40 Best University of Oxford Podcasts
University of Oxford Podcasts
Here are 40 Best University of Oxford Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Middle East Centre
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The Middle East Centre, founded in 1957 at St Antony's College is the center for the interdisciplinary study of the modern Middle East at the University of Oxford. Centre Fellows teach and research the humanities and social sciences with direct reference to the Arab world, Iran, Israel, and Turkey, with particular emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, during our regular Friday seminar series, attracting a wide audience, our distinguished speakers bring topics to light that touch on contemporary issues.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
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Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8K Avg Length 60 min Since Mar 2015 Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Israel Studies Seminar
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Running weekly during Term time, the Israel Studies Seminar is the primary setting for public discussions on a wide spectrum of issues relating to Israeli society, history, politics, and culture at the University of Oxford. With an international list of speakers, it has been attracting much attention and growing audience participation. The seminar is convened by Prof. Yaacov Yadgar, the Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies, based at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies and the Department of Politics and International Relations.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
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Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 49 min Get Email Contact
3. Asian Studies Centre
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The Asian Studies Centre was founded in 1982 at St Antony's College and is primarily a co-ordinating organization that exists to bring together specialists from a wide variety of different disciplines. Geographically, the Centre predominantly covers South, Southeast, and East Asia. The Asian Studies Centre works closely with scholars in the Oriental Institute, the Oxford China Centre, the Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme, and the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@sant.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4.2/5Facebook 6.4KTwitter 8.8KInstagram 4.8K Avg Length 50 min Since Apr 2014 Get Email Contact
4. Oxford Policy Pod
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A bi-weekly policy podcast based out of the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. The Oxford Policy Pod explores pressing policy issues around the globe and is produced by students reading for a Master of Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government. The podcast explores contemporary policy challenges that policymakers face all over the world, and taps into the rich diversity of policy experience and insights of the student body and faculty.MORE Host Nicholas Fabbri
Producer/Network Students at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 23.9KTwitter 140Instagram 1.2K Avg Length 48 min Get Email Contact
5. Future Proof
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The marketing podcast from Said Business School, Oxford University, and Kantar, the marketing insights and consulting company. In each episode, we'll have a frank discussion with an expert, to help brands and business leaders navigate the changing landscape of marketing and hopefully dispel some myths and misconceptions along the way. Looking at big industry questions through both market research and an academic lens, we can help prepare marketers for the future (with proof).MORE Hosts Lindsay Gorton-lee, Jauneen Tarin, Lynne Deason
Producer/Network Kantar & Saïd Business School, Oxford University
Email ****@kantar.com
Apple Rating 4.4/5Facebook 34.1KTwitter 15Instagram 19.5K Avg Length 28 min Since Jul 2018 Get Email Contact
6. Middle East Centre Booktalk
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Welcome to Middle East Centre Booktalk the Oxford podcast on new books about the Middle East. These are some of the books written by members of our community, or the books our community is talking about. Tune in to follow author interviews and book chat. Every episode features a different, recently published book and is hosted by a different Oxford academic.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 55 min Since Jan 2021 Get Email Contact
7. Centre for Personalised Medicine
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The CPM is an innovative partnership between the Welcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and St Anne's College at the University of Oxford. The Centre contributes to facilitating a more individualized approach to healthcare by providing a focus for multidisciplinary collaboration; enhancing the educational experience of students, academics, clinicians, and the public; and facilitating new programs of research.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@well.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 164Twitter 2.4KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 23 min Since Mar 2021 Get Email Contact
8. Oxford Martin School
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Public Lectures and Seminars from the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. The Oxford Martin School brings together the best minds from different fields to tackle the most pressing issues of the 21st century.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 75 min Since Apr 2008 Get Email Contact
9. Reimagine
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Reimagine is a new and original podcast series from the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University's Said Business School, presented by Peter Drobac.In this series we meet the visionaries, the disruptors, the world's problem-solvers, who are taking up the challenge of fixing the bits of our world that are broken.MORE Producer/Network Saïd Business School
Email ****@wearestabl.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 298.3KTwitter 4.5K Avg Length 40 min Since Mar 2020 Get Email Contact
10. Professor of Poetry
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Professor of Poetry Alice Oswald gives her lectures on poetry, language, literature, beauty, and life every term. The Professor of Poetry lectures were conceived in 1708 by Berkshire landowner Henry Birkhead and began after he bequeathed some money so it could be a valuable supplement to the curriculum. He believed the reading of the ancient poets gave keenness and polish to the minds of young men as well as to the advancement of more serious literature both sacred and human.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 344Twitter 7.5KInstagram 6.3K Avg Length 53 min Since Dec 2019 Get Email Contact
11. Futuremakers
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Welcome to Futuremakers from the University of Oxford, where our academics debate key issues for the future of society. Join in now and have a listen to the podcast!
Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 48 min Since Oct 2018 Get Email Contact
12. Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminar
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The Tibetan Graduates Studies Seminar (TGSS) is a weekly series of colloquia and guest lectures at the Oriental Institute.The intended purpose of the TGSS is to give MPhil and DPhil candidates a platform to present their work-in-progress and receive feedback from staff and affiliated scholars of the field. Additionally, the weekly time slot will also allow visiting scholars to present their current research. They are provided with the opportunity to engage in similar ways with both students and fellows of the Tibetan Studies department.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 45 min Since Apr 2020 Get Email Contact
13. Reimagining Ancient Greece and Rome
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Recordings of the lectures and in-conversation events with acclaimed actors, directors, playwrights, and academics, on modern and historic performances inspired by ancient Greek and Roman texts - hosted by the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@classics.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 3.7/5Facebook 1.8KTwitter 2.6KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 62 min Since Aug 2016 Get Email Contact
14. Leadership In Extraordinary Times
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This is a podcast series from Saïd Business School where we will be sharing insights from our research and hearing from people on the frontlines. Leaders who are not just thinking about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, but dealing with it. This is not a time for business as usual. This is a time for business unusual. We need to think about the world in which we find ourselves, but also the world that we want to build when we emerge from this global health and economic crisis.MORE Producer/Network Saïd Business School
Email ****@sbs.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 298.3KTwitter 76.6K Avg Length 48 min Since May 2020 Get Email Contact
15. Oxford Transitional Justice Research Seminars
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OTJR is dedicated to producing high-quality scholarship that connects intimately to practical and policy questions in transitional justice, focusing on the following themes: Prosecutions, Truth Commissions, Local and traditional practices, Compensation and reparations, Theoretical and philosophical debates in transitional justice, Institutional reform, and Archives of the tribunal and other transitional justice materials.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8K Avg Length 53 min Since Dec 2009 Get Email Contact
16. Almanac
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Almanac is a student-run initiative at the University of Oxford. Every two weeks, a number of students sit down for an in-depth discussion about the region which has made history for thousands of years and continues to make headlines today.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 45 min Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
17. Our Mental Wellness
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Our Mental Wellness is a seminar series organised by the Experimental Psychology Department. The series aims to inform, dispel myths and generate discussion on a range of mental health topics. This is a great opportunity for students, staff and alumni to hear world-leading researchers from the University of Oxford share their expertise about mental health conditions and effective evidence-based treatments. It is a chance to have your questions answered about how we can look after each other's mental wellness in our community.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 13.4KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 46 min Since Jul 2011 Get Email Contact
18. A Very Brief Introduction to the British Empire Podcast
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This podcast series is brought to you by Uncomfortable Oxford, a student initiative run by doctoral students at the University of Oxford. With the goal of providing 'A Very Brief Introduction to the British Empire,' talks are given by doctoral students in history. They are meant for a non specialist audience, but we provide suggested readings if you want to learn more! The perfect resource for schools, teachers, and interested listeners who simply want to expand their general knowledge of the history of the British Empire.MORE Producer/Network Uncomfortable Oxford
Email ****@uncomfortableoxford.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 4KTwitter 2.7KInstagram 2.3K Avg Length 49 min Get Email Contact
19. Evidence-Based Health Care
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The broad aim of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine is to develop, teach and promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources to doctors and health care professionals to help maintain the highest standards of medicine. Many of the talks are taken from the Oxford Evidence-Based Health Care Programme and delivered by members of the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, the Centre of Evidence Medicine, and leaders in the field of Evidence-based Health Care internationally.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 44 min Since Feb 2011 Get Email Contact
20. Aquinas Institute, Oxford
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Our Institute has been promoting knowledge of Thomas Aquinas' teaching and his legacy, and research into his ideas and their contemporary value, since 2004.fostering the exchange of ideasLocated in the University of Oxford, we help introduce Aquinas to new scholars in various disciplines, and contribute to the exchange of ideas in this world-class University by bringing international scholars to speak at our events or to carry out research...MORE Producer/Network Aquinas Institute
Email ****@english.op.org
Apple Rating 3.7/5Facebook 10.6KTwitter 416 Avg Length 53 min Get Email Contact
21. Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity
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The Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) is an interdisciplinary research unit based at the University of Oxford, dedicated to understanding the complex and interwoven causes of obesity in populations across the world. This seminar series is hosted by the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 39 min Since Feb 2010 Get Email Contact
22. Public International Law Part III
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Lectures on international law issues by eminent scholars, practitioners, and judges of national and international courts. The lecture series is brought to you by the Public International Law Discussion Group, part of the Law Faculty of the University of Oxford, and is supported by the British Branch of the International Law Association and Oxford University Press.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 3.3/5Facebook 2.3KTwitter 13.1KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 39 min Since Oct 2019 Get Email Contact
23. Student Life at Oxford
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Get the most out of life as a student in Oxford. A series of short talks and presentations aimed at students of the University.
Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 8.8K Avg Length 16 min Since Sep 2015 Get Email Contact
24. Back Garden Biology
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In this fun and informative series Dr. Lindsay Turnbull, Associate Professor and Fellow of The Queen's College, Oxford University, looks at the biology of the back garden. This series is recorded hot off the press in a normal garden in England beginning in March 2020 and would be of interest to anyone from age 5 . The series is particularly useful for children missing school who would like to carry on practical work in their own garden and have an expert help them understand the theory behind everyday biology.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@plants.ox.ac.uk
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Since Feb 2021 Get Email Contact
25. Oxford Obesity
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This podcast contains lectures from the Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford.
Producer/Network Unit for BioCultural Variation and Obesity, University of Oxford
Email ****@admin.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 4.9MTwitter 1MInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 35 min Since Feb 2021 Get Email Contact
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The University of Oxford is home to an impressive range and depth of research activities in the Humanities. TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities is a major new initiative that seeks to build on this heritage and to stimulate and support research that transcends disciplinary and institutional boundaries. Here we feature some of the networks and programs, as well as recordings of events, and offer insights into the research that they make possible.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@humanities.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 12.4KTwitter 21.7KInstagram 4K Avg Length 60 min Since Dec 2014 Get Email Contact
27. Department of Statistics
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The new building provides improved lecture and teaching space, a variety of interaction areas, and brings together researchers in Probability and Statistics. It has created a highly visible center for the Department in Oxford. We offer an undergraduate degree (BA or MMath) in Mathematics and Statistics, jointly with the Mathematical Institute. At the postgraduate level, there is an MSc course in Applied Statistics, as well as a lively and stimulating environment for postgraduate research (DPhil or MSc by Research).MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@stats.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 5.4KTwitter 6.4KInstagram 9K Avg Length 56 min Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
28. Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
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A selection of seminars and special lectures on wide-ranging topics relating to practical ethics. The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics was established in 2002 with the support of the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education of Japan. It is an integral part of the philosophy faculty of Oxford University, one of the great centers of academic excellence in philosophical ethics.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 52 min Since Aug 2009 Get Email Contact
29. African Studies Centre
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The University of Oxford is one of the world's leading centers for the study of Africa. In every Faculty and Division across the University, there are active research programs focused on the continent. The African Studies Centre, within the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, acts as a focal point for graduate-level work and faculty research on Africa. Alongside the vibrant doctoral programs, the MSc in African Studies, inaugurated in 2006, is already recognized as Europe's most prestigious and successful training program in its field.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 45 min Since May 2009 Get Email Contact
30. Writing Lives: Biography and Beyond
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Join biographer Kate Kennedy and poet Katherine Collins from the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing as they talk to leading biographers and academics from around the world. From medieval records to social media trends, diaries to musical scores, they explore how we write about lives from every perspective.MORE Producer/Network Oxford Centre for Life-Writing
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 1/5Twitter 891 Avg Length 33 min Since Apr 2021 Get Email Contact
31. War and Representation
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The series War and Representation features interviews with leading humanities scholars of war. In each episode a researcher presents recently published work or ongoing research projects for a broad audience. This series is hosted by the Faculty of English Language and Literature.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
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Facebook 8.3KTwitter 7.5KInstagram 6.3K Avg Length 32 min Since Nov 2019 Get Email Contact
32. University of Oxford
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This podcast contains audio from the University of Oxford.
