25 Best Yoga Teacher Podcasts
Yoga Teacher Podcasts
Here are 25 Best Yoga Teacher Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Yoga Girl Daily
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Welcome to Yoga Girl Daily, a spin-off of the Yoga Girl Podcast. In this series, Rachel Brathen, New York Times Bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, and international yoga teacher, is offering nuggets of wisdom, guidance, and clarity every day of the week.MORE Producer/Network Rachel Brathen
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Twitter 32.4KInstagram 1.9M Avg Length 7 min Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. J. Brown Yoga Talks Podcast
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Yoga teacher and writer J. Brown is leading the way in the Slow Yoga Revolution, advocating for more intimate, breath-centered, therapeutic yoga practices. J interviews guests from old-school yoga teachers to other yoga revolutionists about philosophy and the business of yoga.MORE Host J. Brown
Producer/Network J. Brown Yoga
Email ****@jbrownyoga.com
Apple Rating 4.2/5Facebook 5.2K Avg Length 90 min Since Aug 2015 Get Email Contact
3. Yogaland Podcast
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This down-to-earth podcast by Andrea Ferretti (former executive editor of Yoga Journal) will keep me informed and inspire me to practice yoga. Topics run the gamut from nitty-gritty technique (her yoga teacher husband Jason Crandell often joins to help with this) to down-to-earth conversations about how to apply yoga's lessons and tools to help craft a happy, balanced life.MORE Hosts Jason Crandell, Andrea Ferretti
Producer/Network Andrea Ferretti
Email ****@jasonyoga.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 174.4KInstagram 124.2K Avg Length 45 min Get Email Contact
4. The Bare Bones Yoga Podcast
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Designed to share yoga teaching related topics in the areas of technique as well as personal and professional development. Think of it like having a cup of tea and a chat with a colleague yoga teacher.MORE Host Karen Fabian
Producer/Network Karen Fabian
Email ****@barebonesyoga.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 4.8KTwitter 12.6KInstagram 5.5K Avg Length 51 min Since Jul 2018 Get Email Contact
5. Yoga With Jake Podcast
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My name is Jake Panasevich, and I'm a yoga teacher with a focus on teaching men and athletes - from your everyday dad to professional athletes. And I'm also a lifestyle science journalist and I link my yoga practice and habits to evidence-based medicine, outcomes, and research. Which honestly, often gets lost in yoga practice.MORE Producer/Network Jake Panasevich
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Instagram 4.1K Avg Length 69 min Get Email Contact
6. Sober Yoga Girl
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Alex McRobs, known as Sober Yoga Girl, is a former party girl turned international yoga teacher and sober lifestyle coach. Originally from Canada, Alex spent her twenties partying in Dubai, the land of bottomless brunch and unlimited drinks. Alex now supports other women in finding spirituality and sobriety through Sober Girls Yoga - which is part of The Mindful Life Practice, an international online yoga community she founded. In this podcast Alex will offer weekly episodes with insight into her life and journey, including stories, strategies, and sometimes with special guests...MORE Host Alexandra McRobert
Producer/Network Alex McRobert
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 854Twitter 113Instagram 20.5K Avg Length 33 min Since Feb 2021 Get Email Contact
7. Let's Talk Yoga
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Arundhati is an immigrant Indian yoga teacher, living in the US. She's grown a 6 figure yoga business singlehandedly. Self-taught, hardworking, and passionate, she's changing the yoga conversation to include more Indian yoga teachers. This podcast covers topics like cultural appropriation of yoga, yoga teacher training, practicing yoga in business, and much more...MORE Host Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Producer/Network Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Email ****@letstalk.yoga
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 245Instagram 6K Avg Length 33 min Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
8. Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast
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Information, support, and inspiration for yoga teachers. Topics include the business of yoga, teaching skills, philosophy, ethical and legal considerations, and more.
