30 Best Twit Tv Podcasts
Twit Tv Podcasts
Here are 30 Best Twit Tv Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. This Week in Tech
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Your first podcast of the week is the last word in tech news. Join the top tech journalists and pundits in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in tech.Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 22:15 UTC.MORE Hosts TWiT, Leo Laporte, Mikah Sargent
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 3.9/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 172 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. MacBreak Weekly
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MacBreak Weekly covers all things Apple Macs, iPhones, iPads, Watches, Apple TV, and more. Join Leo Laporte and his co-hosts Jason Snell, Andy Ihnatko, and Alex Lindsay as they dive Apple news, rumors, updates, and reviews.Records live every Tuesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.MORE Hosts Leo Laporte, Alex Lindsay, Andy Ihnatko, Jason Snell
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 3.9/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 147 min Since Aug 2006 Get Email Contact
3. Security Now
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Security Now could be the most important show you watch all week. Security guru Steve Gibson, the man who coined the term spyware and created the first anti-spyware program, joins Leo Laporte every week to guide us through the minefield of ransomware, viruses, cyber espionage, hacking, etc.Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 21:30 UTC.MORE Hosts Steve Gibson, Leo Laporte
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 4KInstagram 6K Avg Length 155 min Get Email Contact
4. Total Leo
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A compendium of podcasts from the Chief TWiT, Leo Laporte. This feed includes all of Leo's audio or video releases and sometimes includes his appearances on other podcasts. One feed to serve them all.MORE Host Leo Laporte
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 160 min Get Email Contact
5. Windows Weekly
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Take a deep-dive into all things Microsoft with experts Paul Thurrott and Richard Campbell. They join Leo Laporte every week to deliver sharp commentary and nuanced discussions on Microsoft's new hardware, software, services, enterprise, planned launches, and insider information.Records live every Wednesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.MORE Hosts Paul Thurrott, Richard Campbell, Leo Laporte
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@thurrott.com
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 157 min Since Sep 2006 Get Email Contact
6. This Week in Google (Audio)
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Get a big-picture view and detailed analysis of technology topics covering everything you can google. Join hosts Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Paris Martineau covering corporate leadership, competition, policies, emerging tech, global impacts, and what it means to individuals and communities.Records live every Wednesday at 5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific / 22:00 UTC.MORE Hosts Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Paris Martineau
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4.1/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 143 min Since Aug 2020 Video Podcast YouTube
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7. Ask The Tech Guys
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Tech experts Leo Laporte and Mikah Sargent team up to answer all of your burning tech questions. From the latest gadgets to tried-and-true tech tips, Leo & Mikah have the knowledge and expertise to help you get the most out of your technology. So whether you're a tech novice or a seasoned pro, join Leo and Mikah each week for a fun and informative look at the world of technology. Call in with your live questions from 11 am-2 pm PT every Sunday at call.twit.tv. Get ready to level up your tech game!Records Sunday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.MORE Hosts Leo Laporte, Mikah Sargent
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4.4/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 35 min Get Email Contact
8. Total Mikah
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A compilation of podcasts from TWiT.tv host, Mikah Sargent. Subscribe to this feed to get access to all the TWiT.tv audio and video episodes featuring Mikah.
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 3.7/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 48 min Get Email Contact
9. Tech News Weekly
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Industry expert Mikah Sargent, brings you interviews from tech journalists who make or break the top stories of the week. Get the freshest perspective and in depth insight into the fast-paced world of technology from Tech News Weekly.Records every Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.MORE Host Jason Howell
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 69 min Get Email Contact
10. Total Ant
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Photoshop, Lightroom, Android, Google, and more. Check out the feed of TWiT host Ant Pruitt as he discusses all things photography, Android, tech giants, and the latest in tech news.
