40 Best Child Abuse Podcasts
Child Abuse Podcasts
Here are 40 Best Child Abuse Podcasts worth listening to in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Play All Episodes Follow All1. Suffer the Little Children
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A true-crime podcast giving voices back to the victims of child abuse and shining a harsh spotlight on the parents, guardians, and caretakers who silenced them.
Host Laine Hisset
Producer/Network Suffer the Little Children
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 4.6/5Facebook 16KTwitter 1.1KInstagram 2.5K Avg Length 58 min Since Feb 2020 Get Email Contact Get Influential Podcasters ContactsGet access to 100k active Podcasters, Influencers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the categories of Podcasters you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share active Podcasters list with verified email contacts in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Stop Child Abuse Now
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Monday to Friday's 'Stop Child Abuse Now' feature trauma informed hosts and Co-hosts and respected child abuse prevention, intervention and recovery advocates. They're all volunteers members of the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA), a 501(c)3.The single purpose is to address issues related to childhood abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect from two specific perspectives: 1) educating the public, and 2) offering hope for healing and services to adult survivors.MORE Producer/Network NAASCA ORG
Email ****@aol.com
Apple Rating 4.5/5Facebook 4.6KTwitter 610Instagram 413 Avg Length 82 min Since Jan 2020 Get Email Contact
3. One in Ten
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Engaging the brightest minds working to solve one of the world's toughest challenges child abuse. Join us for conversations with leading experts on science, law, medicine, morality, and messaging. This podcast is brought to you by the National Children's Alliance, the largest network of care centers in the U.S. serving child victims of abuse.MORE Host Teresa Huizar
Producer/Network National Children's Alliance
Email ****@nca-online.org
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 465 Avg Length 42 min Get Email Contact
4. Radio Kempe
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Radio Kempe is here to connect you with the information you need to tackle current issues. Join us as we talk about difficult topics. Help us as we test assumptions to disrupt traditional ways of thinking. Get curious, tune in, and join us on the journey to prevent child abuse and neglect every month of the year! Do you have a topic that you would like to hear from Radio Kempe?MORE Producer/Network The Kempe Center
Email ****@ucdenver.edu
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 475 Avg Length 37 min Get Email Contact
5. Kept Secrets
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Hi, my name is Nikki. In this podcast, I will try to help you if you are a survivor of childhood abuse (sexual, neglect, or any other type of abuse.) I will discuss the treatment that I went through and the things that happened to me that caused me to need treatment. Hopefully, you will find something useful to apply to your life. Stay tuned!MORE Host Nikki R.
Producer/Network Nikki R.
Email ****@yahoo.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5 Avg Length 54 min Get Email Contact
6. Beyond Surviving with Rachel Grant
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Welcome to Beyond Surviving, the safe space for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to receive support, resources, and share their stories. Beyond Surviving is about freedom, healing, connection, and even laughter and fun. Most importantly, it's about letting go of the pain of abuse and finally moving on!MORE Producer/Network Rachel Grant
Email ****@rachelgrantcoaching.com
Apple Rating 4.9/5Twitter 810Instagram 2.3K Avg Length 11 min Get Email Contact
7. DCAC Teaming Against Trauma
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Welcome to Teaming Against Trauma, brought to you by Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center (DCAC). With each episode, you'll hear conversations between our staff and various agencies also fighting trauma in our community. We hope these conversations will expand your understanding of Child Advocacy Centers as well as inspire you to take the actions we all can in understanding trauma and preventing abuse.MORE Producer/Network Kay Phillips Child Advocacy Center
Email ****@dorchestercac.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 2.3KInstagram 1.1K Avg Length 36 min Get Email Contact
8. DCS Talks
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DCS Talks, is a podcast production of the Tennessee Department of Children's Services. The intention of DCS Talks is to promote dialogue among child welfare professionals, foster parents and the entire community about ways to prevent child abuse and neglect.MORE Producer/Network DCSTalks
Email ****@tn.gov
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 23 min Get Email Contact
9. NRCAC Team Talk
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Every day, professionals from Children's Advocacy Centers and Multidisciplinary Teams do incredible work to help children and families heal from the trauma of child abuse. NRCAC's Team Talk podcast highlights the efforts of these heroes throughout the northeast region and across the United States.MORE Producer/Network Northeast Regional Children's Advocacy Center
Email ****@nrcac.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 872 Avg Length 46 min Get Email Contact
10. Louder Than Silence
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Join us on the Louder than Silence podcast to hear stories from survivors of child abuse and neglect as well as experts in the fields of policy, public health, and pediatrics. Together, we're ending child abuse and neglect by uniting voices and being Louder than Silence. MORE Producer/Network EndCAN
Email ****@endcan.org
Apple Rating 4.3/5Facebook 3.9KTwitter 1.1KInstagram 964 Avg Length 34 min Get Email Contact
11. TELL The Everyday Life Lesson
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Join in to listen to the podcast Based on the bestselling book: BROKEN SILENCE - living a life of passion and purpose after sexual abuse - A dancer's story.
