****@aftonbladet.se
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact
7. Skateboardpodden
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A swedish podcast about skateboarding
Hosts Denis Sopovic, Mathias Dewoon
Producer/Network Denis Sopovic & Mathias Dewoon
Email ****@skateboardpodden.se
Facebook 809Instagram 2K Avg Length 167 min Get Email Contact
8. Radio Sweden
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Your best source of news from Sweden.Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
Email ****@sverigesradio.se
Facebook 39.9K Avg Length 6 min Get Email Contact
9. A Flatpack History of Sweden
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A fun history podcast chronologically charting Swedish history in a light-hearted and conversational way. Each week we introduce a new step along our journey through the history of Sweden, from the Stone Age to the modern-day. Vikings included!MORE Producer/Network A Flatpack History of Sweden
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 762Twitter 1.4K Avg Length 50 min Since Jan 2020 Get Email Contact
10. Sweden Rolls
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Four actors play the best of Swedish RPGs with one of Swedens most experienced and appreciated podcast GMs.
Producer/Network Sweden Rolls
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 12.9KTwitter 1KInstagram 8K Avg Length 57 min Get Email Contact
11. Digitalpodden
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Sveriges största podd om startups, investeringar och digitaliseringen av det svenska näringslivet. Från Di Digitals redaktion varje vecka.En podcast från Bonnier News. Ansvarig utgivare Peter FellmanKontakt redaktionen: ida.brusewitz@di.seAnnonsförfrågningar: podcast.sales@bonniernews.seMORE Producer/Network Dagens industri
Avg Length 34 min Get Email Contact
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DO- FUTURE GENERATIONS- PODCASTS is a platform where we all discuss culture, identity, politics, and literature, and share our yesterday's and today's experiences. We discuss the challenges we face in our lives, especially as first-generation refugees and Oromo youth in Sweden and any other hosting nations across Western countries. Some people have incredible untold stories and it would help those who share them and those who hear their stories. It's a place where people's voices are heard and the trauma we all went through when we left home to come to Europe in so many different ways.MORE Producer/Network CHALA ABATE
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 64 min Get Email Contact
13. Swedish podcast for beginners
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Listen every day and learn how to speak Swedish naturally!
Producer/Network Oskar Nyström
Email ****@studionystrom.com
Instagram 3.1K Avg Length 12 min Get Email Contact
14. Teach Me Sweden
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Teach Me Sweden is a Swedish History podcast by comedians Jonathan Rollins (US) and Erik Broström (SE). Each week one of them reads a true story from Swedish History to the other one who likely knows nothing about it. Laugh along while you (and they) learn about traffic changes, executioners, crime stories, human gifts to royalty, women breaking barriers, pirates, and more. This is Swedish History like you've never experienced it before. Subscribe and enjoy.MORE Hosts Jonathan Rollins, Erik Broström
Producer/Network Bashdaddy Entertainment
Email ****@bashdaddyentertainment.com
Avg Length 31 min Get Email Contact
15. SÅNT ÄR LIVET i Sverige!
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Jag heter Liisa Uusimaki och Podden handlar om samtal om livets utmaningar i Sverige, inom olika områden, som utbildning, skolan, vården, kultur och ja, en hel del annat.
Host Liisa Uusimaki
Email ****@msn.com
Avg Length 42 min Get Email Contact
16. DancePod with Skånes Dansteater
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Your chance to hear from dance artists, engage with movement and delve deeper into our creative process.