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 149 min Get Email Contact
11. iOS Today (Audio)
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Join Rosemary Orchard and Mikah Sargent for iOS Today, TWiT.tv's podcast for all things iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and more! From app reviews to helpful tips and tricks, from the latest news to the coolest accessories, Rosemary and Mikah will help you make the most of all your iOS devices.Records live every Tuesday at Noon Eastern / 9:00am Pacific / 17:00 UTC.MORE Hosts Rosemary Orchard, Mikah Sargent
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 4.1/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 44 min Get Email Contact
12. Total Jason
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An ongoing collection of every podcast that Jason Howell hosts or appears on within the TWiT network. If you want to be sure that you never miss any of Jason's appearances, subscribe to this one feed and worry no more.MORE Producer/Network TWiT's Retired Podcasts
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 89 min Get Email Contact
13. All TWiT.tv Shows
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Leo Laporte brings some of the most interesting personalities in technology together to talk about the most important issues. Fun, relaxed, informative and always entertaining, count on TWiT for the best tech podcasts in the world.MORE Host TWiT
Producer/Network TWiT Tech Podcasts: Audio
Email ****@leo.fm
Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 91 min Get Email Contact
14. Hands-On Mac
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Hands-On Mac explores and explains the Mac — and beyond! From clever Terminal commands to little-known iOS settings, Mikah Sargent shares all the best tips and tricks for your Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. You'll get all the details on Apple's apps and the best apps in the App Store, you'll learn about awesome accessories for your Apple devices, and you'll explore updates to Apple's operating systems — including iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and watchOS. Hands-On Mac is your one-stop shop for Apple know-how. Hands-On Mac is an ad-free Club TWiT exclusive podcast.MORE Host TWiT
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 4.4/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 14 min Get Email Contact
15. Untitled Linux Show (Audio)
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The Untitled Linux Show covers the week's hottest Linux news for desktop, gaming, and even enterprise. ULS is the weekly update you don't want to miss, from the latest kernel development to the updates on your favorite apps! Each episode finishes with a killer command line tip from each host. Untitled Linux Show is an ad-free Club TWiT exclusive podcast. You can join Club TWiT for $7 a month and get everything the club offers. From time to time, we may release episodes free to the public.New episodes are recorded live every Saturday in the Club TWiT Discord.MORE Producer/Network TWiT Tech Podcasts: Audio
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 92 min Get Email Contact
16. This Week in Space
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This Week in Space podcast covers the new space age. Every Friday we take a deep dive into a fascinating topic. What's happening with the new race to the moon and other planets? When will SpaceX or NASA really send people to Mars? Join Rod Pyle and Tariq Malik from Space.com on This Week in Space. Subscribe today on your favorite podcatcher.New episodes posted every Friday.MORE Hosts Rod Pyle, Tariq Malik
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@yahoo.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 74 min Get Email Contact
17. Home Theater Geeks (Audio)
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Get the most out of your home theater with the latest advances, product reviews, and all things audio and video. Every Thursday, Scott Wilkinson shares his expertise, energy, and enthusiasm about how to make your A/V system sound and look its best. In this short-format podcast, Scott brings you news, reviews, interviews, and commentary, and answers your questions. Home Theater Geeks is an ad-free Club TWiT exclusive podcast. You can join Club TWiT for $7 a month and get everything the club offers or just get the podcast ad-free for $2.99 a month...MORE Host Scott Wilkinson
Email ****@twit.tv
Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
18. Hands-On Windows (Video)
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Hands-On Windows, featuring Paul Thurrott, will help you adapt to the changes made in Windows 11. From visual tweaks to performance boosts Hands-On Windows will show you how to get the most out of your Windows 11 PC. Hands-On Windows is an ad-free Club TWiT exclusive podcast. You can join Club TWiT for $7 a month and get everything the club offers or just get the podcast ad-free for $2.99 a month. You can also get the ad-free audio versions for $2.99 a month on Apple Podcasts.New episodes every Thursday via Club TWiT or Apple Podcasts Paid Subscriptions.MORE Email ****@twit.tv
Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 17 min Get Email Contact
19. Host-Read Ads
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Navigating the podcast sales process can be cumbersome because every podcaster has their own unique approach. Join Lisa Laporte, the CEO of TWiT.tv, each Friday to learn about the different types of podcast advertising, how they work, and what you need to consider when buying podcasts. If you are new to the podcasting space or a brand wanting to advertise in podcasts, then subscribe to learn more.New episodes published every Friday.MORE Producer/Network TWiT Tech Podcasts: Audio
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 3 min Get Email Contact
20. All About Android
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All About Android delivers everything you want to know about Android each week--the biggest news, freshest hardware, best apps and geekiest how-tos--with Android enthusiasts Jason Howell, Ron Richards, Huyen Tue Dao, and a variety of special guests along the way.Although the show is no longer in production, you can enjoy over a decade of Android in our archives.MORE Hosts This Week in Tech (TWiT), TWiT, Jason Howell
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 35.6K Avg Length 94 min Video Podcast YouTube
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21. Triangulation
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Every week TWiT hosts talk to the smartest people in the world about the most important topics in technology. Join Leo Laporte and other TWiT hosts for these enlightening one-on-one interviews.Although the show is no longer in regular production, you can enjoy episodes from the TWiT Archives.MORE Host Leo Laporte
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leoville.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 67 min Get Email Contact
22. Hands-On Photography (Audio)
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Ant Pruitt hosts Hands-On Photography showing how to create awesome photos with your camera. Hands-On Photography will help the beginner photographer or enthusiast get the most out of their camera. Even if it's a smartphone. Ant will share tips, tricks, and also challenges to encourage creative growth in your photography. Photography is more than mere megapixels. It's about the story, the community and the fun you have creating great images.Although Hands-On Photography is no longer in production, you can enjoy previous episodes in our archives.MORE Host Ant Pruitt
Producer/Network TWiT's Retired Podcasts
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact
23. FLOSS Weekly
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We're not talking dentistry here; FLOSS is all about Free Libre Open Source Software. Join host Doc Searls and his rotating panel of co-hosts every Wednesday as they talk with the most interesting and important people in the Open Source and Free Software community.New episodes posted every Wednesday.MORE Host Doc Searls
Producer/Network TWiT's Retired Podcasts
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 4.5/5Twitter 23.2K Avg Length 64 min Since Apr 2006 Get Email Contact
24. TWiT News
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When tech news breaks, we cover it. On this podcast, you'll get the latest product announcements from all the tech giants, plus breaking tech news as it happens. Join Leo Laporte, Jason Howell, Mikah Sargent, Ant Pruitt, and other TWiT hosts on the TWiT News podcast.New episodes are available whenever news breaksMORE Host TWiT
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 88 min Get Email Contact
25. TWiT Events
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TWiT Events is your window to the best tech events in the world. Whether it's the hottest announcements from CES or the latest security tech, TWiT Events is there.