Producer/Network Jean Dorff
Email ****@dmcbcoaching.com
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 111Instagram 697 Avg Length 44 min Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
12. St. Louis Family Court Corruption
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This Podcast will highlight many of the injustices in the St. Louis Metropolitan Family Courts. This will include how Guardian Ad Litems abuse their power to charge enormous fees, yet will not provide the billing statements, and also how they ignore laws and evidence. It also will provide testimony from parents whose children have been abused and ignored, despite police, and social service reports supporting child abuse. This Podcast will highlight many of these issues to change our legal system to help our child and family court system.MORE Producer/Network Executive Enterprises
Avg Length 65 min Get Email Contact
13. One Voice Makes A Difference with Janet Swanson
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Janet Swanson shares the raw but real stories of social workers, orphans, prisoners, and those who suffered from childhood abuse or neglect. Tune in each week to One Voice Makes A Difference to hear Janet as she seeks to bring insight or to hear Janet bring insight to these everyday issues that the Christian church has neglected to discuss to show Christ's love and healing to all who have been abused.MORE Producer/Network Janet Swanson
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 2.1K Avg Length 52 min Get Email Contact
14. Survivor Sanctuary
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More than 20% of churchgoers are survivors of childhood sexual abuse, but sadly, the church is the last place that most victims of abuse feel safe to go for help. I'm Kelly Downing, a survivor, and advocate who wants to see that change. Survivor Sanctuary is a podcast for survivors of sexual abuse who are navigating the road to healing, and for anyone who wants to be a part of the major heart renovation the church needs so that our faith communities can truly become sanctuaries for survivors.MORE Host Kelly Downing
Producer/Network Kelly Downing
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 43 min Since Aug 2019 Get Email Contact
15. Courage Zone
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I will be discussing my story about Childhood sexual abuse from a male's perspective.I will also be talking about resources and where males and or females could go to be heard.