Hosts Kit Brown, Samuel Denton
Producer/Network Skånes Dansteater
Email ****@skanesdansteater.se
Facebook 12.4KInstagram 13.8K Avg Length 41 min Get Email Contact
17. Swecare Podcast
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In this podcast we will gather world-leading experts in healthcare and life science. You will get to meet politicians, researchers, clinicians and entrepreneurs all of them committed to improve health and disrupt healthcare systems. Swecare believes in international collaboration and joining forces to address healthcare challenges worldwide. Join Sweden in Pioneering the Possible!MORE Producer/Network Swecare
Email ****@podspace.com
Avg Length 15 min Get Email Contact
18. Di:s ledarpodd
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Di:s ledarpodd görs av Dagens industris ledarredaktion och tar upp dagsaktuella ämnen inom ekonomi, finans, svensk och internationell politik samt andra samhällsfrågor med fokus på företagarnas verklighet. Medverkar gör Di:s tillförordnade politiska redaktör Ellen Gustafsson, ledarskribenterna Tobias Wikström, Henrik Westman och Matilda Molander, debattredaktör Andreas Johansson samt gäster.En podcast från Bonnier News.MORE Producer/Network Dagens industri
Email ****@bonniernews.se
Avg Length 21 min Get Email Contact
19. En mörk historia
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Undersökande dokumentär från en ljusskygg verklighet. En Mörk Historia tar dig med in i rättsfallen som chockerar, förbryllar och förfärar Sverige. Vi hör om unika levnadsöden och brinnande ämnen från personerna som själva var inblandade. Med hjälp av deras berättelser försöker vi förstå. Hur kan man beröva en annan människa livet, för blott några tusenlappar? Varför sätter inte det svenska samhället stopp för ett mord som bara väntar på att ske? En mörk historia produceras av JUST STORIES.MORE Producer/Network Third Ear SE
Email ****@juststories.se
Avg Length 17 min Get Email Contact
20. Ögonblicket
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Ögonblicket zoomar in på händelserna som berört några av Sveriges mest kända människor inom både finans och politik. Hur gick tankarna under några av livets mest definierande timmar? Och hur förändrade det framtiden? Reportrar och programledare: Karin Grundberg Wolodarski och Johanna LundsgårdProducent: Viktor AhldénMixning och ljudläggning: Patricio Samuelsson Ansvarig utgivare: Peter Fellman.MORE Producer/Network Dagens industri
Email ****@bonniernews.se
Avg Length 16 min Get Email Contact
21. Coffee Break Swedish
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Learn Swedish with teacher Hanna and her student Mark. Each lesson is like going for a coffee (or a Fika!) with your friend who happens to speak Swedish and is helping you learn in a relaxed, enjoyable way. Coffee Break Swedish is not a simple series of 'listen and repeat' audio programs: in each lesson Hanna explains how the language works, helping Mark - and you - to manipulate the language and use it in practical situations.MORE Producer/Network Coffee Break Languages
Email ****@coffeebreaklanguages.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 15.9KTwitter 10KInstagram 50.6K Avg Length 25 min Since Jan 2020 Get Email Contact
22. I Noah Guy
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If you're looking for the 156th funniest podcast in Sweden, you've come to the right place. My name's Noah and I Noah a lot of cool people. Join me as I sit down with them each week and unravel their life stories- scary to hilarity and everything in between.MORE Producer/Network Noah Frato-Sweeney
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Instagram 126 Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
23. Swedish Innovation
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Exporting Swedish Unicornness. No buzzwords. Just real life stories with Sweden's most innovative thinkers and doers.
Producer/Network Sara Hermansson & Sandra Bourbon
Email ****@swedish-innovation.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 43 min Get Email Contact
24. The Newbie Guide to Sweden Podcast
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The Newbie Guide to Sweden is your go-to guide for all things related to thriving in Sweden as an ex-pat or immigrant. Whether you've been living in Sweden for 5 minutes or 5 decades, living this close to the North Pole is a big change for anyone. Hosted by Sheona Urquhart Smångs, The Newbie Guide to Sweden Podcast journeys to different corners of this cucumber-shaped potato haven, and showcases fellow 'newbies' who are kicking a$$ in Sweden.MORE Producer/Network The Newbie Guide to Sweden
Email ****@thenewbieguide.se
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 14.5KInstagram 8K Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
25. Fika Fridays with Emma
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Fika Fridays with Emma is a podcast about my migrant life and experiences in Sweden as a single black mum. The podcast will explore different issues from other migrants' and locals' experiences in Sweden. Topics include housing, food, lifestyle, education, career, dating, etc. Each episode will come with different perspectives on life in Sweden as a local or migrant.MORE Producer/Network Emma in Sverige
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 19 min Get Email Contact
26. Sweasy Lessons
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Your shortcut to the Swedish language. Learn the basics of speaking Swedish from a native teacher. Fun and easy, this is Sweasy!