Producer/Network Mado Hesselink
Email ****@teachingyoga.net
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 4.2KInstagram 5.8K Avg Length 33 min Get Email Contact
9. Yoga Teacher Training Podcast
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Whether you want to teach yoga or not, the best way to learn and uncover all of the incredible benefits yoga has to offer is to learn like a teacher. Based on 11yrs and 7000hrs of experience, in this podcast you'll learn the history, philosophy, in-depth anatomy, meditation, sequencing, cueing, business and everything that goes into both teaching and practicing in great yoga classes.MORE Host Jeremy Devens
Producer/Network Jeremy Devens
Email ****@quietmind.yoga
Apple Rating 5/5Instagram 2.1K Avg Length 38 min Get Email Contact
10. Yoga Evolved Podcast
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Yoga teacher and event organizer Jamie Rylett talks to insightful people on all things yoga-related, from business to philosophy, to wellness and spirituality. Yoga Evolved aims to inspire more people to roll out the mat and start living happy, healthier, more fulfilled lives.MORE Host Jamie Rylett
Producer/Network Jamie Rylett
Email ****@yogaevolved.co.uk
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 1KInstagram 1.3K Avg Length 89 min Get Email Contact
11. Amy McDonald
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A weekly conversation for Yoga teachers and holistic practitioners who are looking to create abundant business. Through this podcast Amy McDonald shares systems and techniques that helps you grow your Yoga business.MORE Host Amy McDonald
Producer/Network Amy McDonald
Email ****@amymcdonald.com.au
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 4.1KInstagram 12K Avg Length 40 min Get Email Contact
12. YogaFaith
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YogaFaith is an internationally accredited Christian Yoga Association Master School offering classes, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings at the 200, 300 and 500 hour levels. We also offer numerous specialty trainings and continued education.MORE Producer/Network Michelle Thielen
Email ****@yogafaith.org
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 19.1KInstagram 24K Avg Length 27 min Get Email Contact
13. The Yogipreneur
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Welcome to the Yogipreneur Podcast, brought to you by Digital Yoga Academy - the leader in business and marketing education for yoga teachers worldwide.The Yogipreneur is for entrepreneurial yoga teachers who want to stop the hustle and overwhelm and instead create more income, freedom, and success.MORE Producer/Network The Yogipreneur: Business and Marketing for Yoga Teachers
Email ****@digitalyogaacademy.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 9.5KTwitter 30Instagram 18K Avg Length 32 min Get Email Contact
14. The Unapologetic Entrepreneur
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How would it feel to unapologetically chase YOUR definition of success? I'm on a mission to do this and I want you to come along with me in becoming an Unapologetic Entrepreneur. This is someone who has defined or is on the path to defining success on their terms and is committed to setting boundaries and making progress towards achieving that success…without any apologies. Pop in those earbuds so we can explore topics such as success, goals, mindset, marketing and money. You will walk away inspired through stories and ready to take action through clearly defined steps...MORE Producer/Network Amanda McKinney
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 29 min Get Email Contact
15. Beyond Yoga Teacher Training
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Yoga teacher training is a great place to lay a foundation. It's beyond the completion of the training where teachers really learn and grow through the 'real-time' act and experiences of teaching. Join host, Sandy Raper, who will share from two decades of experience as a yoga teacher. In each episode, Sandy will explore topics and invite conversations with guests, to provide inspiration, encouragement, and tools to support you in your yoga practice, your journey as a yoga teacher...and beyond.MORE Producer/Network Sandy Raper
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 664Instagram 1.5K Avg Length 32 min Get Email Contact
16. The Connected Yoga Teacher with Shannon Crow
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Listen to this podcast which helps yoga teachers to stay connected to information, entrepreneur advice and a community of supportive yoga teachers and professionals.