Host Sergio Muzlera
Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 28 min Get Email Contact
16. 'Sherapy' With Sheri Todd
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'Sherapy' is a podcast and Sheri Todd is not a therapist or a psychiatrist. She doesn't even like yoga! She is a survivor of child sexual and physical abuse who has a story to tell. And like most survivors, Sheri grew up with a self-hate for herself. And throughout her life, she had to learn how to care for and love herself as much as she did for others. Sheri calls it 'Sherapy'. Listen as Sheri shares inspiring and motivational stories she hopes will help in healing and encourage self-compassion.MORE Host Sheri Todd
Producer/Network Irishtoddy Productions
Email ****@yahoo.com
Facebook 125Twitter 2 Avg Length 4 min Since Jan 2019 Get Email Contact
17. Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse With Kathy Andersen
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Overcoming Child Sexual Abuse is a positive and uplifting series to help overcome the struggles that remain in our adult lives from experiences of child sexual abuse. Join Kathy Andersen, award-winning self-development author and survivor of childhood sexual abuse.MORE Producer/Network Kathy Andersen
Email ****@kathyandersen.com
Apple Rating 4.7/5Facebook 10.7KTwitter 2.6KInstagram 1.5K Avg Length 62 min Get Email Contact
18. The CHI Podcast
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This podcast was created by the CEO of The Children's Healing Institute, Sandra Munoz. The Children's Healing Institute, or as we like to call it- CHI, is a nonprofit organization located in Palm Beach County, Florida. Our organization's mission is to end child abuse through our 3 programs.MORE Producer/Network Sandy Munoz
Email ****@childrenshealinginstitute.org
Apple Rating 5/5Facebook 2.1KTwitter 638Instagram 1.1K Avg Length 22 min Get Email Contact
19. Promoting Resilience
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TRANSFORM (Translational Research that Adapts New Science FOR Maltreatment) is a national resource center that coresearcheshild abuse and neglect (CAN). In our podcast, experts and practitioners who work in the child maltreatment field will discuss a wide range of topics, including advice for parents and caregivers to protect children, prevent abuse, utilize findings from current studies, and intervene to improve children's lives.MORE Producer/Network The TRANSFORM Research Center
Email ****@urmc.rochester.edu
Apple Rating 5/5Twitter 326 Avg Length 39 min Get Email Contact
20. Pearl's Purpose From A Broken Girl To A Black Butterfly
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My podcast is about unleashing the inner child in myself sharing my truth about sexual, mental, and physical abuse. My goal is to heal myself by exposing myself and healing others at the same time. I want every person who has buried their secrets to come out and help save themselves and others at the same time.MORE Producer/Network Valencia Russell
Email ****@gmail.com
Apple Rating 5/5 Avg Length 7 min Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
21. Child Abuse & Recovery
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Join me to listen to my childhood abuse story. The story leading to how I overcame.
Producer/Network Darlene J. Clark
Apple Rating 3.2/5 Avg Length 30 min Since Oct 2019 Get Email Contact
22. Pieces of a broken childhood
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Mysterious life... Child abuse, any abuse, Sexual abuse from age 5 by a family member. Verbal, physical, and sexual abuse by stepfather from age 7-14. Meeting the man (rapist) that I came from. Learning about half-sister by that man. Suicide. Abuse to my daughter by her stepfather. Sharing painful stories to help others. Justice, awareness. Stop the shame. Putting the pieces back together. My life: good, bad, ugly. The strength I've found through horrific struggles.MORE Host SheReal
Producer/Network SheReal
Apple Rating 3.8/5 Avg Length 10 min Since Apr 2019 Get Email Contact
23. The Survivors
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A podcast about people who have lived through traumatic experiences. I've called this show The Survivors because I believe people that continue to strive on in spite of their traumatic experiences, are Survivors. This place is for people to come together and feel that they are not alone. This place is to educate people on the dramatic effects a traumatic event can have on mental health. Your host is Thomas Durham, a survivor of child abuse. I will speak about the physical, sexual, & emotional abuse. Addiction & topics that are disturbing by nature.MORE Producer/Network Thomas Durham
Avg Length 60 min Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
24. Promise to Protect Podcast
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The Secretariat for Child and Youth Protection is a resource for dioceses/eparchies for implementing safe environment programs and offering support and healing to victims/survivors of child sexual abuse. Interested in staying up-to-date with current trends in child protection and victim assistance? Join the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection for monthly podcasts featuring experts from fields including prevention, pastoral care of victim/survivors, safe environment training, and more.MORE Email ****@usccb.org
Facebook 306.5KTwitter 209.4KInstagram 144.9K Avg Length 27 min Since Feb 2018 Get Email Contact
25. Now Sober Podcasts
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Now Sober is dedicated to building a community that helps people understand the connection between childhood abuse and addiction, so they can stop their destructive behavior and embrace freedom from past trauma and shame.MORE Email ****@nowsobercoach.com