Producer/Network Sweasy Lessons
Email ****@outlook.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 10 min Get Email Contact
27. Easy Swedish with Viktoria
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Välkommen to a podcast where I speak in slower and spoken Swedish. Perfect practice for listening comprehension, and since it's storytelling it makes it that much easier to follow along and understand.MORE Producer/Network Viktoria the Swede
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 3.7/5 Avg Length 15 min Get Email Contact
28. Arvikapartiet - 'tankar kring framtiden. En podd om hur vårt parti tänker...'
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Arvikapartiet - 'tankar kring framtiden. En podd om hur vårt parti tänker...'En podd kring hur vi ser på politiken som förs och hur vi skulle vilja se att det ska skötas.
Producer/Network Hero music Studios
Email ****@x-y.se
Twitter 155 Avg Length 60 min Get Email Contact
29. Ska vi fika?
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Grab a cup of coffee and join Vivian and Nicole while they are having fika, trying typical fika sweets, and sharing their experiences in Sweden as European Solidarity Corps volunteers. They will talk about what it's like living abroad in a new country, share anecdotes from their daily lives as volunteers and try to explain cultural differences. Whether you want to learn more about European volunteering and how it works or just simply like listening to stories from their Sweden adventure: Get cozy and Enjoy!MORE Producer/Network Vivian&Nicole
Email ****@amal.se
Avg Length 57 min Get Email Contact
30. exCLUEEsive
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exCLUEEsive är en förlängning av det populära YouTube-konceptet Cluee News. Hosten Mikael Hallström, och hans kollega Arman Hosseini kommer att djupdyka i Sveriges dramaträsk och influencervärld. Då det inte finns utrymme för egna åsikter på YouTube-kanalen, kommer duon bakom Cluee News använda denna plattform för att ventilera sig och avslöja hemligheter som sker bakom kulisserna mellan profilerna.MORE Hosts Mikael Hallström, Arman Hosseini
Producer/Network Mikael Hallström
Email ****@armanator.com
Avg Length 67 min Get Email Contact
31. The Asian Fit
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A podcast about Asian culture in Sweden with Sui-King Poon and Emei Burell. So, why are two Swedes speaking English in a podcast about Asian culture in Sweden? This isn't just for the Asians who speak Swedish or the ones who grew up in Sweden; but for the Asians who have immigrated here, who might be thinking of moving here, and for the ones who are just curious.MORE Producer/Network The Asian Fit
Email ****@gmail.com
Instagram 184 Avg Length 50 min Get Email Contact
32. Konstnärer om konstnärlig frihet
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KONSTNÄRER OM KONSTNÄRLIG FRIHETEn poddserie producerad av Dansavdelningen på Fackförbundet Scen & Film.Verksamma konstnärer och aktörer inom dans och koreografi samtalar om konstnärlig frihet.Idéen till poddserien föddes 2021, då Dansavdelningens styrelse läste Myndigheten för Kulturanalys rapport 'Så fri är konsten', som slår fast att det förekommer oönskad politisk styrning av konstens innehåll i Sverige.MORE Producer/Network Dansavdelningen
Avg Length 54 min Get Email Contact
33. Leaving Sweden
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Leaving Sweden a podcast about two Swedes who decided to leave Sweden. Matilda in Los Angeles, USA, and Josefin in Seoul, South Korea.
Producer/Network Matilda & Josefin
Instagram 168 Avg Length 36 min Get Email Contact
34. Stora Journalistprispodden
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Stora Journalistprispodden är en podcast från Stora Journalistpriset, där Sveriges bästa journalister berättar om Sveriges bästa journalistik. Bakom varje stort avslöjande, varje prisvärd berättelse och story, döljer sig en annan story: Historien om hur det gick till. I den här podcastserien grottar vi ner oss i den historien.Programledare är Stefan Mehr, som i 23 års tid ledde arbetet med Stora Journalistpriset och också själv vann priset 1990.MORE Producer/Network Stora Journalistpriset
Email ****@storajournalistpriset.se
Avg Length 38 min Get Email Contact
35. Polecast Sweden
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Sweden's first podcast about poldance! Get a grip and part-take in an upside-down view of the world. A podcast by enthusiasts for every pole aficionado out there, made with love and laughter!MORE Hosts Cecilia Hammargren, Tess Loewinski, Jess
Producer/Network polecastsweden
Email ****@gmail.com
Instagram 868 Avg Length 33 min Get Email Contact
36. Emerging Technologies Sweden Series
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The Launch Of Our Podcasts And Our Videos.