Host Shannon Crow
Producer/Network Shannon Crow (she/her)
Email ****@theconnectedyogateacher.com
Facebook 4.3KInstagram 5.6K Avg Length 68 min Since Feb 2017 Get Email Contact
17. Making a living as a yoga teacher post pandemic
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Fill your classes, workshops, and online offerings, and make a sustainable income from teaching yoga. A new series of podcasts to help you get your yoga teaching off the ground. Bite-size, 10-20 minute tips, support, stories, and (hopefully) inspiration for any yoga teacher who is struggling financially, perhaps finding their confidence being sapped and feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to make their dream of making a living as a yoga teacher actually work.MORE Producer/Network Shona Garner
Email ****@yoginiors.co.uk
Facebook 177 Avg Length 15 min Get Email Contact
18. The Mentor Sessions
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This podcast is for yoga teachers and explores the craft of teaching yoga, as its own practice. We love asking questions about why we teach something the way we do, how we could be more expansive and inclusive in our teaching, and how we can continue to grow and evolve in our teaching practice. Occasionally we veer into other topics that affect the yoga teaching profession more broadly like marketing, unionizing and vaccines.MORE Producer/Network Francesca Cervero
Email ****@francescacervero.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Twitter 587Instagram 787 Avg Length 48 min Get Email Contact
19. M.B.Om
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Mastering the Business of Yoga (M.B.Om) is a podcast for yoga teachers interested in learning more about the business side of yoga and creating thriving and sustainable yoga teaching careers.MORE Host Amanda Kingsmith
Producer/Network Amanda Kingsmith
Email ****@mbomyoga.com
Apple Rating 4.8/5Facebook 1.4KInstagram 4.3K Avg Length 51 min Since Jan 2016 Get Email Contact
20. Yoga Teacher's Aide
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Yoga teachers are busy. Whether you are just starting your business or are an established teacher with full classes, Yoga Teacher's Aide offers free and paid resources to help you stay on your 'A-game. Episode topics include the business of yoga, teaching skills, and more.MORE Producer/Network Yoga Teacher's Aide
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 93Twitter 266 Avg Length 10 min Get Email Contact
21. J. Brown Yoga Thoughts
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The Blogcast. Celebrating 10 years of 800 words per month, written and now read aloud by J. Brown, influential independent yoga teacher at the forefront of the slow yoga renaissance. J navigates coming into his adulthood alongside yoga becoming mainstream and ends up leading the way in what is at once both a revolution and return to the ancients roots of yoga.MORE Host J. Brown Yoga
Producer/Network J. Brown
Email ****@jbrownyoga.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Facebook 5.2KTwitter 1.8K Avg Length 8 min Get Email Contact
22. The Kids Yoga Podcast
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The place for all things kids yoga! Join Jessica Mougis (Founder of Jem Yoga NYC and kid's yoga teacher for over ten years) as she shares her knowledge of sharing yoga with children. She also interviews kid's yoga teachers, business owners, and innovators leading the way in the kid's yoga field. Parents, teachers, yogis, non-yogis are all welcome here!MORE Producer/Network Jessica Mougis
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 493Instagram 2.7K Avg Length 38 min Since Jan 2020 Get Email Contact
Yoga Teacher shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | Twitter Followers | |
J. Brown | Host | jbrownyoga.com/yoga-talks-podcast | @jbrownyoga | 1.8K | ||
Jason Crandell | Co Host | jasonyoga.com/yogaland-podcast | 25 | @jason_crandell | 3.4K | |
Andrea Ferretti | Co Host | jasonyoga.com/yogaland-podcast | 25 | @arosiegirl | 480 | |
Karen Fabian | Host, Founder | barebonesyoga.com/category/podcast | 38 | |||
Alexandra McRobert | Host | soberyogagirl.buzzsprout.com | 62 | @alexmcrobs | 116 | |
Arundhati Baitmangalkar | Host and Founder | letstalk.yoga/listen | 19 | |||
Jeremy Devens | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yogateachertraining | 8 | |||
Jamie Rylett | Yoga Teacher / Motivational Speaker / Podcast Host | yogaevolved.co.uk/podcast | ||||
Amy McDonald | Host and Producer | amymcdonald.com.au/abundantyogateacherpodcasts | 30 | @amyyogabizcoach | 52 | |
Shannon Crow | Host & Founder | theconnectedyogateacher.com/podcast | 28 | @yogaontario | 227 | |
Amanda Kingsmith | Host | mbomyoga.com/category/show-notes | 24 | @amandakingsmith | 209 | |
J. Brown Yoga | Host | jbrownyoga.com/yoga-thoughts-podcast | 17 | @jbrownyoga | ||
Rachel Brathen | yogagirl.com/podcast | 166 | @rachelbrathen | 32.4K | ||
Shona Garner | yoginiors.co.uk/podcast | 41 | ||||
Jake Panasevich | podcast.yogawithjake.com | 29 | ||||
Amanda McKinney | amandamckinney.com/podcast | 29 | ||||
Mado Hesselink | teachingyoga.net/podcast | 20 | ||||
The Yogipreneur: Business and Marketing for Yoga T | digitalyogaacademy.com/podcast | 20 | @digitalyogaacad | 30 | ||
Sandy Raper | sandyraper.com/podcast | 18 | ||||
Michelle Thielen | soundcloud.com/yogafaith | 13 | ||||
Francesca Cervero | francescacervero.libsyn.com | 7 | @fcerveroyoga | 587 | ||
Shona | yoginiors.co.uk/podcast | 4 | ||||
Francesca Cevero | francescacervero.libsyn.com | 1 | @fcerveroyoga | 587 |
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