Avg Length 53 min Get Email Contact
26. Treasures For Trauma
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On Treasures For Trauma, Inc. podcast we talk about the residual effects of childhood trauma, share our testimonies and triumphs over experiencing childhood abuse, oppose bad child laws, propose and support good legislation for child safety, explore and expose issues regarding today's youth and thereby build a strong community of support for survivors and children.MORE Producer/Network RANEE JONES
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter 1Instagram 1.1K Avg Length 34 min Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
27. A Voice for the Kids
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A CHILD USA podcast discussing how adults can keep children safe and where society has failed to protect kids. CHILD USA is the leading national nonprofit think tank working to end child abuse and neglect in the United States. CHILD USA engages in high-level legal, social science, and medical research and analysis to derive the best public policies to end child abuse and neglect in America.MORE Producer/Network CHILD USA
Avg Length 36 min Get Email Contact
28. Post Survivor, The Podcast
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So you've survived sexual violence as a child or as an adult, and you're ready to move beyond recovery, throw off shame, and thrive. This is life post survival. Join host Kelly, an ex-Evangelical, childhood sexual abuse survivor, as she explores faith, healing, identity, and moving beyond the past.MORE Producer/Network Kelly
Avg Length 35 min Since Oct 2020 Get Email Contact
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Join me, multi-disciplinary artist, Ingrid D Johnson, as I explore and discuss what healing looks like, after the trauma of childhood sexual abuse. Experience different stages of my journey as I share memories from my childhood, adolescents, and adulthood. From remembering flashbacks of the abuse, living in the child welfare system, and learning to overcome the impact of the abuse on my adult life. Listen to live interviews with various guests connected to my journey. Join me, weekly, as I share clips from my upcoming memoirs, one episode at a time.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 1.7KTwitter 6.2K Avg Length 15 min Since Jul 2020 Get Email Contact
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This podcast is created to address the issue of childhood sexual abuse and the devastating after-effects on children and adults. We invite you along on this journey of discovery and healing.
Producer/Network Sandra Wright
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 349 Avg Length 27 min Since May 2020 Get Email Contact
31. Beyond the Jargon
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An enormous amount of time, money, effort, and good intentions goes into scientific research. But all too often the results aren't shared or effectively communicated with those beyond the ivory tower of academia. The goal of Beyond the Jargon is to make academic research more accessible to a wider audience. Host Karen Albright engages listeners in a series of conversations designed to translate scientific research and explore from a data-driven perspective.MORE Producer/Network EndCAN
Email ****@endcan.org
Facebook 3.9KTwitter 1.1KInstagram 964 Avg Length 33 min Get Email Contact
32. Disclosed
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Disclosed: The Children in the Pictures is an 8-part series that powerfully examines how child abuse has become endemic online, and what we can all do to fight it. Binge the whole series for free by searching 'Disclosed' wherever you get your podcasts and click on Season 1.MORE Producer/Network LiSTNR
Email ****@LiSTNR.com
Avg Length 33 min Get Email Contact
33. Angie...On The Road to Recovery!
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The Angie File is the stories of a life long journey taken by Angie Bagwell through a time of abuse from those she loved. From the time she was a small child until her adult years, she has been haunted by sex abuse and mental trauma. Her hope for this podcast is to let those who are now being traffic for sex or abused that is always loving hope if you never give up!MORE Email ****@positivemindtherapy.com
Facebook 199Twitter 67 Avg Length 20 min Since Jul 2019 Get Email Contact
34. Telling Your Story As A Path To Healing
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I stumbled upon a means of healing my broken heart and crushed spirit by telling my story of my childhood sexual abuse. The world's advice had been, just get over it. God's advice was to share it and write it all down, for anyone to read. This was my deliverance and turning point back from chaos and dysfunction. The fog I lived in for many years has cleared and I am free to pursue, overtake, and recover all that the enemy has stolen from me.MORE Producer/Network Deborah Mayers
Facebook 20 Avg Length 12 min Since Mar 2018 Get Email Contact
35. Sexual Abuse during Childhood
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How do you face or deal with the abuse that was done to you as a child? We all need to be encouraged and stick together through these types of situations. Never think you are alone! I am here, we are here for each other.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Avg Length 10 min Since May 2020 Get Email Contact
36. Dren's talk about child abuse
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In my podcast, I talk about the global problems with child abuse and why we need to stop it. I will be having a few other guests to talk about this problem and see their point of view.