Producer/Network Veronica Chiaravalli
Email ****@exponentialtechs.com
Twitter 175Instagram 269 Avg Length 6 min Get Email Contact
37. P4 Story
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20 minuter om nyheter som skakat om människor och samhällen i Sverige. Ansvarig utgivare: Se under respektive avsnitt
Producer/Network Sveriges Radio
Email ****@sverigesradio.se
Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
38. Kim's In Sweden
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I never would have imagined that I would move from sunny, warm Los Angeles to cold and (most of the time rainy) Sweden. But here I am. So how did I end up here? And what is it like living in Sweden as an American girl? I'm spilling all the juicy details in this podcast.MORE Producer/Network Kimberly Sorce
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 21 min Get Email Contact
39. A Swedish Fika
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A Swedish Fika is about Sweden and Swedes. A look at us Swedes from the outside so to say, talking about our quirks, traditions, and things that might be hard to understand when you meet a Swede for the first time. I will also include my first impressions as I arrived in the US almost 20 years ago. There are some things that we Swedes have a hard time understanding and accepting on that side.MORE Producer/Network PixelPia
Email ****@aswedishfika.com
Facebook 72 Avg Length 18 min Get Email Contact
40. Pensioner & Förmåner-podden
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Pensioner & Förmåners redaktör Åsa Wallin möter experter och profiler inom pensionsområdet med en ny gäst varje månad.En podcast från Bonnier News.
Host Åsa Wallin
Producer/Network Dagens industri
Email ****@nyhetsbrev.se
Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
Sweden shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Curtis Childs | Host | swedenborgandlife.simplecast.com | ||||
Paul O’Mahony | Co Host | thelocal.se | 78 | @omahonypaul | 1.5K | |
James Savage | Co Host | thelocal.se | 78 | @savlocal | 10.6K | |
Emma Löfgren | Co Host | thelocal.se | 78 | @ekjlofgren | 4.3K | |
Richard Orange | Co Host | thelocal.se | 78 | @richard_orange | 1.7K | |
Becky Waterton | Co Host | thelocal.se | 78 | @beckywaterton | 903 | |
Filippa Rogvall | Co Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/politikrummet/id1502112491 | @filipparogvall | 1.2K | ||
Tomas Nordenskiöld | Co Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/politikrummet/id1502112491 | @tnordenskiold | 7.1K | ||
Anette Holmqvist | Co Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/politikrummet/id1502112491 | @aholmqvist | 9.6K | ||
Daniel Ingmo | Co Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/politikrummet/id1502112491 | @danielingmo | 1.2K | ||
Viktor Barth-Kron | Co Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/politikrummet/id1502112491 | @viktorbk | 193K | ||
Patrick Syk | Host | aftonbladet.se/podcasts/ab/program/1234 | @patriksyk | 11K | ||
Denis Sopovic | Co Host | skateboardpodden.podbean.com | ||||
Mathias Dewoon | Co Host | skateboardpodden.podbean.com | ||||
Jonathan Rollins | Co Host | shows.acast.com/teach-me-sweden | 17 | @jonfraudvandam | 1.8K | |
Erik Broström | Co Host | shows.acast.com/teach-me-sweden | 17 | |||
Liisa Uusimaki | Host | luusimaki.podbean.com | @uusimakiliisa | |||
Kit Brown | Co Host | skanesdansteater.buzzsprout.com | 6 | |||
Samuel Denton | Co Host | skanesdansteater.buzzsprout.com | 6 | |||
Mikael Hallström | Co Host | shows.acast.com/exclueesive | @riktigacluee | |||
Arman Hosseini | Co Host | shows.acast.com/exclueesive | ||||