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Facebook 4.9MTwitter 1MInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 13 min Since Mar 2015 Get Email Contact
33. The Oxford/Berlin Creative Collaborations
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The podcasts showcase ideas and research across the arts and humanities. We are drawing on expertise from the University of Oxford and Berlin University of the Arts, to combine established methodologies from the Humanities with new and exciting forms of artistic expression. Our encounters between researchers and artists open up new fields of engagement between the arts, humanities, and sciences. We anticipate that this new exchange of methodologies, modes of representation, language, and other qualities will lead to innovative contributions in the arts and sciences alike.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
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Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 22 min Since Dec 2020 Get Email Contact
34. OxPeace Conference 2009
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This Conference was organized by an ad hoc multidisciplinary group in Oxford University, which had begun in 2006 to discuss how to network and raise the profile of the research already being done in Oxford on peace, peacemaking, peacebuilding, and peacekeeping. The title The Serious Study of Peace underlines that peace was no longer seen merely as a fringe interest but was beginning to take its place in academe as a matter of serious concern to which a wide range of disciplines can contribute.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 19 min Since Jan 2021 Get Email Contact
35. Oxford from the Inside
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We are a group of Oxford students at different stages of a range of university degrees who are passionate about access and increasing diversity within higher education, and we are here to talk about it all! We'll be interviewing a variety of students at Oxford, getting their advice and opinions on topics ranging from the mystery that is Oxford interviews and the reality of a work-life balance, to the downlow on the Oxford social scene and life from the perspectives of students from a variety of backgrounds, identities and places around the world.MORE Producer/Network OFTI Podcast
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 186Twitter 52Instagram 958 Avg Length 20 min Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
36. The Very Short Introductions Podcast
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A concise and original introduction to a wide range of subjects from Business to Sociology, Politics to Classics, and Literary Theory to History - by the expert authors of the Very Short Introductions series. For wherever your curiosity may take you.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University Press
Email ****@oup.com
Facebook 1.1MTwitter 113.2KInstagram 29.9K Avg Length 15 min Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
37. St Cross College Shorts
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These brief podcasts open into the intellectual worlds of the diverse fellowship of St Cross College Oxford and are for everyone.
Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 4.9MTwitter 8.8KInstagram 1.8M Avg Length 16 min Since Sep 2019 Get Email Contact
38. Digging for Meaning
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Researchers studying archaeological remains from across the whole range of the human past discus the sometimes surprising meanings they have found while digging through what we have left behind. From recycling Romans to voyaging Vikings, twisting Silk Roads to modern hunter-gathers of Borneo, let experts from the Oxford School of Archaeology take you on a journey to the past, which might just change how you travel into the future.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@it.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 3.4KTwitter 5.9KInstagram 2.9K Avg Length 17 min Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
39. The Secrets of Mathematics
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A series of talks and lectures from Oxford Mathematicians exploring the power and beauty of their subject. These talks would appeal to anyone interested in mathematics and its ever-growing range of applications from medicine to economics and beyond.MORE Producer/Network Oxford University
Email ****@maths.ox.ac.uk
Facebook 123.2KTwitter 67.5KInstagram 634.9K Since Jan 2014 Get Email Contact
University of Oxford shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
Nicholas Fabbri | oxfordpolicypod.captivate.fm | 21 | @nafabbri | ||
Lindsay Gorton-lee | kantar.com/campaigns/future-proof | 2 | |||
Jauneen Tarin | kantar.com/campaigns/future-proof | 2 | |||
Lynne Deason | kantar.com/campaigns/future-proof | 2 | |||
Opportune Simon | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/oxfordandcambridge | 13 | |||
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies | frontiers.csls.ox.ac.uk/category/talking-about-methods | 10 | @UniofOxford | ||
American Society for Nutrition | podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ajcn-in-press/id1537760483 | 2 | @oupacademic | 113.2K | |
Ilan Pappe | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Marcel van Ackeren | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/uehiro-centre-practical-ethics | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Alice Oswald | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/professor-poetry | 1 | @engfac | 7.5K | |
Adam Mestyan | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Alon Liel | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Amal W Nazzal | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Avi Shlaim | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Eugene Rogan | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Ghassan Salamé | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Hagar Kotef | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Haytham Alhamwi | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Ibrahim al-Marashi | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Nic Newman | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/reuters-institute-study-journalism | 1 | |||
Inna Rudolf | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Målfrid Braut-Hegghammer | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Noura Erakat | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Peter Gross | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Rabia Kutlu | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Roel Meijer | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Yoav di Capua | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Yuli Tamir | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre | 1 | |||
Federica Cherubini | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/reuters-institute-study-journalism | 1 | |||
Kirsten Eddy | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/reuters-institute-study-journalism | 1 | |||
Anna Macready | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Nicola Bajetta | podcasts.ox.ac.uk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Per Kværne | podcasts.ox.ac.uk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Shaman Hatley | podcasts.ox.ac.uk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Belinda Lennox | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/futuremakers | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Andrew Mitchell | oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/videos | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Hannah Ritchie | oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/videos | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Jacob Fisher | podcasts.ox.ac.uk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Anne Saab | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Esther Gonzalez-Padilla | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Francesca Forno | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Jeremy Brice | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Maddalena Borsato | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Pallavi Laxmikanth | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Thao Dam | oxfordobesity.org | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Anna Dowrick | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/evidence-based-health-care | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Karl Roberts | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/evidence-based-health-care | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Ali Mirsepassi | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre-booktalk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Diana Galeeva | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre-booktalk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K | |
Elie Podeh | podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/middle-east-centre-booktalk | 1 | @oxfordpodcasts | 8.8K |
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