Producer/Network Dren
Avg Length 5 min Since Jun 2020 Get Email Contact
37. #Childrentoo?
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They can scar my body but not my voice. Six Survivors of child sexual abuse have decided to speak up against child sexual abuse. They are ready to share their story about childhood abuse with the world. The intention behind it is not to instill fear in the people but to inspire the world to speak up and not remain silent. Through this podcast, they will be bursting the myths related to sexual abuse of children and also bringing to the table preventive measures that can be undertaken by society to curb the evil.MORE Producer/Network Megha Bhatia
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 4.7KTwitter 309Instagram 2.4K Avg Length 16 min Since Jan 2020 Get Email Contact
38. Colorado Child Abuse & Neglect Attorney Training
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This podcast series explores issues relevant to child abuse & neglect attorneys as well as for a wider audience interested in the intersection of child welfare and the judicial system. Hear child welfare and judicial professionals discuss topics such as ICWA and 'timeliness to permanency' in order to gain a wider perspective that will facilitate better outcomes for all involved.MORE Producer/Network Podcast Series
Avg Length 39 min Get Email Contact
39. Exposing All Forms Of Child Abuse
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The Pukiche Girl Child Foundation, a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that focuses on Educating, Protecting, and Empowering girls irrespective of religion or culture. A girl's Right Advocate, Rescues girls from exploitations and any form of Abuse/gender-based violence. TPGCFoundation, a member of the Child Protection Network, Nigeria (CPN, Birthed by UNICEF), Lagos State Chapter. Join us as we expose Abuses children face on a daily basis.MORE Producer/Network The Pukiche Foundation
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook 394Twitter 42Instagram 279 Avg Length 11 min Since Sep 2020 Get Email Contact
Child Abuse shows hosts and producers
Podcaster Name | Role | Podcast Link | Total Episodes | Twitter Handle | |
Laine Hisset | Host | sufferthelittlechildrenpod.com | 35 | ||
Teresa Huizar | Host | oneintenpodcast.org/episodes | 1 | ||
Nikki R. | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/keptsecrets | 5 | ||
Kelly Downing | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/survivorsanctuary | 12 | @healingwithkel | |
Sergio Muzlera | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/arelsum-oigres | 29 | ||
Sheri Todd | Host | sherapywithsheritodd.com | 23 | ||
SheReal | Host | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tweety-ischeryl69 | 3 | ||
NAASCA ORG | blogtalkradio.com/naasca | 119 | |||
Rachel Grant | shows.acast.com/beyond-surviving | 36 | |||
Susan Chesnutt | thechesnuttlawfirm.com/podcasts | 35 | |||
Janet Swanson | onevoicemakesadifference.libsyn.com/website | 31 | |||
The Disrupters Network | spreaker.com/podcast/angie-on-the-road-to-recovery-lighting-the-way--3641869 | 13 | @Angie98301985 | ||
Kathy Andersen | buzzsprout.com/1768246 | 10 | @Kathy_Andersen | ||
The Pukiche Foundation | tpgcfoundation.org/podcast | 6 | @ThePukicheGirl | ||
EndCAN | endcan.org/beyondthejargon | 6 | @endcanorg | ||
Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center | feeds.buzzsprout.com/1837037 | 5 | |||
The Kempe Center | radiokempe.buzzsprout.com | 5 | |||
Valencia Russell | podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/valencia-russell6 | 3 | |||
Northeast Regional Children's Advocacy Center | nrcac.libsyn.com | 2 | |||
The TRANSFORM Research Center | thetransformcenter.libsyn.com/website | 1 | @thetransformctr | ||
Executive Enterprises | stlouisfamilycourtcorruption.podbean.com | 1 |
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