Cecilia Hammargren | Co Host | polecastsweden.podbean.com | 6 | |||
Tess Loewinski | Co Host | polecastsweden.podbean.com | 6 | |||
Jess | Co Host | polecastsweden.podbean.com | 6 | |||
Åsa Wallin | Host | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pensioner-f%C3%B6rm%C3%A5ner-podden/id1652041920 | @amhwallin | 52 | ||
Expressen | pod.space/sannysvensson/179-en-polse-och-en-nubbe-i-kopenhamn | 65 | ||||
Oskar Nyström | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lattsvenskamedoskar/episodes/239--Att-f-mycket-mail-e2fvjr0 | 61 | ||||
Sweasy Lessons | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sweasylessons/episodes/Sweasy-Lesson-62-The-e2elk0s | 60 | ||||
Dagens Industri | pod.space/ogonblicket/succeinvesterarens-olycka-en-millimeter-fran-att-do | 45 | ||||
Veronica Chiaravalli | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/veronica-chiaravalli/episodes/Episode-6---The-Moon--Mars--and-Beyond-eb89n5 | 40 | @exponential_t | 175 | ||
Sveriges Radio | sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1949304 | 40 | ||||
Viktoria The Swede | viktoriatheswede.podbean.com/e/ep-34-mina-temuggar-latt | 40 | ||||
A Flatpack History Of Sweden | flatpackhistorysweden.podbean.com/e/89-have-we-said-this-before | 40 | @flatpacksweden | 1.4K | ||
Andreas Lundström & Jakob Hultcrantz Hansson | swedenrolls.com | 38 | @SwedenRolls | |||
Coffee Break Languages | shows.acast.com/coffeebreakswedish/episodes/kulturhornan-10-abba-pa-svenska-coffee-break-swedish-culture | 29 | @coffeebreakLANG | |||
Sara Hermansson & Sandra Bourbon | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/swedish-innovation/episodes/15-Competing-against-YouTube-over-childrens-attention--Monica-Fagraeus-Lundstrm--CEO-and-founder-Boksnok-e1eehae | 21 | ||||
Chala Abate | pdcn.co/e/www.buzzsprout.com/1411957/14048364-yaalii-ajjeechaa-dr-dagafaa-abdiisaa-miseensa-shanee-gumii-gumii-sabaa-abo-duraanii-kan-turanii-fi-yeroo-ammaatti-gaafatamaa-mdho-kan-tahan-irratti-yaalame.mp3 | 20 | ||||
Noah Frato-sweeney | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/noah-frato-sweeney/episodes/3--I-Noah-ADHD-Survivor-errkni | 20 | ||||
The Asian Fit | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-asian-fit/episodes/4--Zodiacs-in-the-year-of-the-tiger-e1ebc5r | 20 | ||||
Emma- The Girl Who Moved To Sweden | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fikafridayswithemma/episodes/Dating-In-Sweden-Looks-Like--It-can-e1ter1l | 20 | ||||
Pixelpia | aswedishfika.com/six-reasons-why-an-american-learned-to-embrace-paying-taxes-in-sweden | 20 | ||||
Podme / Third Ear Studio | pod.space/enmorkhistoria/brevbomb-fran-gullspang-del-2-2 | 19 | ||||
Matilda & Josefin | anchor.fm/leavingsweden/episodes/001-Why-we-left-Sweden-e1dijve | 16 | ||||
The Newbie Guide To Sweden | thenewbieguide.se | 16 | ||||
Vivian&nicole | anchor.fm/ska-vi-fika/episodes/What-is-fika-you-ask-e1bq4q0 | 10 | ||||
Kimberly Sorce | rss.com/podcasts/kimsinsweden/445104 | 8 | ||||
Hero Music Studios | buzzsprout.com/1868644/9572978-avsnitt-2-arvikapartiet-lss.mp3 | 7 | @arvikapartiet | 155 | ||
Stora Journalistpriset | shows.acast.com/stora-journalistprispodden/episodes/david-baas | 5 | ||||
Swecare | pod.space/swecarepodcast/ai-in-healthcare-a-blessing-or-a-curse-sweden-at-a-glance | 3 | ||||
Dansavdelningen | shows.acast.com/konstnarer-om-konstnarlig-frihet/episodes/avsnitt-2-emelie-johansson-och-katja-seitajoki | 2 | ||||
Podme / Just Stories | pod.space/enmorkhistoria/the-swedes-forsvunna-i-regnskogen-1-7 | 1 | ||||
Learningswedishwithviktoria | viktoriatheswede.podbean.com/e/ep-1-george-orwells-bok-1984 | 1 |