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@twit.tv
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 57 min Get Email Contact
26. This Week in Enterprise Tech (Audio)
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This Week in Enterprise Tech explores the complex, cutting edge world of enterprise technology. Hosted by Lou Maresca, TWiET features IT professionals explaining the ins and outs of enterprise solutions.Records live every Friday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 21:30 UTC.MORE Hosts Louis Maresca, TWiT
Producer/Network TWiT
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4.2/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 72 min Get Email Contact
27. Tech Break
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Tech Break brings you technology news and updates as they happen. So stay informed and discover new gadgets, apps, unboxings, beta releases, interviews, and essential excerpts from our shows. With Tech Break there is no set schedule and our hosts will publish new content as it develops.MORE Host TWiT
Producer/Network TWiT's Retired Podcasts
Email ****@leo.fm
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 25.2KTwitter 77.6KInstagram 6K Avg Length 13 min Get Email Contact
Twit Tv shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Leo Laporte | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-tech | @leolaporte | 481.4K | |
Mikah Sargent | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-tech | @mikahsargent | ||
Leo Laporte | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/macbreak-weekly | @leolaporte | ||
Alex Lindsay | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/macbreak-weekly | @alexlindsay | ||
Andy Ihnatko | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/macbreak-weekly | @ihnatko | ||
Jason Snell | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/macbreak-weekly | @jsnell | ||
Steve Gibson | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/security-now | @sggrc | ||
Leo Laporte | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/security-now | @leolaporte | 481.4K | |
Leo Laporte | Host | twit.tv/shows/total-leo | @leolaporte | 479.8K | |
Paul Thurrott | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly | @thurrott | 126.4K | |
Richard Campbell | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly | @richcampbell | ||
Leo Laporte | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly | @leolaporte | 479.8K | |
Leo Laporte | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-google | @leolaporte | 479.8K | |
Jeff Jarvis | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-google | @jeffjarvis | 172.4K | |
Paris Martineau | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-google | @parismartineau | 17.4K | |
Leo Laporte | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/ask-the-tech-guys | @leolaporte | 479.8K | |
Mikah Sargent | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/ask-the-tech-guys | @mikahsargent | 8.1K | |
Jason Howell | Host | twit.tv/episodes?filter[shows]=540261 | @jasonhowell | 35.4K | |
Rosemary Orchard | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/ios-today | @rosemaryorchard | 7.7K | |
Mikah Sargent | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/ios-today | @mikahsargent | 8.1K | |
TWiT | Producer And Host | twit.tv/shows/all-twittv-shows | @twit | 79.5K | |
TWiT | Producer And Host | twit.tv/shows/hands-on-mac | @twit | 79.5K | |
Rod Pyle | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-space | @chryseplanatia | 2.4K | |
Tariq Malik | Co Host | twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-space | @tariqjmalik | 10.5K | |
Scott Wilkinson | Host | twit.tv/shows/home-theater-geeks | @htgeekscott | 4K | |
This Week in Tech (TWiT) | Producer And Host | twit.tv/shows/all-about-android | |||
TWiT | Company, Host | twit.tv/shows/all-about-android | |||
Jason Howell | Host | twit.tv/shows/all-about-android | @jasonhowell | ||
Leo Laporte | Host | twit.tv/shows/triangulation | @leolaporte | ||
Ant Pruitt | Host | twit.tv/shows/hands-on-photography | @ant_pruitt | ||
Doc Searls | Host | twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly | @dsearls | 23.2K | |
Louis Maresca | Host | twit.tv/episodes?filter[shows]=1675 | @loumm | 2.6K | |
TWiT | Producer And Host | twit.tv/episodes?filter[shows]=1675 | |||
TWiT | Producer And Host | twit.tv/episodes?filter[shows]=1683 |